Sunday, December 30, 2007

passive learner

although there are many way to reach knowledge, i would like to say, even we actively read news papers, books, magazines, we still are a passive learner.

Why? because we are not THINK about what we read.

The reading is just a medium to the content, the idea.

a active learner should actively dig deep into a topic and try to get a first hand news. from those data he found, and puzzle up the fact. he just don't listen and believe by one source.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

one family one child

if it is so, how come china population still increased??

it should be cut half!!! how come?

in 1977, 8.12, the one child policy was put in law.

in late 90s, the first 1 child generation is good for marriage.

however, Beijing found that if not enough people, the country will die quickly. so they changed.

if both parent are the only child, they can make 2 child.

in some area, if the first child is girl, than the parent can make another child.

so, in pure mathematical sense, the population is still decreased only.


I have been studying science for 12 years. In these years, I was always afraid of the Earth will die soon because of different factors: pollutions by human beings, shortage of power resources, wars....

Beause of the above factors, I sometimes ask a question to myself: "If all the things including human being are doomed to be annihilated in the future, is there still any value of surviving? (I don\'t mean you should go to hell immediately!)


my opinion is, the world is toward to a better place, but still has room to improve and many challenges to tackle.

look back the previous 100 years or 200 years, think about it, the world is.... more or less like hell. (i mean for human, not for the nature)

first, the living quality and quantity, were great improved. imagine you are living in 100 years ago. you cannot choose what you like to do, if you are growth up in a farming family, you must be a farmer when you grow up. the government only give you a right to live, but not guarantee you live healthy! in the middle of 20th country, there are great inflation. now a day, our economic growth steady, thank you economists.

check this wiki below.

yes, i agree, that pollution is the most urgent problems. well instead of regret what we've done, how about use our brain to re-create the world again, just like the Soviet Union (it is a good try ever in human society, when Lenin can make people believe private property is guilty, i cannot imagine how "impossible" can be found in dictionary.) there is many new technology innovation happen to make our world jump across the pollution. there is a first wind power cargo ship, Beluga SkySails. Toshiba just promote a micro nuclear plan for industry and public estate. California plan to use wave power. New solar cell, Nanosolar. MARS( Magenn Air Rotor System ) is close to commercial usage. in British, they just propose a plan to make 2% power from wind. the world is getting better and better.

Ok, there is only 1/3 of people living in developed countries and start to embrace the earth friendly energy sources and politic, 1/3 in China and India just started there engines to move toward industrial age. and the rest, mostly in Africa and South America, people are finding other way out. like Brazil, they use crop to feed their car.

all in all, the world become better is base on Adam smith, the writer of wealth of nation. when the global trading become more and more, the free moving market will drive us to a better place. the polluted nations will be affected by others, (look at the Beijing Olympic 2008, global concern very much on the air quality, this make china government concern too) .the poor countries will be helped by the rich, (see the WTO effort in the past decade, they do made thing better!!! although little) the Adam Smith's invisible hand is rolling our world to a better place.

beside the progress toward Utopia, human still struggle with the idea of "Nation" "Religion" and "lack concern of the nature"

i think, in the next century, human will be great concern of the nature first, than The Broken of Religion, and finally there is only 1 nation, the earth.

now, with the climate change rapidly, and change our living style so great. we have forced to facing the problem, in European, the new generation is learning and practicing how to recycle, reuse and replace.

later, since the technology and science, mainly on neuroscience and psychology, we will know ourself and know how to live happier, found out our meaning for living. Religion will absorpted into Philosophy and history.

finally, by the global trading, the broader of Nations will be vanish. we can look back european union history.

"If all the things including human being are doomed to be annihilated in the future, is there still any value of surviving?"

my answer is, this question does not make any sense for me. cos live should move forward. by the way, if the human society are doomed, like the movie "i ma legend" i think i have no meaning to survive, (that's why i use facebook, i need to make connection with friend) if the scenario is like "the world after tmr" only little group of people survived. there is still motivation to live! for the others, for the future. ok, i should feed me-self fat before the climate suddenly go bad.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

人格測驗 II

如果自我是由不同的角度所組成, 不妨邀請朋友代你做心理測驗. 由此, 可以了解別人是如何看自己.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 in Hong Kong

it is good idea to copy the in Hong Kong. anyway, it is a good try.

another similar idea is: instead of borrow and loan, try insurance!

user can costumes their insurance plane, and let the other user to secure their insurance.

HKU vs HKUST (location)

every time, i go to HKU, and later , come back to UST, i feel that HKU is more like a university than UST. 

HKU locate closer to the urban area. that mean, it closer to the society, closer to the people. that make me feel HKU students are ready to be enrolled in the city.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Repeated infomation

Via internet, we are very easy to get information in second. In Google news, try to copy a short sentence and search it in google, you will find that, there are many same sentence, expressing the same idea!! people are copy cat! (to avoid it, i suggest search engine also pop out the first page, the original page that those copies come from.)

That make me sick, bored and dis-spirated (anti-inspirated). when i open my browser, go to check out the world, i found that the hottest issue occupied most internet-space. ok, that's not bad, until all around are expressing the same idea, nothing new! if i want to get more inside, internet will disappoint me. (is it my searching skill not good enough?)

moreover, although things happened everyday are different, but more or less, media are saying some similar ideas, obvious and naive ideas. is any insiders there? or just another point of view? when reading foreigner news, you can hardly, but exist, find one or two article on the same issue with different value. however, in Hong Kong, people are so unbelievably synchronous into 1 or 2, not more than 3 groups. 

if there are already lot of post on the same thing, i would like to save my word until i have different point of view, gucci view~

ONLY Trust the DATA, nothing else

When reading books, or magazine, or anything, i found that there are so many GUESS, more that reasoning. Most guesses will covered by fake - reasoning, based on so called theory or data. 

Data, there are so many data, most of them cannot be trust, especially those are second handed. 

Theory is developed on data. Only reliable theory based on first hand data, which cannot be double ( i assume the first hand data extracted from scientific method). However, since theory based on data, when data changed, the theory should be modified or throw away. 

a reliable statement can only be constructed from reliable data and valid theories. Any thing beyond above, can be classified as a guess, an imagination.

Thus, when facing a problem, only limited theories and real data can be used as a guide. That make people valuable, and so far, computer cannot replace us. 

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Free mind Travel II

思想貧乏, 欠缺刺激, 沒有更深的體會, 都市化?, 每天重複的活著, 太多資訊, 萬歷十五年, 哲學家的工具箱, 啟發有限, 深層閱讀不足, 填鴨式閱讀, 記憶力下降, 捉不緊閃光般的刺激, 走不出的困局, 只有等待, 帶來無奈, 強自寫下閱讀服告, 別傻, 懶惰, 不思進取, 藉電玩消耗時間, 明知浪費青春, 節制, 四川都卸使給以節制, 明代官僚制度, age of empires iii the Asian dynasty, japan shogun, ming army, the forbidden army, 禁衛軍, a translation, 古代, 哲學, 既然古代哲學討論的範疇已經同今日的有很大分別, 是否反映人性已有所改變? 問題, 解答, yahoo knowledge, research group, 最近看到很多學術獎, 十居其9 是一個獎項頒發於數人, 是否反影人類個體的能力已不足以應付人類(社會)對學術的須要? 是否反影學術界有資源重疊? 廿一世紀是一個前所未有既挑戰, 看歷史書總是輕鬆, 好像所有事都有解答, 一切都是必然發生, 烏托邦只存在於過去, 借古監今, 以何程度? 新經濟政治學說? 我們的新世界? many questions, few answers, union of answers? lack of answer? lack of post, a blog of question, haven't try, too many blogs for me? yahoo knowledge: a question blog, Topic blog? for 1 basic question and answer all it linked, words, sentences, paragraph, essay, different levels, contain lot more, higher than essay? book? beyond book? library? beyond library? union of knowledge? some are knowledge, but most are technique, any different between technique and knowledge? mathematics, account, finance, pure technique? pure knowledge? 哲學, level goes up, contain goes up, linear? non-linear? we are facing our own limit? Olympic, human body, limit. human mind, limit? genetics modification, computer hardware, software, company structure, management, government vs company?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

自卑, 自大

因自卑而自大, 很多人都知. 拙人常三省吾身. 希望能不謙不卑.

看見別人穿上鮮艷衣裳, 立當看看拙人. 以免醜人多八怪, 妹仔大過主人婆. 拙人有數件鮮艷衣裳, 必是滿有自信, 精神飽滿而穿. 自不覺愧.

看見別人拍照閃縮, 立當看看拙人. 是否願意拍照? 因為儀容不端, 有否適當推辭? 能否清楚, 是技術不濟, 或是自顏不正, 以致臉容不美? 如此不美, 能否所然面對?

看見別人席間高談闊論, 立當看看拙人. 以免班門弄斧. 說話是否有自褒, 炫耀之詞? 每當別人提及拙人之事, 能否待之如他人之事, 褒貶得宜?

看見別人跨耀自己, 立當看看拙人. 有否給人自大狂妄之感?

但是, 會否, 因自大而自卑, 自藏呢?

對於拙人來說, 是肯定的.

看見別人穿上黑衣暗衫, 立當看看拙人. 是否已到夕陽之年, 暮氣昏昏?

看見別人拍照雀躍, 立當看看拙人. 是否形相吸引, 恐天下蒼生不知?

看見別人席間默默不語, 立當看看拙人. 是否胸無針半點墨, 沒有興趣分享?

拙人經常充當專家, 事無大小. 事後卻心裡不踏實, 因自大而自卑.....

Sunday, December 09, 2007

citizen's right and reponsibility

today, one women come and want to interview my family. i dun know which organization hold this research, but my mum shut the door quick.

if it is a research group in social science, why not? just few minutes and we can help people know our society better!! that research data may be used in some day later.

if it is a company research, why not? just a few minutes. this action reflect the company do care about the business and want to do better! the final result will benefit us.

by the way, i feel like that. hong kong people used to be a citizen for long long time. we already forget the right and responsibility. when i imagine the ancient time, in Rome, become a citizen is a great deal. not everyone can be a citizen. as a citizen, they do know and care about their right and responsibility. like, they will behave as good as a citizen (honor is the major factor). they will flight for Rome because they are citizen. they will enter the forum, to discuss politic. they will vote. they will pay the tax. not even Rome, in now a day, western countries also behave like this: their citizen know what inside the word "citizen". look at France, American, UK, Germen and Australia.

but now, in hong kong, people think paying the tax is the only responsibility for being a citizen. why? may be they are too busy. may be they think is it none of their business.

well, in home, also. a family member will like to pay money to their women (mostly their mother or their wife) and sit back, watching tv...

is it because of lazy or only focused on short term return? or it is the Chinese way?

Friday, December 07, 2007


the 東方日報 are totally rubbish~

that made me want to made a newspaper, named: 唱唱反調

that's a very interesting idea from Harry Potter. well, most people focus on other things. i do think 唱唱反調 is a very good idea!

let say, from today Finance page:
賣花讚花香: 郭氏三兄弟厚顏無恥----新地:樓市無泡抵到爛

of course, their a lot more on Politic and artists.

TAG for everything in web

this may be a good but also confusing idea. because to tag something, in order to let user easy to find, is not easy.

look one example, in many forum, user post a new topic, and usually, let say, if they are posting a joke, than they will go to the Joke section. how ever, may be this joke also contain some elements as well. in some case, there is a gray section about joke and other topic.

this related to how user classify stuff. OH, this is hard to do even for philosopher.

by the way, some web pages support tag on each stuff. but they do not fully support it in their search engine.

Thursday, December 06, 2007


很多人都會說, 香港人無根, 不知從何以來, 所以不知何以向前...barabara~

以前我都幾buy 這個想法. 但仔細想一想, 發覺其實係d 笨蛋想出來, 安慰自己沒出色既借口.

1, 歷史, 其實有好有懷. 就像一個背包, 如果帶了有用的, 當然好. 帶了有沒用的, 就是一種包袱.但是, 什麼是好, 什麼又是不好, 就難下定論. 所以, 有沒有歷史, 其實並不重要.

2, 既然歷史並不重要, 那我們需要知歷史嗎? well, 與其說歷史, 我寧可說知識 ( 歷史的綜合). 正如學習物理, 其實不必學物理史, 但物理, 其實是物理史的綜合, 前人努力的結果. 所以有知識就可以了.

3, 有了知識, 就可以開創自己的未來.

有人說, 樹若無根, 就不能面對風雨. 我要問, 種子是無根的, 是否種子就不能成長??

其實, 香港人無根, 其實是一種優點. 因為我們能夠走自己的路. 可惜的是, 香港人也無腦~ 面對一張白紙, 不知如何落筆.

如果要講無根, 看看singapore, 看看科大.


要提醒一下, 以上論點, 其實滿是錯誤. 只要反覆思量, 就會有不同結論. 正是如此, gucci proxy 才久未更新.

testing on Google Analytics

added code for site counter.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Time Travel

if our consciousness like computer signal or program, we knew that the same program can run in any platform....

so, although we can not travel in time with our body, how about our consciousness?

Friday, November 23, 2007

memory lost

haven't post any thing for long time, coz.... poor memory...

i am not going to find any excuse, however, for memory, i do have something about it.

memory is full fo Myth, how is work? how come we can memories so many things? how much is our storage? what factor will affect our memory? etc..

ok, those can leave to scientists.

since i have poor memory, i always has a note book in my bag. however, it is not good enough. sometimes, it is not good to write down idea, like in bus, or walking. well, i have tried to record in cell-phone. but, it look like a fool when talking to cell-phone in public, ok, fuck it, i don't care. however, after i recorded somethings, i always lazy to listen again and turn it into some ideas.

now, there is some voice recognized program, it can transform your speak into words. so, if there is a program can listen a voice record, and translate it into word. Woo, please tell me.

by the way,

if time travel is possible, can we re-see the past and have better memory?

Monday, November 12, 2007

LOVE 100

84. 用133打俾佢,佢一「喂」就即刻收線
85. 無情情想嗌佢個名
86. 唔敢走去佢附近
87. 習慣每晚都會睇佢個BLOG
89. 唔想俾佢知道你有男/女朋友
90. 成日開MSN或ICQ既HISTORY回味一下
91. 兩個人獨處時候有DEAD AIR會感到十分尷尬
92. 製造無理要求,睇佢有乜野反應
93. 想知佢鍾意邊一類型既女仔
94. 佢做任何衰野都會幫佢搵藉口
95. 不論內容係乜,SAVE晒佢俾你既SMS
96. 每次就算有正經事搵佢,都會自己緊張一番
97. 佢一講野果陣就豎起耳仔,但係又扮成唔係聽佢講野
98. 特登俾佢知道你有人追
99. 希望佢同佢女/男朋友嗌交
100. 如果你一路睇/聽呢段野一路諗起一個人既時候…啊~你鍾意左佢

Wednesday, November 07, 2007







在某個雞尾酒會上, 張 先生從口袋裡掏出一張千元大鈔,向所有的來賓宣佈﹕

他要將這張千元大鈔拍賣給出價最高的朋友,大家互相競價,以50元為單位,到沒有人再加價為止。出價最高的人只要付給 張 先生他所開的價碼即可獲得這張千元大鈔,但出價第二高的人,雖無法獲得千元大鈔,仍需將他所開的價碼如數付給 張 先生。

這個別開生面的「以錢買錢」的拍賣會,立刻吸引了大家的興趣。開始時,「100元」、「150元」、「200元」的競償聲此起彼落,到價碼抬高到「500元」時, 步調緩和了下來,只剩下三、四個在競價。最後只剩下 王 先生 和林 先生在那裡相持不下。

當 王 先生喊出「950元」時, 張 先生彈一彈他手上的千元大鈔,曖昧地看著 林 先生, 林先生似乎不假思索地脫口而出﹕「1050元!」這時會場裡起了一陣小小的騷動。 張 先生轉而得意地看著 王 先生,等待他加價或者退出, 王先生咬一咬牙說﹕「 2050元!」人群裡起了更大的騷動, 林 先生擺一擺手,喝口雞尾酒,表示退出這個「瘋狂的拍賣會」,大家才鬆了一口氣。結果,王 先生付出「2050元」,買到那張「1000元」鈔票,而 林先生則平白付出了「1050元」。兩人「平分秋色」,各損失的「1050元」都納入了 張 先生的荷包。


這個遊戲是耶魯大學經濟學家蘇必克(M.Shubik)發明的,想拍賣錢的人幾乎屢試不爽地從這拍賣會裡「賺到錢」。它是一個具體而微的「人生陷阱」,參與競價的 林 先生 和王 先生在這個「陷阱」裡越陷越深,不能自拔,最後都付出了痛苦的代價。






社會心理學家泰格(A.Teger)曾對參加「千元大鈔拍賣遊戲」的人加以分析,結果發現掉入「陷阱」的人通常有兩個動機,一是經濟上的、一是人際關係上 的。經濟動機包括渴望贏得那張千元大鈔、想贏回他的損失、想避免更多的損失﹔人際動機包括渴望挽回面子、證明自己是最好的玩家及處罰對手等。











心理學家魯 賓(J.E.Rubin)的建議是﹕











may be, the life of most are boring, everyday work in routine, repeat and repeat.

may be, we can not afford soem huge change in our life.

may be, we hate our routine life but also need the stable income.

may be, we have a lot imagination but no way to express in real life.

Thus, Game comes out to fullfit that missing part in our life. to become something, someone else, just for a while.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


i am a old fashsion guy, i like soap rather than cleaning gel.

when the soap alost used up, it will become very thin and easily break, so waste.

i suggest in the hreat of the soup, we can put a cell inside, so that when the soap almost used up, it has some shape and soem place to stick on it.

well, it looks like a good idea, but, hwo to treat the cell after??

Thursday, November 01, 2007


believe that Benji will not change this .... policy, mind-set, base-line, what ever.....

if hong kong people need the public election for our Chief Executive, may be, there is a way...

which is, we hold a general but not official election first(like telephone interview from mass media), than tell Begin, "that guy will be our favour." than hold the official election, and let some guy pretend to compete which the guy, make a good show!

in case, the guy who is not supported by china, well,....

we pretend we all vote for another guy, who is loved by china, and gave an image to begin that, that guy will be elected. when preforming the election show, we put the real guy, who we are supported, to complete with the fake one, so the outcome will be our guy, not the china's guy. another good show, but.... who dare to do so?

Don't be too Clean!!

Winter is coming in Hong Kong, public raise their concern in health and anti-virus issue. they suggest deep clean in every step of our live. it seem that, start from eyes opened, your mind should occupied by "hygiene" "kill all virus" "bacteria-free zone" etc...

on the other side, some doctors, also remind us not use antigen when being sick, it is because by using those carelessly and un-thoughtful, the remaining virus will become stronger.

that give me some thought: Just don't kill all bacteria around you.
think about this, for the best detergent, it can not kill 100% virus and bacteria, some will be survived. and those keep evolute, those become stronger. who can tell me, guarantee they cannot become something un-death, even feed them with poison like Cl, Ka, etc ???

moreover, majority of public of Hong Kong forget where they come from, and what benefit they has there. in mainland, the rice field, or the farm, when they were small, they played there, which they enrich their virus library inside there body. that's why they are stronger when facing virus type disease, like cold. and lack of allergic problem, because there body has rich information about which bacteria will harm them, and which will not, there T-cell are well trained.

so, just don't be too clean, we are part of the nature, don't build a stupid wall in bewteen and try to pretend we are surpeme.

Friday, October 26, 2007


when i walk into any bookshops, recently, i can found few books were mis-placed.

1, the company, hire their staff with no training, or they just want somebody in that post.
2, the staff, the shopkeeper, or the book keeper, lack of a true common sense, or has some confession about common sense.
3, the bookkeeper, may be, do not love the read book. i am so sad that, if someone ever read few pages, or just look the book deeper than the title, he/she will know where the book should go.
4, the manager is "hea", he/she never check the bookshelf, the check whether his/her labour did a correct job. otherwise, he/she also has some wrong common sense with the book keeper.

this also reflect a major problem or workfroce in hk
1, people has their job is because they need to be feed.
2, Hong Kong is a Big city, but our labour need to work for life! not for their dream!
3, it is the company drive the public, what kind of job they have. the public don't have a fucking choice at all.
4, a total mis-placement in workforce. HK will be hard to be more competitive for hard-working, coz labour in Main-land and India are more cheaper and hard-work.
5, people with dreams! only happen in dream!
6, we are slave, for the capitalism.

To Martin Lee

after reading your article about Olympic Game 2008. i found that your view points are inspiriting. however, the newspapers, Mass media, they only pick up part of your sentences and make biased judgment, that make me feel sad. i guess, not many people will really read your orignal article, instead, they will believe what newspapers conveied.

i suggest, besides of saying No Sorry, you can also remind the public that, some people only pick up part of your words. than, i hope, the public will know who is really doing somethings good for China, for HK.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Free Mind Travel I

Lion, elephant, Africa, yellow grass, umbrella tree, sand, Egypt, ancient Egypt, Pharaoh, Myth, God, Anubis, Dog, relics, antique, Great British Museum, ancient civilization, Rome, war, Caesar, Julius Family, Jupiter, July, Italy, Boring, Colosseum, Circus Maximum, Public forum, World war II, Axis, D-day, death, Honor, Bravery, Victory, Victoria, the queen, London, the Buckingham place, Guard, Horse Guard, ritual, tradition, Japanese, kimono, katana, Samurai, Bushido, Oda Nobunaga, 15th century....

Truth value

i mean, the truth value of a product, a service.

for a product, the truth value may be the (Price - profit) by the retailer.
let say a nike runner, it sell for 100 to a customer, and the profit is 20, so the truth pric is 80.
what this 80 contain? it contains the material price(rubber, cotton,etc), the factory profit, labour wage, transpotation. well, it seem to be able to calculate, but it si not, how to calculate the truth value of labour wage? and also, how to calucalue the truth value of the material price?

depart from those truth price, hwo about the truth price of a service... how to measure?

for most people, the price of a goods is defined from discussion between seller and buyer. yes, this is the market price. not the truth price.

the truth price is somekind of value, absolutly defined the value of a goods or a service, which independ of the location, time or currency but the product itself.

for anexample, the truth value of being an engineer is equal for any engineer (i mean the same kind of engineer in same post, equal among of work), however, the market price of each engineer may be different, because of the company, the socialty, the econmonic power, the demand and supply.

Friday, October 12, 2007

a Queastion!!

Today, one of my friends, he take out the polarizer from hand calculator.

when he put the polarizer horizontally, in front of laptop screen, it transparent, when rotate 90 degree, it becomes dark. trivial.

however, when we flip the polarizer, things inverse. it becomes dark when putting horizontally, and transparent when vertical!!

anyone can explain that??? hint: the light come out from the screen is polarized in some direction.

information about polarizer:

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

wiki - cantonese

wiki is a very powerful web resources. every title will have several different language. even Cantonese's. (oh! oh!oh!)

............. dialect, a good presentation, it is not nessary everything can be written down. conservative.....

Great discovery - a new Species

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo
Species: H. dis-sapiens
Subspecies: H. d. Zombie

how does they look like?
-----they look like human, but decomposing skin, normally don't brush their teeth, and take a shower.

what is their life cycle?
----they bit human, and human will become them in few days or few hours. they die until someone cut their head. oh, i should say, they stop moving, not die, because they are death human. oh, is it impossible to die twice? um... i need to spend more time on this study.

where is there teenager??
----according to my observation, i cannot found any of them in teenage, i guess, may be they need to study in Zobie school, or the director forget to find some.

are they strong??
----yes, they can tear iron fence with no effort. wehn they catch a human, the human can not figth back. but some human can against them, like the girl in the movie.

what do they eat?
----freash meat, according to the website. but it seem that they only eat human.

are they able to obey an order??
---- yes, from resident evil 4, they can listen an order after some medicine. but i guess, they can do so with out it. in the movie, a lot of them hiding in a cargo without making any sound. i think it is very hard to do so, even for human.

where you can see them?
-----in some movie like Resident Evil, some games like Bio-Harazd.

actually, there are a lot different creature un-discover or un-name.

like transformers, X-men, superman, spiderman, batman, and even happytree friends.

How to define the truth value of a currency??

first, there is a price for making currency.

if the price is low than the currency buying power (printed value), everyone will make it by them selve.

if the price is higher than the printed value. than the currency become useless, (in case of the goods is easy to carry), people will trade goods from goods.

so, the idea printed value should be the price of making them.

ok, so, how to found the printed value?? i will think about it.


many people will complain about minibus, because it will be very fast sometimes, that scare people.

well, i have some opposite views.

i like speedy minibus, coz it save my time.

it is safe when it run fast. now a day, the technology can allow them to drive over 120km/h without slipping. but people feel unsafe. ok, so why people don't ban the roller coaster?? minibus is daily transportation! we need them, we need time! why set the stupid 80km/h limit?

and also, think about it. the driver is not mad at all, he know what will happen when accident happened: he may die and leave his family alone; he need to pay for the minibus company; he can not be a driver anymore. and many other reasons. minibus driver got fucking responsibilities. he know what he is doing! man.

moreover, minibus driver go over the routine many many times, he know where to break, where can boots, he is the road expert. so, why don't trust him??

if you say, accident is something unpredictable. ok, 80km/h, i think no one can survive under this speed. why don't you set the limit to 20km/h?? it will be saft, turst me, i study physics.

Oreo - Copycat of a taiwan snack?

recently, in MTR, i saw a poster, which is selling oreo new product.

however, it looks like 旺旺黑白配!!

i don't know which product was created earlier. if it is the taiwan product first, than it is a news that forgein company copy an chinese idea!

compare: China Vii

Friday, October 05, 2007

Traveler's dilemma + prisoner dilemma

there is new version of this dilemma.

there are 2 people travel by plane. they are brought a same gift, let say, a vase. after get off the plane, they found that their vases were broken. so, they go to ask for money from the airline.

the manager told them, he will only give them a maximum price of 100 each, however, because he does not know what the exact price of the vase, and he don't want to be fool, so, they need to tell him the price of the vase individually.

he will pay the minimum price only. and the one who gave him the lowest price, he will give him 2 dollar more from the other.

if you are one of the traveler?? what is your price???

(think about it, at least for 5 seconds, please.)

(i hope you had thought for 5 seconds, otherwise, you should be shame for yourself. a little poor guy.)

by prisoner dilemma (if you reduced the maximum price from 100 to 3), the most "suitable" and "reasonable" price you should give is 2 dollars.

the "reason" is: OK, both of you can say 100. however, if you say 99, but the others still say 100. you will get 101 = min(99, 100) + 2. well, the other will also think of this! so he will say 98 and get 100 = min(99,98)+2...... thing will go on like this again and again. finally, we have to solve

min(x,y)+2, where x, y from 0 to 100 (i bet you won't say below 0, smart guy)
and than, you will get 2 dollars!!!

this is quite a ridiculous result from the very powerful Game theory!!! which a lot business idiot treat it as a bible!!!

something wrong with that!!!

if you are interesting in this topic: prisoner dilemma ; Traveler's dilemma ; Behavior in Traveler's dilemma ; Experts Playing the Traveler's dilemma

all are special = no one special !?

long time ago, there is a movie ("the incredible"), inside, soemone had said, "if everyone is special, than no one is special"

well, few of my friends are teacher in Hong Kong school now, and they had told me, it is not the case.

they told me, in each class, there will be some Special talent students: hyper-active, autism, concentration-disable, etc..

i ask, why?? they should be in Special school with special care and education. my friends told me, it is all because of those special parents.

those parent want their special child be normalized. how? by put them in normal school. Wa, this idea is like, when you dressed a superman underwear inside out, you can fly. cool! i like to try it right now! could someone brought me the "S" underwear??

and now, the parent take control of our Education policy (well, this is another great thing to be happened. when there are a lot professionals in education policy, but we knew, only the child's parents know what their childed needs, suitable to them, thus, we are going to side out those professionals, and regard our effort to training those is wasting time. )

so, things happen.

the funnest thing is:
when you try to normalized those special, by shut down special schools, you successfully transform every normal school to be .... special school!!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

a Question Blog

if listing all one's knew, one's can make publish a book,

if writing one's unknown, one's can build a library.

Heroes -- the series

well, spent almost 20hours to finish the season 1 @ once...... non-stop.... break my personal record.

the idea of this tv series is quite... rich.

* ) there are people have special supernatural ability (which similar to a lot Japanese manga, and in fact, a lot Japanese features inside);

*** ) it try to related things with science (well age of reasoning, no, the age of science explaining);

* # ) it raise up a lot of question about life, destiny, time-line, moral, etc.. a lot of thing only human will care (oh yes, this series is made by human, not monkey, not Ape. in serious, this reflected American start to know, money does not make life rich and meaningful);

# ) there is a bad guy who like to kill, like to taste blood, and also good guy who try to save the world but do not know how ( the funny and interest thing from this part, somehow, "destiny will drive those heroes to stop the evil. i like this creative way of link up people. it reflect the truth, we are not independent at all. and the purpose of the bad guy is, level up your epinephrine );

#* ) but there are more "grey" guys, you can not say they are good or they are bad (yeah, it more like the real world);

#** ) different character will translate there own story from different information they received, or different position they are;

#*** ) some people afraid their super ability, some of them like that (this make me feel wired: American like to be individual, to be unique, but, if the series somehow reflect the truth, American also afraid to be special! they like to be unique but also normal???);

#**** ) American Secret service involved (oh yeas, the agent knew every thing);

there are many many ingredients, most are good, some are bad.

%) the bad thing is, guys in there are still stupid when necessary to kill.
%) a lot of tiny little background of each character can be cut.

and most important, and make me disappointed is:

there is no hero, who can see the truth!!!

i keep on watching it non-stop, i always hope and waiting for that guy to show up and.......

his name is Ryan ;P

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Blog Tracker +/- ?

long time ago, this question always struggling me.

there are few points which against or opposite the Blog tracker:

+ you can know how many people visited. if the reason of blogging is let as many as people visit, this help you valuate your blog.

+ it may be encourage your visitor to visit, especially your friends. coz they know you may care the number of visit. well if your blog is boring, it would help.

- it may make you addicted to check the number of visit.

- if you have confident of your blog, you feel your blog will attract people to visit, then you don't need the tracker. Coz, by using tracker to give you a proof for your self, you are somehow questioning your blog.

+ tracker can made you improve your blog. if number of visit is low, this is a driving force to improve the content of your blog.

- tracker may stop improving of your blog. if you satisfy the number of visit, you feel no need to improve your blog.

- tracker only let you know how many visitors browsing your blog, but show no detail of what kind of people visit it. if your blog is somewhat diary, then it is fine, coz people who visit it, is just for fun. if your blog is specified in some topic, then, you may want some target group to visit instead of people for fun. well, "comment" can fill this part. (oh, i have no comment so far)

all in all, the reasons for adding tracker, mostly base on the purpose of blogging.

4 vs 3, i decided not add a tracker.

Birthday Msg + cell phone provider

the idea is like this:

your cell phone service provider ask for your birthday.
they will send an msg on your birthday, to give you some discount or good stuffs.

also, they can make a network for you and your friends.
i think, they know which numbers you dial frequently (or you received frequently), by this mean, they know who is your friends.

and than, they can also send a msg to your friend, let them know today is your birthday.

over all, this is an added value of a service provider, which can charge you for money :D

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Log in

beside of typing in password, there are others way to log in.

1, answer a math question. it is good for those study who facing public exam.

2, spell an english word, which the study dun know.

generally, a question related to one's study or business.

but those are not for security. ( well, if a very difficult math question. i think no hacker can do it :P good for using in lab)

for security, one can try "a question bank". everytime, PC will ask you a queation about your business, your personal stuff. let say, "what is the log out time last time?"

the purpose of social science.

by studying the characteristic of people, once can found the way people thinking, and create something that people really like.

oh shit. people like is not always good for people!

PostCard III

Puzzle Postcard, most people heard about this or even saw one. how about a 3D puzzle post card??

let say, i went to Paris, i went to Arc de Triomphe, and i can buy a 3D puzzle postcard of it, and send it back to my friend, let them puzzle it up. it will be fun. :D

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

health, Cholesterol & low Calorie

in Mid-autumn Feastival, mooncake is the feastival food. now aday, hongkong idiot, need healthy food. so mooncake had been modified. One said "low Calorie is healthy", "these mooncake are low Cholesterol, so they are healthy.". what the fuck he talking about???

in my knowledge, and according to Wiki, (although i had said wiki cannot be referenced, well, wiki really make a kind of wiki-Proof!!!!) Cholesterol is an very important and essential chemical in our body. the metabolic process is depend a lot for this substance. it become danger when you are old or your liver is not function well.

so, if you think Cholesterol is a bad thing to our body, and don't want to take any of it. well you liver will finally don't get used of Cholesterol, that mean, your liver is not function well.

and Calorie, this is pure energy. i can not imagine why energy can cause un-healthy. well, may be the energy of dynamite will harm human body.

all in all, health is not measured by single factor. our human body is a result of 3 billion years revolution from single cell, a lot of things will interact ourselves. moreover, there is other element in the so called "healthy mooncake" like Preservative, i bet those mooncakes have that stuff (otherwise, what do you think they can store mooncake for many months) , if you like a healthy mooncake, the better way is don't eat any. :P

TIPS and Service Quality

people in hong Kong always want a good service quality. Ok, you have the right to ask for that. however, where is the corresponding responsibility?? have you ever pay tips for the servers???

right and responsibility, is the most foundamental mind set for Capitalism. its reflect the give and take is balanced. if you want something, you need to give something first. however, you never expect you gave something, something will resturned.

and i think, the 10% service charge does not help to improve the service at all. coz all will go to the boss.

in American, the server only has very low fixed pay. but the server tip contain more 2/3 of there salary. in States, you need pay around 15%. if you don't liek the server, you can pay less, if you like the server, you can pay more. in some case, some favour server can get 50%.

i like that so much, coz it will really improve the service quailty. and you, costomer, can selete/train/encourage the good server.

Friday, September 21, 2007

some idea

to make a web page, to collect all prices from all kind of things form all around the world. to object is not to compare the lowest price, is just for knowing. let traveler has some idea about the price b4 they travel.

to make a blog, to compare the different of the street between each city.

In Roma, there is a lot of book about past and present. How about make a book to show reality and commercial?? i think i can do it in HK too. go to the restrouants, take a picture to what they show in the menu, and compare what i get in real.

Ipod/mp3, audio guide/ vedio guide. downloadable. make money :D

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

filling the missing part

i found that in Wiki, some title about HK famous people is too little information.

may be, someone can interview them and fill the missing part.

Monday, September 03, 2007


Do not know where is the end of the sky

Only know the past never be returned

每一串淚水 伴每一個夢想

Every string of tears, together with every dream


they slip away silently

Many years were past when i am in this circle.


only feel downstream and upstream in this circle.

每顆冷酷眼光 到每聲友善笑聲

every grim stare, to every friendly smile


tasted all one by one in heart

幾多艱苦 當天我默默接受
Many difficulties and suffering, i took it without complaint.

幾多辛酸 也未放手

Many sour and bitter, i never gave up

i do not care for picking bond on my eggs.

only follow my heart

Never believe success without scarification

Only believe all i wanted are started from my hands

每一串汗水 換每一個成就
Every string of tear, exchange for every achievement.

Gain or lose, i don't really care

my heart never insist.

postcard II

make it like a word puzzle. like this:




Postcard I

you can make a large postcard and than cut into 4 pieces. and you can send these four postcards to each of your friend.

they will gather together and see the whole picture. may be fun.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Repect & Obey

many people mix up these 2

An American Dream

many people in the world, want to have an American Dream -- has a good job or business, buy a car, buy a house, has a beautiful wife, happy family, and a lot luxury. in some sense, an American dream is living in paradise.

well, part of the dream is worth to work hard for it. but most of it, is only for American. i mean, is not what we really looking for.

let me focus in Hong Kong. in Hong Kong, people is not really need a car, except those who live very far away, only taxi and mini-bus were provided. in Hong Kong, so far i see, the public transport system is the most brilliant in the world. Fast, cheap, most covered. London, also has good bus and metro system, however, always get jam. NYC, the subway is the oldest one in the world, well, NYC is quite a big city, it is impossible to cover all place within 20mins walking distance, and you can see, the yellow cap is everywhere, waiting anywhere to drive you somewhere else. Paris, people like walking, so, you can imagine. Zurich, people has bike. Car in hong kong is pure luxury and environmental enemy.

in States, they are poorly designed city/town plan, houses and offices are scatter everywhere.most cases, you can not found all you need in one city or town. and you have no choice but driving. so, i will say, Car is an essential in States because of the poor city plan. Stupid Americans. you can see, there is a loop -- when the city scatter, they need a car; when they has a car, they plan their city more scatterer. dame it. they gave themselves a good result for the need of cars. <- Skyscraper

House: ..........

Luxry: ..........

Goverment system:.............

the way of Aemrican is not what we need. coz we are not american, we have our own culture, 5000 years, we can develop in the way that suitable our way. <-- Phu, it related to the Culture revoution.... we lost our culture.

extend link :


is it only in Poor or developing country??

today, i went to Mexico, the shop there will not show you the price.

i am so tried......

continuous another day

why i travel??

what i travel everytime, i will ask myself the same queastion.

i spend money for what reason behind? is it worth? how to measure?

everytime, i go to a city, i will try to take a signafician picture, that poeple can tell where it is, without any caption.

everytime, i go to a place, i will try to buy one thing to represnt the place.

everytime, i go to a country, i will write down what i have done.

is it the reason for travel?

the value of a men, is not from what he take, is from what he give-----Martin Luther King

so, what i give?? what i learn?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

a link to a comment

i will develop more about this in a whole big picture.

well, read between the line, the title is reflecting something. "we only think, without action." we have alot opinions, ideas. so what?

the problem arise from the article is complicated. i guess, even the writer can't not clearly write it down. but good try.

i think, the problem is. when a culture, the honor is lost. people will lack of self-confession, self-inspection. people only think of themselves, what kind of benefit can bring to themselves. people become selfish and only see other false.

i will think about this issue. and re-read the article later.

in American, as i see, they are selfish, but also considerate. how? well, in their point of view, selfish is not a bad thing. this is nature. the first consideration should be one's self, right? so, they will not try to cover their first motivation when move. however, hong kong people, always emphasize on consideration. but in my view, i think they only want OTHERs consider themselves. is some kind of selfish covered by "Consideration". well, no matter you got it or not, when i back to Hong Kong, i will tell you.

think about it : when people going to help you, you don't need to think whether they have other purpose, they already think about themselves before helping you! i guess, Selfish is some kind of easy misunderstanding word.

i think, it is more a cultural problem than a social issue. and it seems to beyond my knowledge and observation.

American are simple. they also prefer short term happy. they prefer to live simpler. i see, in some sense, HK people and them are the same. however, the way to move is different. i would like to say, HK people is not independent, not even close. American, they will make their own way, neglecting others's eyes. they like to try, no, i will say, they are not afraid to try, not afraid to be fail. even old men in here, they like to take a risk.

more over, they focus on their own history, they know where they come from, what they have done. and they value the ancient wisdom and knowledge. today, i walked in the business district. i saw inside a bank, there is a free public historical museum. amazing. and this museum is not "HEA". very serious. in there, i can feel the connection between the bank and the people, the land.

what i want to say is. the link to the past, is a way to make people proud of themselves. to gain honor. by educated ancient or past wisdom, we will have some "common sense of the common sense"( a common sense of what we need to know)

thus, the problem may be originated to the recent history of modern china. in the school, we know how great is the china, 1000 years ago. how about now? how many people in Hong kong, know about Hong Kong History in recent 50 years? no, not even HK people, mainland people don't know their recent history too. i mean, they only know little.

ok, the recent history is empty, or almost empty. how about ancient part? we learn Confucian school, and than, many teachers will tell you, this is outdated. Fuck up. who say human mind has been change for only 2000 years? only in few hundred generations? if our mind did not different from the ancient one, why Confucius can not be applied? and the most important thing confucius told us is the attitude of life. nevertheless, in school, we only learn knowledge, not attitude. knowledge is like gases, and attitude like the car itself. ( i am sorry, i can't not give a proof of this) so think about it. and i almost spend out my point too wide and lost contest.

so, all in all. our historical sense is almost empty, we lacked something to enrich our culture. we learn form outside without a real action. our financial market become the only way to our attitude. (i am not saying it is not good of our financial market, but i think, there is a better way to let the market enrich ourself, it need creation, ok, thing back to creation. and creation will be back to knowledge and attitude. a terrible but easy loop to solve individually.)

the in-resistable trap

well, when you are first time in New york city, you may want to go to the Status of Librety, or the Empire State Building. in general, every touristic city, there is always some place must be visit.

so, i am falling a trap. the price to the touristic place is often un-reasonably high, (excpet washington DC, the museums their are all free!! and Great!) however, if you don;t go there, you will somehow regreted when you leave.

so, i go to the Empire State building. the entrance fee is 18USD, just for go up to 86th floors above ground. well, in avange, you spend 1USD to go up 4.8 floor. or you spend 1.7 HKD to go each floor, sound fair enough, coz the building costed 41 million USD. anyway, i hope the elevator goes slow. but the fact is, they got the fastest one in the time its complete. 8 second for 10 floor. thats mean, i spend 2 HKD per second. ok, i hope it worth to burning money in this way.

when i waiting to buy ticket, there is a sales, trying his best to sell the audi-tour. "only 20 USD more, you can have great detail expanation of the city, without that, you don;t knwo what you are looking at...... (skipped 100million words)" i said in my mind "fuck it, i can take picture on the top and serach to the web if i really want to know which building is which. google earth is a great thing, except it don't has night version. by the way, why i need to know that? is it really instreating?"

and the most silly thing is, they will take a picture to you in front of a green screen, and use computer to put you on a picture of the builing. it is free for take picture. oh, they are business man. when you are leaving, they will give you a hard copy of the picture, and said "20 dollars you can take it home." oh, thanks, my picture is not so good. and i gonna to waste your time and cost to print it out. you already charge me for 18 dollars and you don't give me that fucking photo for free?? you're mother fucker?

in my estimation, they can earn about 360usd per second (say selling 20 tickets a time), and they open from 8am to 1:35am, around 19 hours a day, 360X60X60X19 = 24 million a day!!

well, being a tourist and this is international city, who can resist to go there??

thing to learn: to make an in-resistable place for tourist, then you got a money-tree!!


when i walk in the street of NYC, i saw a lot people wearing a T-shirt, white in color, most of them, and 3 big words I, N, C with a red heart on it.

i wouldn't buy this shirt. this shirt is a syblom, which say,

"i am a tourist, i have been new york city, and i just like others."

frist, New York City, what a big deal? just a place that million people live inside. the city, for me, is not so lovely at all. although there are many things to see, to explore, the city just without a focus. the people in the city, some is rich, many are poor. some is beauty, many are trying to be beauty. that's suck!

2nd, many people wear this shirt, that makes me sad. or a reflection of the mind of the people. people will buy magazines about fashion, about beauty. they buy it, they read it,, they follow it. and the city simply lost itself, coz everyone look like almost the same. imagine a jail, every one wear the same outfit, everyone look like the same, the souless.

i have bought a shirt, which is from Empire state building. i bought it coz it has no words on it, at least big words, and propabliy, no one will know it is form the building.

i want to buy another shirt. " Central Park, NYC" on the shirt. the "NYC" is pretty small.

all in all, i don;t like those shirt has obivous meaning. for me, look like only stupid will wear it, coz you display something obvious, just like talking bull shit.

however, NYC is a great city, the art, the plays, the museum, and the central park, the skycrapers, decorate the city well, and that is the city soul, only in downtown.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Commerical False

Why many commericals in Hong Kong feature Western People ??

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

enroll = finish

the worst concept in HK student is.

Monday, May 28, 2007

the free slave

we are all slave. we work for tycoon. we use all our life, work hard and earn little money. all our mone finally, goes to insurance, goes to buy a flat, goes to buy a car........

when under UK govert, we live happy due to we don't need to worry our stomach. same as Chinese control. we satisfly if our gut feel full.


Saturday, May 26, 2007


today i went to a 2ndary school for tutorial job. at the break, i walk out and have little explore to the school. i found that there are many name around the school. the name for the best academic achievement.

is it the honor? Do we need to feel honor for academic achievement in 2ndary school?

i think it is the poor education! student in 2ndary school are so young. and the most important thing is, get their result well is their responsibility. we should not tell them it is honor to get best achievement, it is their job to learn thing well! student go to study is not for honor, is not for anything, is for themselves!

by the way, it is very tiny little thing for being best student in 2ndary school. in fact, we have no honor before we make any great contribution to human society. if any one feel honor for what they did, please think about those Giants in our history.

Friday, May 25, 2007


the world has 4 kind of people

type A : ++ : know and not afraid to show

type B : +- : know but don't like to show

type C : -+ :don't know, but pretend to know

type D : -- :don't know, and not afraid to show

i am trying to be type A and D. far away from C.

is it like the Fermion and Boson?

Google's notebook

Wiki as a reference.

it is not a proper way to use wiki as a reference. because it's content may not be always true!

since it can be edit by anyone. so, it may contain any point of view.

so, i suggest, make a WIKI-PROOF

wiki-proof is the content proved by authority, professional,.. etc.
wiki should hire people, should use reliable sources.

so, Mr. Lee Ka Shing, can you donate some money to wiki?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

always has a reason for stopping advance

today hear the proposal for display phone number of the commerical call.

some people said there are many people work in this industry. if all commerical call were needed to display its number, many people will be affected. so, we can't let that proposal to pass.

what the most prefect reason!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Chinlish? Engnese?

Strongly against mix englsih and chinese.
when speaking chinese, please use chinese totally!! don't mix with english, especially use stupid english!!!

if ppl like mix with english, why not mix with Japanese? Korean? Indian? French? German? Italian?

why mix with english? is it because you don't know how to use chinese? lack of vocabulary?

if you really like to use english? are you using english grammar? why i can't hear the "S" when you talking plural? where is the preposition between 2 verbs?

Google's eyebox

Monday, May 21, 2007

Wind-Bone and Courage

as a Intellectual, we have the responsibility to protect, to defend, to be unbiased, to justice, to improve under any conditions.

i found that Mr. Leung and Mr. Toe fail to do so.

in a TV program by RTHK, Mr. Leung's speaking tone is biased to Beijing. He say thing carefully, try not to offence any vocal crime.

and Mr. Toe, he appear in a commercial of bird nest. it is not a proper way to behavior. a intellectual, will not help, or promote, or bring a message to public that, luxury is good.

i am forced!

found that most ppl around me play stock market, buy IPO. it seem that they earn a lot form the market. than, problem comes.

i am not playing stock. i work hard, earn from part time, try to use my creative to make myself rich. however, i can feel some stress around.

when most ppl play stock and earn money. the number in their bank account rise up. they can spend more and they will do so. the price goes up. ppl like me still living by traditional way. our wealth increase rate will be lower, compare to the others. our buying power drops. it means, if you don't move on, you will fall back, compared. work hard can't feed your mouth anymore. Get your head into the stock market!

this automatic (forced) mass movement in society can really do some change. it is not only growth of the economy, it is a campaign! it will throw away those ppl who are lag behind.

i don't like a stock market like this. too much gambling in there. and it make me feel nervous (coz i forced to play the game!). those companies in China, they growth up not by their good product, not by their company's value. they all grow up by world demand. their factories still polluted the earth. their ppl still do their business in black box, their ppl still under education! there governors are all old men!

i really have no idea where the society will go. the ppl get rich. most ppl (in city) have more money, however, their buying power does not increase as fast as their money. why? it is like a student, always get 10% mark in the past, but now, he can get 50%, oh, what a great change! increased 500%!! did the student do a good job? when china compare to the world, you can imagine. SO, playing stock market? what for? finally, it only increase the number, not the wealth.

can you imagine, after 40years later, most ppl in HK receive their MRF back? everyone get, let say, 4m. will their 4m still get the same buying power as today or similar? when the market, suddenly (i mean in period like 5 years), many ppl got 4m free money, what the hell will be?

so, money is not wealth. it will not make ppl rich.

BTW, the potential danger is: china government, seem fail to control the economic bloom.

the problem is, more and more ppl know how to get out from the rat case. if most ppl really get out form rat case, are they really get out form it, or, just go to another rat case? natural resource are limited, when more and more money try to buy those resources, will the resources increase?

so, what is the solution? sustainable development, Zero development, focus on quality, not the number.

finally, think about that: if exam don't has full mark, student get as more point as they could. what the result would be?

print your own stamp

the most important thing is, post office will give you a barcode, you print it, and paste on your letter. than you can check where is your letter. and your friends, your costumer can also check the letter and no need to worry about miss-send.

it is cheap and post office can save alot form printing stamps.

and you can desing your own stamp. and you pay it by credit card or a bill from post office, just like your gas bill.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

From Web - Paths Taken by the U.K., Germany, France -- and Korea

The conservative Nicolas Sarkozy has won France’s presidential election pledging to pursue U.S. and British-style market economies and “small government.” The election was a face-off between growth vs. welfare as well as free market vs. state control.

Sarkozy’s election pledge was “work harder, earn more.” He vowed to extend the current 35-hour workweek introduced by the Socialist government and lower corporate, property and inheritance taxes, while lowering government spending, aiming to pursue a “market-centered, growth-first” policy. In contrast, his socialist rival Segolene Royal’s election motto was that a more righteous France meant a stronger France. In order to narrow the gap between the rich and poor, she sought to raise the minimum wage while vowing to increase the government’s role in boosting unemployment benefits and welfare coverage. All were traditional leftwing state-centered, welfare-led policies.

In the race between the two candidates, the people of France sided with Sarkozy. That’s because the French, who until now had used violent protests to counter government-led labor reforms, felt a heightened sense of crisis regarding the future of their country, which has degenerated into the “sick man” of Europe.

Among European nations, France was the most tenacious in hanging on to the old welfare-state model. As a result, its gross national income slid to 19th place from eighth in 1982, suffering from the eponymous “French disease” manifested by a youth unemployment rate of more than 22 percent. Government spending, which accounted for 54 percent of gross domestic product, damaged private sector competitiveness.

Before France, the U.K. and Germany suffered the symptoms of the same disease. The U.K. in the 1970s was a virtual socialist state, with the government maintaining a comprehensive, cradle-to-grave welfare program, raising income taxes by as much as 83 percent, while powerful labor unions held sway. The economy collapsed, businesses either closed down or defected to other countries, and state finances were depleted. The country even turned to the International Monetary Fund for emergency loans in 1976. The U.K. had to wait until prime minister Margaret Thatcher implemented a prescription of lowering taxes, pursuing privatization and decreasing welfare benefits during the 1980s before its economy could grow again.

Due to rising welfare costs that came with the pursuit of a “social market economy,” Germany saw its economic growth rate fall from 2.5 percent from 1970 to 1990 to 1.4 percent in the 1990s and to less than 1 percent since 2000. The unemployment rate soared from 0.4 percent in 1970 to more than 10 percent. Germans became lazy to the point that unemployment was considered an “acceptable” job, while the country’s competitiveness plummeted. Now, the German economy is slowly emerging from the doldrums due to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s reforms involving cuts in pension and unemployment benefits.

Any country that gets lured by the false glory of being a welfare state will inevitably catch the British, German or French disease. And it takes an unimaginable level of pain to cure that disease. During the initial stages of Thatcher’s reforms, unemployment in the U.K. rose from 1.5 million to 3 million. But that was the only way for the country and its economy to regain its vitality. Now Germany and France are following suit. When will Korea, still chasing the false dream of a “European model,” finally open its eyes?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

point of view

some think advertisement, i think decoration.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


害蟲食左螢光餌. 在uv 下會發光. 咁就可以track 到where is their home and destory it.

the chief executive election - are we ready for this

last wednesday, i go to happy valley, take my friend to join the excitement of gambling.

i found one interesting thing - the most hottest horse never win!!

the most hottest horse, is selected by public, which can show the public expectation. however, at most time, the public expectation is wrong! the horse never win!

this make me think about the executive election HK. is public election really going to pick the most suitable chief executive?

there are few things hong kong people need to think about.
1, what are they really need?
2, what are the necessary needs?
3, what the HK picture/future is expected?

this are not easy questions to answer.

on the other hand, i think, these 2 person is not suitable for the place of chief executive.

for Mr. tsang, he is a run-dog for Chinese central government. HK under his lead, will be china-zised. and i don;t think he has his own picture/imagination for HK future. he don't know what is the structure of HK form the ppl point of view. what he know is from business giants and china government. he don't understand HK ppl!

for Mr. leung, he is just a lawyer. he has some picture of HK, and those are good. however, i really wonder his executive power. under his lead, can those plans be done? does he get enough business giant support or china government? or, is he strong enough to do what he want to do?? i don't think so.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

BullSHIT - 影評 from HK ppl

好睇過sin city!!

how come hk ppl are so "skinny", not only for the body, but also the brain.

i am also have some words for this film.

1, this film is not a SIM, not like the Titanic, Matrix or others films, which try to re-create the truth, real. this film try to put itself as a story teller, try to tell a story, not a truth.
imagine ppl try to make a film for "rabbie and turtle", most of them will try to make it as if it is real, but this time, the movie maker try to make it as a story.
a movie in this way, gives a fresh and creative way to represent a story, and more entertainment.

2, the focus of the film, is not the battle itself, is the value of freedom. Xerxes offers a lot of things, but the freedom. the queston the film give us is : is it worth to death for freedom?? alive, is the last thing we have, is it worth for exchange the freedom. how about exchange for life for your love, your country, others freedom??

3, as i memtion before, this film is not a SIM, so, to discription of the blood of the battle for cool weapon, is some how enlarged. by doing in this way, the "real" is stornger than the real (比真實更真實).

4, Xerxes, is like most of us. if we want to do something, we will do as the regular way, just like xerxes send regular army first. after, if it does not success, then send extra-ordinary army. this is the dark side of human. So, not only focus on Spantan, but also Xerxes.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


is that our mind is some how soicalized??

for a healthy boy, with a healthy girl? should i say anything more??

for HK girl (港女), what is going on in their mind ??
they think they can live only by themsleve??
how come they reject any healthy boy??

is it beacause those healthy boys are not handsome, is not rich, is not smart?or you name it.

is it those heathly girls are mentally ill??
or, we have been socialized, that, boy with girl is not natural?? boy are always only want to fuck? the final goal for a boy is fucking??

come, if a boy like fucking, HK has a lot of chick from all arounf the world, no need to find HK girl.

in side each ppl heart, we are alone, no one can undersatnd. but boy are born to be active, they will find what they want, not jsut wait for it. so, finding girl is for soemkind of support that boy can't give.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


that is 尊重!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

創意 vs mix & match

Creative is not simply mix things together.

風水 - 不科學, 或統計上過時

不科學 :

從來沒有對照實驗, 說明天橋有 "剎氣", 獲型天線 不 "吉利", 八卦可以擋 "剎"....

而其中"剎氣","吉利", 又如何定義?



有機蔬菜 - 環保vs商業

究竟什麼樣既社會, 環保才可以發展??

前布希政府, 極力反對環保政策. 他曾在一場演講說: " 如果推行環保, 張會有很多人因此失業." 詳細既論點係, 推行環保, 需要立法限制好多行業, 最明顯, 就係重工業, 所以該工業就會有很多人失業.

情況就好似"外包", 外包會導致失業嗎??(詳見"the world is flat")

對, 外包會導致失業, 失去現在既職業, 但會創造更高價既工作, 情況就好似"外包". 當社會主流是保守, 保護已有利益既意見時, 環保會導致失業實在係短視既想法.

但究竟環保會創造什麼更高價既工作呢?? 不太清楚, 但相信必定發生. 有個現實例子: 有機蔬菜 - 這種菜可以賣更高既價錢, 而對追求健康既中產人士有一定市場. 但為何不見得有機蔬菜得到廣泛支持?? 還有回收業, 為何一直都死氣沉沉? 而hybird car 還未能推出市場?

Saturday, February 24, 2007


在聽演奏時, 發現演奏員經常忙於番樂譜, 不小心更把樂譜弄掉.

電子樂譜能辨認演奏到那一章, 那一段, 而自動更換顯示中的樂譜.


Friday, February 23, 2007

prisoner's dilemma vs open source

i really think this is a breakthrough of modern economy theory.

now a day, open source is an advantage in doing business, but it is conflict the dilemma.

i think, the open source phenomenas is long term effect, and the dilemma is short term.

where is the math?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


自從本科生畢業以後, 很多朋友, 不論中學的, 大學的, 大都有了工作. 回望自己, 不禁有所壓力.

有了工作, 眼界和人脈, 不再局限於大學裡, 開始接觸更多唔同層面既人. 有年輕, 亦有年長, 有低學歷, 也有學歷高, 有經驗淺, 還有經驗豐, 有成熟穩重, 更有初生之犢. 那該如何待人接物?? 每人都有一個故事, 都有一個教訓. 從別人身上, 往往受益良多. 更因為有了工作, 生活在人群裡, 所知所學, 可以快速投入生活上, 學也快, 習也快. (而學習, 正正是自己生活既動力與意義) 但回頭一看, 自己還是在校園裡, 如同井底之蛙, 每日在自己的世界裡, 思考著井外可笑愚痴的事. 究竟誰才是可笑,愚痴?? 而每每聽見朋友工作上的所見所聞, 略有反思, 得出一些想法, 但往往未能實踐. 龍欲游, 卻無江河大洋可游.


雖不是氣蓋世, 但亦奈何. 是時不利, 還是騅不逝??

心中亦另有疑問. 有了工作, 有了收入, 一切就有了基礎了嗎? 有了學歷, 有了夢想, 那物質的基礎又有那裡?? 可以自供自給, 有多餘既收入, 就可以實現自己既想法?? 買車, 買樓, 結婚, 生仔. an american dream! 這是我想要的嗎?? 究竟, 我在那裡??

Friday, February 16, 2007


it shouldn't be show @ this, but i think, it is somehow related to gucci :D

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

personal accounting

have anyone ever play rich-dad game?? in that game, your cash flow can be display to you, your income, outcome, asset and liberty.

if one bank, can make a program (of course is on web, no need to install), which can display the same thing to customer, it will provide a much more powerful financial analysis. let say, if you buy a house, what is your income? what is asset?? did anyone tell me how much is your net value is?? the program can tell you, not need auditing.

the product (services) can make one easier to report the tax, can let govt know how the economic behave, make a better taxation plan, and ppl know the full picture on how there cash flow.

snapshot dictionary - snaptionary

now aday, snapshot by phone is very common. and good resolution can be achieve too.

now aday, in-phone dictionary may be an essential component.

now aday, phone can also access Internet.

i propose a new use of the 3 functions.

use snapshot to take a photo with a word (or even paragraph) and the phone can recognize then give the meaning from dictionary. or go to web to search something related.

if there is a photo recognized algorithm, can we can even take a snapshot and search instantly at web, find all related news, video, music, podcast, blog, you name it.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


最近做了個presonality test, 把我分類成某種人. 感到十分不安, 有一點傷害. 本來把東西分類, 是人既天性. 但可怕之處在於它的預測性遇上了心靈.

每一個學科, 最基本既條件是它能把它所涵蓋的內容加以分類, 系統化, 使之能被理解和加以運用. 而運用的結果, 是對事物予以評定, 或預測結果. 可運用性正是每一種知識既價值所在.

當做完了個test 時, 它告訴我既性格特點, 這看上去, 能了解自身, 正所謂知己知彼, 覺得滿有意思. 但隨之如來, 它亦告訴了我既行為與思考模式, 我立刻成了基因機器 ( r. dawkins 萬歲!!). 成了一個有血有肉既機器, 一切可以預測! 自己可以預測, 別人也可以預測! 別人也可以對我進行預測!

在次世代下, 唯有保持心靈(思想)上既完整與獨立, 才能成為一個有價值, 領導潮流的人. 而預測正是破壞完整與獨立既利刃. 它把我們模式化了, 同化了. 個人的價值可以被取代, 就如一般性的外在價值一樣. 在社會裡, 知己知彼, 百戰百勝, 其實就是資訊不平衡所帶來既勝利 (我唔相信社會係d行先會win既game). 而當人皆是機器, 我們皆可預測, 並予以操縱, 我們還有什麼價值可言??

舊有觀念是: 你懂office1.0, sas1.0 嗎?? 明天出2.0了. 只有內在既價值如, 上進心, 好奇心一般, 才難以取代, 才是真正值得關心既價值. 隨著心理學把我們獨有的心靈也系統化的時候, 從某種意義, 上進心和好奇心 就如同office 與sas一樣. 稍有不同的, 便是office update 好快, 心靈可以嗎??

解決之道, 就在乎於變化.

人生的真正價值在於從何種程度與何種意義上擺脫自我! —愛因斯坦

Thursday, February 08, 2007







上訴法庭駁回聯邦通信委員會要求廠商自七月一日後,必須認同所謂的「廣播標記」 (broadcast flag),以防複製。


盜版 - from others

盜版,即使對微軟這樣的軟體巨人來說,也是一種無法回避的痛。為此,微軟拋出了Windows正版增值計畫(Windows Genuine Advantage,以下簡稱WGA計畫),以打擊盜版。如今,這個計畫已經開始實施,它的效果究竟如何呢?本期話題為你揭曉這個答案。    

7月26日,微軟宣佈,在全球範圍內正式啟動WGA計畫,將正版驗證程式擴大到微軟下載中心和Microsoft Update網站,未通過正版驗證的用戶將無法下載資源。看來,微軟已經做好了反盜版的一切準備。然而,還不到一天的時間,國外就傳出了讓盜版用戶輕鬆繞過正版驗證程式的方法,這意味著WGA計畫已被攻破,微軟陷入尷尬境地。    

WGA計畫中所採用的反盜版技術手段的關鍵就是正版驗證程式,它能識別出使用者所使用的Windows系統是否正版,未通過驗證的用戶將無法下載資源。它就好比一把鎖,將盜版用戶擋在了微軟下載中心和Microsoft Update網站的大門外。    

這個比喻比較形象。正版驗證程式以流覽器外掛程式形式提供,當訪問微軟下載中心和Microsoft Update網站時,系統會提示你安裝,只有安裝並通過正版驗證的用戶才可以自由下載資源。    

而使用算號器算號、破解程式破解以及大部分批量授權版WinXP的盜版用戶將無法通過驗證,也就無法下載微軟的大部分資源。當然,出於安全性考慮,盜版用戶依舊可以下載重要的安全補丁。這也許是微軟在反盜版策略和系統安全方面所取的一個平衡點。    看上去微軟對這個WGA計畫寄予了厚望。但剛宣佈實施,還不到一天時間就被攻破,這似乎太出人意料了吧?而且,這也不是第一次了,在該計畫試行階段,正版驗證程式就曾被攻破過。    的確如此,破解的方法非常簡單。如果你的WinXP系統已經安裝了SP2,那麼只要在IE的管理載入項視窗中禁用Windows Genuine Advantage這一控制項,就可以完全跳過WGA驗證。當然,還有其他幾種方法,不過這種方法不僅最簡單,而且是利用微軟自己軟體的功能實現的。    用微軟的矛刺微軟的盾,這也太具有諷刺意味了吧?微軟反盜版無可厚非,但這麼重要的計畫,竟然可以用如此簡單的方法破解,微軟這次可是丟臉丟大了。    

這其實是一個見仁見智的問題了。我個人覺得,主要的原因是微軟並沒有真正在這上面下功夫。WGA計畫的主要目的並不是為了限制盜版用戶,而是希望能夠給正版用戶更加深刻的體驗,例如正版用戶可以安裝新版本的Windows Media Player、Windows Movie Maker等提高系統可用性的程式,但這些並不是運行Windows所必需的。微軟希望的是給正版用戶更多實惠,以此來影響盜版用戶,讓他們改弦更張。    

以微軟的技術,也許可以使用更複雜的加密方式來保護自己的產品。不過如果弄得所有盜版用戶都無法繼續使用Windows,那麼它的市場份額必定會被其他作業系統搶走。所以寧肯讓大家用自己的盜版,也好過讓大家都用別人的程式,這也是搶佔市場份額的一種手段吧。    應該說,微軟對盜版的感情是複雜的。但微軟既然表態,“希望給正版用戶更加深刻的體驗”,現在WGA計畫卻這麼輕易地被攻破,無論如何也說不過去,花了錢和不花錢得到的服務是一樣的,這讓正版用戶怎麼想呢?    

我猜測,也許以後每個微軟的程式在安裝的時候都會主動進行驗證。前段時間微軟發佈了一個可以用於共用電腦控制許可權的軟體,名叫Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit,在安裝這個軟體的時候就需要聯網進行WGA驗證。相對下載前的驗證,這種方式破解起來會更難,當然也並非完全不可能被破解。    



ATV 2.0

compare TVB and ATV, most of ppl will choose TVB. today i am not going to discuss why this happen, but talk about how the thing can turn over.

i think, the key stone is ATV 2.0. actually, ATV is trying to go to this direction, but lack of method. As we can see, ATV has make few programs that made from audience, like 兒童台, 第一手真相, 百萬富翁. this is very creative and brave move for this company. but why this still can't bring any life, energy to it??

in the past TV program is passive, audience is passively receive what TV provide, they only can choose is channel. facing the threat from payment TV, ATV try to make something that can interact with audience, to let audience get involve. this is ATV 1.5

to become ATV2.0, audience need more room to the policy, to join making decision. Forum is a choice, but not the best. let me suggest a way, using mobile phone to send msg, and show the msg on TV instantly. for example, when there is a game show again, ppl can send msg, let them say something related to the show. may be ppl think this question is too hard, may be someone give answer, give more resource about the question. the key concept is let ppl get involve, to join the program.

to an extreme, ATV and display a msg slide bar on TV, so ppl can say anything on that, 24hr, 7 day a week. or, just a program to display msg, when there is midnight. it is better than show old program.

if ppl discuss more and more about ATV, and more and more ppl with join and watch ATV. that's make money!

beside get more voice from ppl, ATv also need to be globalize, like Pearl, buy more foreign programs, or add a new slide bar for world wide. now aday, ppl is not satisfy with local news, but world news!

the last thing may be, change the color, i dont know why ATV love to use color make ppl feel ti is old, lack of energy, and ppl on that channel always old guys.. everything look like a channel designed for retried ppl. WHY??

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Link

i propose a new business direction for "the link".

the link - a logistic corp. for small business/shop/company

since the link control most public estate shopping centers, so alot shope places. if it can develop a logistic sub-crop. to organize the supply and demand for all the shops, it will be a huge business.

among all estate shops, a lot of different kind, differernt needs for each of them. if "the link" can realy conduct this business, build up a effective system like walmark, this business will be as huge as PK.

think about it, "the link"!

instead of focusing on profit, but always act against small business, killing them by price. how about coorperate with them?? river come from small stream.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

a letter

hey tim,

as you know rss become more and mroe important to collect and select info. for me, i am now added rss for some HK and USA newspapers and some online journals. do you think a coustomized page that you can display everything you want to see in one webpage??

i mean, to build a page that you can set anything you like to read (may be
only head line, since alot of things), and you can set it as homepage??

the setting may be like this:
you choose from webpage, choose from topic, choose from keywords, photos, sounds, what ever, and matching with click-counter to ensure that think is really related to your interest.

this is a powerful version of rss. since it is a collector of rss.


Friday, February 02, 2007

a funny conservation

two guys need to go to a meeting.

after that, a conversation has been conducted

A: have you gone to the meeting today??

B: how about you??

A: i know the answer.

B: me too :D

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


誠如每一間傳媒所遇到既問題: 究竟迎合大眾口味, 以求消路? 或是堅持方向, 但求遇上知音? 但不幸地, 有句古老格言 -- 千金易得, 知音難求, 如實地反映現實. 在金錢掛帥的社會, 感覺到情況一面倒, 只有大眾口味, 才能得以生存. (現代經濟學001 : 市場經濟不一定行得通, 須要政府介入)

個人有感做人都一樣, 和同事閒談, 講的是公事, 和朋友聚餐, 多數講如何掘金, 萬一"忘形"講出自己既事, 自己既興趣, 氣氛突然急降, 變成獨白. 不禁自問, 係話題實在悶, 定或是沒興趣?? 我是半個科學人, 所想所諗, 難免科學化, 但我並沒有對科學以外既事物, 有排斥反應, 仍然抱有極大既熱情, 樂於參與任何討論 (只要有討論既話), 大概因為喜歡思考吧, 大概我還未有經濟壓力吧, 不至於無時無刻, 錢不離心.

不知係別人功利, 或是我自己以自我為中心, 只講自己有興趣既話題. 又或是自己未成長, 總覺得身邊的朋友, 仍然可以無所不談. 什想到他們已大個了, 對現實有所體會, 急於經濟自由. 漸漸發覺朋友一一遠去, 自己卻仍在夢幻既想像中, 迷失掉.... 有感這現況, 迫使有所思考, 調整 : 究竟迎合大眾口味, 以求交友? 或是堅持方向, 但求遇上知音? 能否兩者兼得??實在迷茫.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


快, 速效, 大概係香港人既助佑銘. 心急, 欠缺耐性, 大概亦係大眾既特質. 一切以目標為本, 有誰能先達到目標, 誰就成功, 就有能力.本來目標為本, 在現今講求效率的商業社會, 不失為一種有效的指導綱領. 但過份著重目標為本,容易造成不擇手段, 只求結果, 急功近利既態度.此等情況, 在教育上, 以至日常中,可見其利弊.

我自己是私人補習教師, 教的是數學. 常常發現學生都訓練有素---一切以目標為本. 他們往往不求什解, 胡亂用公式, 但求能得出所謂既"答案", 實現了, 死背書, 背死書, 背書死, 這三重唱. 我問了一些同窗, 他們對於資質低既學生, 往往用死背書的形式. 好處係, 一石二鳥, 教的方便, 學的速效. 結果係, 學的快忘, 教的勞氣. 而資質高的, 往往亦怕煩, 大約知道方法後, 便不去練習. 覺得"學習"這目標完成, 收工!

以學習為例, 一切以目標為本, 不在乎學習既過程, 只關注學習既成效. 容易令學生失去學習既興趣, 失去由發問學習帶來既樂趣, 漸漸成為一部學習機器. 而9年免費教育, 等於9年強迫達成某種"目標的過程. 那他們什麼可能喜歡學習??

引申學習為工作, 為生活. 只在乎目標, 實不為一種快樂既態度. 如果能以過程為本, 重視過程與付出, 發揮體育精神, 或者能為苦悶既城市生活, 帶回一點突破和動力.

在日本, 同事們工作完, 會說聲 "辛苦了". 你明我意思吧!

Monday, January 15, 2007


近日子, 面對兢爭competition時, 有感壓力. 面對中國大陸, 印度廉價人材, 香港青年究竟如何迎接挑戰??不斷增加大學學位, 副學士, 就可以提升兢爭力嗎?? 現在9間大學, 成街都大學生, 副學士. 又如何??

未來挑戰 = 廉價人材 + 全球一體化 + 智識型經濟


問題不是有多少大學生, 而是大學生的素質. 以人口比例, 中國和印度, 大學生比率一定較高. 中國人口=13億, 印度人口=10億, 香港人口=800萬, 比例係13000:10000:1, 假設人口質素一樣, 香港每製造一個天才, 大陸+印度就可以造2萬個. 所以, 增加大學學位, 根本不能面對未來挑戰. 加上中個印度人工低廉, 中國人均月入為1000HKD, 印度為 500 HKD, 問你死未?? Micosoft 已經把4成soft develop 工作轉移至印度.


中國已入了世貿, 香港成為轉口港的角色亦漸漸轉變. 在交通, 資訊, 經濟, 文化等紛紛令一體化, 擁有全球視野, 能把資訊過濾, 正理, 組織, 就成為香港青年立足於世界的必須條件, 亦唯有這樣, 才能找到生存的空間. 面對全球一體化, 大陸印度的青年, 在接受世界文化, 政經環境上, 都較香港青年疲乏. 為了吸引世界的眼光, 把資金在香港投資, 只有開放的投資環境, 安全治安和廉潔政府外, 更加須要領先世界既青年專材, 能把握全球化所帶來既商機, 才能再次集中世界既焦點.


有點覺得香港大眾對智識型經濟有所誤解, 以為講的是學歷, 知識的量. 其實不是!!! 智識型經濟是指而面對資訊爆炸, 如何過濾, 正理, 組織有用的資訊, 才是智識型經濟所須要既人材. 所以9間大學, 只係9間大學, 不是研究所, 討論會. 一個學士學位有如糞土. 有些人喜歡拿數據, 說香港大學比例最高. 又如何?? 沒有一間能在亞太地區舉足輕重, 是質素問題呀~

環視四周, 盡是拜金. 死不足惜!