Sunday, February 24, 2008

soft - power of china

the soft power of USA is the music, pop culture. even Muslim people is listening rap song form USA!

the soft power of China is the....... piracy. hong kong people enjoy it so much! that make people love our mainland :D


i am strongly oppose that to give back tax for people, even our government have so much money.

1) it is not really help people, whose are poor. they poor because some internal factors, like gamble, low skill, etc. think about Africa, in the old time, NATO only give money, food, to help those people. but it does not work, people are being poor, not only the internal defect, but also the politic, the system. now they are going to help people by building infrastructure, promote public education, self-sustain wok-shop , etc. that is the way to help.

2) if more money in the market, will only boot the inflation rate.

3) wait for another year, if it is still a lot money from tax, then some action should be done, other wise, this year profit will only cover the lost from previous or next year. ( Mrs. Chan Fong An Son is right)

4) ask for economists for advise first, don;t listen those politic, they only know how to boot their population, not the wealth for the society or the people. and this is now for using those economists.

5) if the money must be use some how, why not build more infrastructure? to how people from Sai wan to Central, by building another MTR line, to boot the MTR train speed. put more money to the art, and cultural sector. put some money to investigate how to use those money. to help thsoe low technique worker, to transform our society to real knowledge base. to put money to raise complain to promote Green live, recycle, to reduce landfill stress. to help Tin Shui Wan people. reduce to M-shape-lization. the high restriction is already off, transform Monkok to a new land, to clean out the Trial among that area.

there are so many thing to do with those money!!! but don't just give back to people, it is not helping them. is killing them.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

the Cogito, ergo sum

well, there are more philosophical discussion inside.

actually, this translation is not correct. not logically correct.

because: when you said: "我思" than you already included "我", so, the "我存在" is empty and nothing new.

think about this, if "i do not exist", how do "i think"? so, "i think" already tell you (i) exist at the very beginning.

more over, Think, is not the original idea of Descartes. is Doubt, not think, determine the existence of himself!

can you see?

Cogito, ergo sum <-- this is better~

cogito means "think"

than you can translate it be

"because thinking, therefore i exist."

well, it is still not good enough! and far away from Descartes's though,

it should be, let me quote the original sentence from the Meditations on First Philosophy ,

"the Cogito, ergo sum"

"the cogito" mean "doubt", coz only doubt can not be doubt. (personally, i doubt the doubt can not be doubted :P)

however, "the congito" can be mean more than doubt, little bit confusing word.

later Wittgenstein questioning, is human language good enough to express the truth?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

奧運 is sub set of 政治

維權人士警告:中國奧運公關災難將擴大 (法新社) 02月 17日 星期日 02:05PM

(法新社北京 十七日電) 好萊塢名導製片家史蒂芬史匹柏上週宣布放棄擔任北京奧運 藝術顧問,成為媒體醒目的頭條新聞。但維權人士發出警告,中國的奧運公關災難才剛開始而已。


為施壓中國協助停止蘇丹 西部不斷流血衝突所設立的「達佛奧林匹克之夢」組織主任沙維特告訴法新社,針對聖火傳遞的抗議行動已經規劃妥當。

目前人在美國 的沙維特表示:「我們將以聖火傳遞的不同階段作為示威目標,同時我們計劃在奧運期間前往北京現場示威」。



美國競速滑冰選手,曾經在兩年前的杜林 冬季奧運獲得金牌的齊克表示,他不贊同達佛問題與運動是兩個互為獨立的議題。

齊克在杜林冬季奧運得到競速滑冰男子五百公尺金牌和一千公尺銀牌,並得到美國奧會頒給他的四萬美元 獎金,他全數捐給慈善組織「Right to Play」,並指定善款要用在發生種族戰亂的蘇丹達佛區。



Friday, February 15, 2008

Please Donate Money, Not a Show, Artisits

it is so fucking Stupid and a shame.

for the Mainland China Snow Storm, those Artists, fake-kindhearted artists, only singing songs, making shows, have some site visit, and than they claim they are good persons, carrying social responsibility. what a shame.

a new kind of heresy. their act just like, the old time, monks pray to the god, hoping some relief. without any physical support, they are making no charity.

Extended Expo

the Over Expo in HK history Museum, about bank history, can develop further.

the museum can invite book stores to sell related books, to answer those raised but un-answered questions. this can make profit to the store, and encourage people to reading.

and also invite universities, related department, to hold a talk, on the topic, to reveal more aspect on the same expo. this can promote local Us.

Neo-Cruciata : Kill those Heresy!!!!

every year, in the chinese new year, a lot of Fu Shiu masters will come out, telling people what will happen. if i don;t have the "against mind set", i think i will believe those so much, since people all around me are talking so, even those are professional.

even, many artists, financial analysis also pop out, and saying the same heresy. what a shame.

the really dame thing is, there is no body come out and shout :

" We are Chinese, but we don't believe those Heresy in the Age of Science and knowledge. We believe, our future is in our own hands and head, Not in your Fucking dame fu shiu book and compress!!! Lie will not become true! no matter how often you state. We are the Neo-Cruciata. We, now here, To WAR, To Flight, To Against the spread of Heresy. We Must Give Science, Rational and Love, Back to Our People!!!"

風水 - 不科學, 或統計上過時

money currency

last time, i said, the cost of making currency, cannot be higher than the value. since it will cost wasting.

so, the cost of making currency has a upper bound, the value of its own. e.g. the cost for making 100US, cannot larger than 100US.

on the other side, if the cost is lower the value, people will try to make, because it create profit.

thus, the cost has a lower bound, its value.

so, 100US is made from 100US.

ok, so, far, it is correct, for treating the currency as if it is a goods, like the old time, gold.

how ever, the technique for making money is hard to duplicate, the coat can be lower than the value. since the security cost recover the "real" cost, or security barrier.

if the market allow people make currency, the cost will be push as low as possible (if no other constraints, its value will go to as low as possible, named inflation), as far as people trust it, which can offer the service or goods as it valued. later on, currency is just a symbol, to represent the buying power. which is more or less like today, we use paper money or E-money. we don't really need gold to support our currency. however, this only under the constrain that, the currency is good quality enough and at the Zero cost with somewhat barrier (security, authorization). the good quality ensure the "money" can be kept for long. the Zero cost, make it easy to create or destroy. the barrier, make people don't think about to make free money. otherwise, if "money" are so much, the inflation will come. that's why, there are some rules for monetary policy.

in this case, we can see, only free market, is not really enough. some thing like government needed to control the market, set up some rule, so everybody should obey. but the government will not stay long after the rules become a common knowledge to people. people know what will be happen if they don't follow the rule. at that time, a free market re-opened.

how-a-day, government try to put some of their departments back to the market. is it under the same development process??

mind trick (foolish)

today, window shopping in bookstore. pick up a book, mind trick book. e.g, "i want you just say yes"

there is s trick there.

when you ask people, let say, for dinning, to date a hot lady. most people will say

"Can we date tonight?"
"(No!) i am busy"
"how about just for a drink"
"i want to save my time (from you)"

the book explains, since you are asking "yes/no" question. if the lady don;t like to go with you, the first idea "NO" with come up in her mind, and no matter how you purpose later, she is standing the defend position.

here is another way to ask:

"Can we date or have a drink tonight?"
"um... i am busy"
"well, just a drink, will not long."

the book explains, since the question you raise is a choose, either X or Y, not yes or no. the girl is not in defending. you get more chance for success.

i say, it is just a foolish. if the lady like you, this may be work. i mean, for a shy lady, who in deep want to date with you, but shy to agree going out with you early.

for those girl, who are not like you. if you put the better question out, they will think " are you mad? we are not this far. go out with you? you are in the bottom of my list. are you stupid?". moreover, if the girl only met you once or twice, this question is somehow awkward. Don't you think?

ok, if somebody use this trick, try to fool a girl and success, the girl is dump. (if you like a dump girl, that's fine) for a smart girl, obviously, they hate playing trick, especially, this evil trick ( regard human not an individual, but just a control-able pet or robot).

Wallet + phone + notepad

is my hand drawing.

the phone need not be small. it is thin, and curve-able but strong. the screen can draw with pen, and the size as large as a wallet.

it can save a lot of space and my pocket.

one is now occupied by my phone, one is my wallet. and my notepad stay in my bag. if it can have powerful camera or DV. will be better. can surf web, will be prefect. can remote desktop, oh, it is not belong to this world.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Rollar Coaster

every Rollar Coaster should shows the G-number, to let player know how exciting the coaster is.

the measure is the mean and s.d., who give player an idea how crazy of this Coaster.

in Rollar Coaster Tycoon, the game, each coaster will have 3 indicators: excitement, intensity and nauseous.

i think, the park can do some statistic on the player to get the average.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Pretty Strike

recently, HK Celebrity naked, sex photos were systematically post on web and spread out among the public.

in fact, this is not a serious issue, except those picture featured by celebrity, especially the image of whom is innocence and young, a typical princess in Disney's world. however, the fast action of HK police was shocking me. ( for Disney's Cosplay, if it is the fat ass snow white, i bet no one will care. )

first, is it a serious crime? no, at most, it is only civil case instead of a crime, BT or piracy is crime not pornography. i can imagine, if my personal Sex party picture (i wish i have some) "leaked" out, no matter how hard i shout, no policeman will take care of it. the only thing is, Celebrities in hk are not a normal person, some kind of Heroes -- they have an extraordinary power, which can easy summon policeman for help, like his/her pet, and punish anything blocking their road to super star. i guess, there is some "jet-so" from those Heroes to policeman, may be, if they can catch the "criminal", Heroes can offer them a sex party as reward. Oh, Sorry, May be most police are member of the fans club.

2nd, a few porno-graphs is not a big deal today, and most importantly, it will not make the Hang Seng Index drops significantly. So, why? why police force can be so efficiently? the BT and pirate CD, DVD are really made some impact to artists, not the porno-graphs. how come the police not strike the BT user and pirate CD in the some attitude and measure? oh, yes, because beating the pirate will not make a sex party in return.

the police action is mystery fast and foolish. on the other side, the Internet user who post the photo, give a clear and pretty strike to the celebrities, especially the "innocence" one.

the pictures are real ( if not, the featured artists will not take care it so seriously), if the innocence one is really dame innocence. she claim herself and make herself as if innocence by crying for sneak-shotted in front of the screen, at that time everyone think she may be a virgin. Thus, how come she will like to have a sex party with the one, who is not, officially, her boyfriends? and clearly, she had deny to the public. Can any one tell his /her child, snow white like to have sex party? ok, the "real" one may like to do so.

one hand, if she admit that, the photos are real, her tear-built imagine will be cost nothing, lost her "honest" & "loyalest" fans, and she may need to think about other route to the super-star. Oh yes, may be it is the golden time! as she just has an ad for a fitness company. inside, she is proud about her body. then, gather a new fans club with sex-thirty male. may be, those buying power may be better than current fans.

on the other hand, if she deny that, the girl inside the porno is not her, may be the "india-Gal", or "mainland-Edison", she will lost the public, as we all think that she is try to foolish us. We all know those photos are real!!! if she cry for innocence, she will lost her honesty, a total imagine-bankrupt. this time, she is not sneak shotted by some dame guy, but the enjoyment for taking a series of self-portrait. she is the one and only one to carry out the responsibility. (the mass media is such a dame fool, the point is not how pornographic infiltrate our society, or why the scarce photos will be leaked out, but the point that how come a artist can be so foolish, to taking those pictures.) as the result, she will step down at her golden age. (think about those who committed real crime artists, who can resist to step down when she /he is not the money tree for the company?)

it seems that, she had no choice to admit the picture and the only way out is re-direct the public, to thing about other porno-graphs are also not moral (oh, yes, thank for the stupid media, the public is thinking this way.) so that the public will less attack and dis-focused. however, it is also not work so ideally, since she is a member of the partnership (Twins) with the other girl. if she moves to Sexy way, it is hard for her partner not doing so. the problem is, will the other one like the sexy way? does she able to do so? and will the public like a bony beauty?

she suffers in either way, either lost a thing, what she will do as a respond, is my interest. one a day, my porno-video may be uploaded on youtube, with out my authority.