Saturday, January 30, 2010

Curiosity falling

Most of us, when getting in a new job or new thing will be excited at the beginning. we are able to ask many many questions, give many suggestions, wondering why things cannot go in this way but that way. We are so curious about the new world.

The excitement or the curiosity will soon fallen. May be because we learn much, more or less saturated or accepted the way it works. Or may be, we just used to it and getting bored.

Is it so called mature? professional?

No! It is so called "doomed". following routines, obeying protocols, working like a horse or cow is not mature, and not even professional.

One truly example of professional can be found in many creative industry. Look at a professor in research lab. The work is routine and boring, but a professional can always find a way of break through and improvement. That is the key point - innovation.

When you work without new thoughts any more, you better quite your job or change the position. Just helping you not become too old when too young.

a Plot

There is a chance for making big money via financial market.

Now a day, many protests in Hong Kong, conduced by the 4th generation, who are around 20 to 30 years old.

How about making the protests becomes violent?

Guess what will be happened?

The financial market will fall by this incident!

IF, we buy a short margin before a protest.

Than we join the protest and bring some molotov, mixed inside the crowd.

At some high point, we use it and make the protest become crazy, police flight with people.

Next day, the Stock market must be fall and we can earn many many money from it.

And most important, in the chaotic protest, we can make our hands clean and without getting caught.

Anyone try?

Of course, the execution of the plot will bring so much damage to democracy.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Fastest Speed?

According to Einstein's special relativity, the fastest speed in this universe is the speed of light in vacuum. This is true in the traditional definition of speed, which is the travel per time of travel. Consider the case in warm-hole (although it is just an scientific imagination, no observed evident for the existence so far ), a space ship can travel a much greater distance in given time. Even so, the traditional speed still obeyed. The situation is like taking a short cut. Your speed never excess the speed limit.

How fast is the speed of light? the numerical value is 299792458 meter per second. If we compare with a civil airplane, the normal cruising speed is around 900 km per hour, which is 250 meter per second. the speed of light is much faster by 1,000,000 (million) times! If a plane from Hong Kong to Tokyo takes 3 hours, light only take 0.01 second. Of course, light can never travel form Hong Kong to Tokyo, because the earth surface is curved. Moreover, if light can travel on the earth surface, it can run 7 and half cycles in just 1 second! Therefore, you can go to anywhere from anywhere less than 1 second.

The reason why nothing can faster than the speed of light is, a rather indirect reason, only massless thing can travel at the speed of light. And only non real things can travel faster. Thus, For real thing, which has real mass, cannot travel faster. I know it is not a good or logical reason. it simply reflects my limited knowledge but mathematics of relativity.

Many people may fall in a logical trap that "nothing can faster than the light". This is only partial correct because the missing of "vacuum". Think about the speed of light in glass or water. Because of reflective index, the speed of light is slower than that in vacuum.

In long history of human, this is quite amazing that there is a limit of speed, not by the technical limit, but imposed by theory. To see how amazing the result, simply think about what else in this world is limited? Through out technology, we think that we can make anything in dreams come true!

The understanding of limited speed affected our life and many other things, and also, limited a lot of other quantities.

Guess what is the fastest thing that human being has ever created?
Super car? Jet fighter? Spaceship? NO! is electron!

Scientists have built a thing called accelerator. Yes, this mechanics always accelerate things inside, like electron, proton, Helium nuclei. The fastest speed recorded is about 99.99999999% of the speed of light, but not exactly the speed of light. The time for taking an electron at this high speed require several days or weeks. This speed is only few meter-second slower than the speed of light.

Geometry in Jewellery Design

people want their diamond jewellery look big, but also cheap.

what shape looks big? may be counted on the volume. If the volume is large, than the jewellery looks big.

How to lower the cost? may be less diamond is cheaper. the diamonds are mounted on the surface area. Thus, the surface area is smaller, the jewellery will be cheaper.

So, what shape will give largest volume while lowest the surface area? Yes, a Sphere.

However, some people prefer the cross section projection is big. In this case, a flat surface can do the job.

Similarly, if the diamonds are only mounted on the edge. So what shape gives largest area while lowest parameter? Yes, a Circle.

Elastic plastic touch screen

many people still like to type on buttons rather than screen. they said type on hard flat screen feel no good, especially no feeling on what you type.

How about an elastic touch screen? when you have to type, that part of the screen will pop and curved a bit. when you press on it, it will lower and give back some push on your finger. it acts exactly like keypad.

This can also be extended for people who cannot use their eyes. the screen can pop up the letter, in big, so we can feel it with our fingers.

The curvature of the screen better be 1mm, so it can show real good letter, sharp and clear.

How? may be by air? by the Electrorheological (ER) fluids? the basic idea is just add a very thin layer on the top of the hard flat screen.