Friday, July 23, 2010

When lost

of course we should pursuit our dream. i think we are now dealing with a goal, a short term goal of a long life. The trouble was happened because you cannot reach your goal, not your dream, right?

A GOAL should be designed after we understood ourself, our strength, our value, and our position. 

while a dream can be anything make me happy.

i believe you are now not satisfy, not feeling fulfilled from your post. and you want to be a person-in-charge for companies loan. i suggest you should answer those questions in that article, before you can persuade others, and also give yourself a solid foundation for doing that. 

1, 我有哪些長處? What Are My Strengths?
2, 我的作事方法為何? How Do I Perform? 
3, 我的價值觀是什麼? What Are My Values?  
4, 我歸屬於何處?Where Do I Belong?  
5, 我應該貢獻什麼? What Should I Contribute?  

when you can answer those questions and present them to your boss in this way:


Yes, I will do that. But this is the way I should be doing it. This is the way it should be structured. This is the way the relationships should be. These are the kind of results you should expect from me, and in this time frame, because this is who I am.

Then, i think everyone will give you a chance. =)

managing oneself.pdf (with highlight)


I am going to take part in Nuclear Physics for investigate a method of proton spin polarization under high temperature and low magnetic field strength and others related research, such as the scattering of heavy isotopes on polarized proton target. The project is branch of Dynamic nuclear polarization, which is transferring spin polarization from electrons to nuclei (protons) by cross polarization.

The polarization of proton can be used in width range of applications. It is called Hyper-polarization, because the polarization beyond thermal equilibrium or the Boltzmann Distribution.  This can be applied to enhance the efficiency of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and improve the resolution and application range of Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI), which has greatly useful from medical, chemistry to quantum computing.

One important application of the polarized proton is investigate the nuclear structure. For example, polarization study of unstable isotopes by scattering it with highly polarized proton target.  Since the current technique is difficult and expensive to achieve low temperature (sub-Kevin degrees) and high magnetic field (several Teslas). The thermal movement of atoms will destroy the polarized electron spin by collision with other atoms. Therefore, lower temperature can get better polarization efficiency. According to the Curie's law, the magnetization, or the electron spin polarization, is proportional to the external magnetic field and inversely proportional to temperature. Therefore, low temperature and high magnetic field is essential for spin polarization. The study is hard to be deployed. 

Currently, Professor Tomohiro Uesaka's group had achieved the polarization at temperature 100 K and magnetic field strength 0.1 T. The resultant proton polarization rate is 20%. The group use doped crystal of naphthalene (C10H8) as the polarization target, because of the π-electrons play an important role in the “Inter-system crossing” among different energy levels. Therefore, the group use Laser as a mean for exciting the electrons and undergo energy level transition. The electrons will be distributed on a triplet state m = +1, 0, -1 with different population and then polarized. By cross polarization, the group is able to polarize the proton spin.

The main objectives for my doctoral research is to investigate and improve the condition for maximize the polarization rate. The spin of proton also contributes magnetic field. The polarized proton spin gives a much stronger magnetic field. Professor T. Uesaka's group uses total magnetization (Polarization ratio times Total volume of the crystal) per power of laser as a measurement of the polarization efficiency. The current efficiency is around 7 [% mm3 / mW]. At this point, if the efficiency keeps unchanged, higher laser power will give out higher polarization ratio. The bigger challenge will be a higher ration, bigger crystal volume and lower laser power. Another improvement is increasing the working temperature or lowering the magnetic field while keeping the polarization ratio the same. This is possible in theory, because the population of the triplet state is independent of temperature and magnetic field.

By studying the spin polarization, several possibilities will be opened, such as applying the spin dynamic into quantum computing or study unstable heavy nuclei, like O-22, (which has 16 neutrons), C-22; or He-8. The unstable nuclei has un-ordinary spin-orbit coupling that changed the fine structure in nuclear system. This is an important discovery in modern physic that explained why some isotopes are more stable than others. The fine structure in nuclear system is similar to atomic system. The strong nuclear force in the nuclear shell model plays a similar role as the electromagnetic force in the electron shell model. The shell model gives protons and neutrons orbiting in shells. Thus, spin-orbit coupling will change the energy level. In 1963, Wigner, Mayer and Jensen shared a Nobel Prize for it. The change of fine structure of an unstable nuclei can be largely different form a stable one. With the help of a strong magnetic field from a strongly polarized crystal, we can study of the spin-orbit coupling. Therefore, proton spin polarization is a foundation for future research and study.

I have a vision after I finished the course. I become both skillful in experimental technique and mastering theories. I believe this is basic requirement for research career. Besides knowledge, I wish through out studying oversea, I could able to learn how to work with others, who are from different countries and cultures. Also, I can live by myself and look after others. These are very crucial for doing research and personal enhancement as well. At last, I want to become a mature and professional scientist. That is my dream and also my parent's.

Field of Study (as a reminder )

My major interest in physics is the electromagnetic theory, especially optics, from geometry optics, wave optics to laser. I was extensively trained with electromagnetism courses. I am able to solve the Maxwell’s equations analytically in specific geometries and numerically in most geometry. My first research project on my bachelor course is about the structural color in nature, like the scales of butterflies, bees and seashells. After employed modern laboratory techniques, such as SEM (scanning electronic microscope), TEM (tunneling electronic microscope), and our group revealed that the color of butterflies is based on a very simple principle – multiple thin films reflection or interference. The color is not form pigment as most people though, it is completely form the microstructures of chintin, which is a common material in nature. By changing the thickness or geometry of the structure, we are able to change the color reflected.

The second research project is about fabrication of the structural color or the photonic crystal, by using holographic lithography. Holographic lithography records the intensity pattern from laser beams interference and forms structures on a photoresis. The size of the interference pattern is determined by the wavelength of the laser used. A UV laser is able to produce 200 to 800 nm sub-micro structures. The structures at this scale can push the optical respond range to visible range. This method is also able to produce a large sample (5 X 5 mm2) by expanded the laser beams. A large sample makes optical spectrum measurements possible.

The objective of the project is fabrication of a sub-mirco-sized gold particles array and study of the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) when EM wave incidents on it. The surface plasmon is a quantized state of the vibration of surface electrons; thus, only metallic or conductive structures have such effect. For a single gold particle, the frequency of the quantized state is given by the size and geometry. A simple imagine is the gold particle was polarized and like a giant dipole oscillating with the external field. The effect of single dipole is weak and impossible for measurement. The array of dipoles will give strong and extraordinary effect when they are in resonance. One example is the extinction, which is defined as log(1/T), there T is transmission. The high extinction means low transmission. Our group found that the extinction peak was blue shifted from elliptical spheroid to good sphere. The result is same as numerical simulation.

My master research project follows the same technique. But instead of fabricate gold particles array, I were going to fabricate spiral structures. The fabrication required interference of 1 circularly polarized beam and 6 linearly polarized beams with very fine optical alignment. Therefore, the project took a lot of time for fine-tuning and optimization of the laser beams configurations, such as incident angles, polarization, and intensity. We also used computer simulation not only in the design stage, but also in the improvement stage. We are able to find out the factors that creates defect in our sample. Our group had also designed and set-up the measurement equipment and technique for measure the full state of light polarization with limited equipments. The special effect for a polarized light pass through a chiral slab is the wavelength dependence of the change of polarization angle. The polarization angle of blue light will be rotated larger than that of red light. The result can be explained by classical EM theory with the introduction of chirality factor in the characteristic equations that connect the electric displacement field and magnetic induction with the electric field and magnetic field.

I am also interested in the atomic structure. Therefore, I took 4 related experiments on a modern laboratory course. They are Millikan oil drop, Zeeman Effect, Optical Pumping and ESR (electron spin resonance). Those experiments not only enhanced my understanding, but also polished my experimental skill. Moreover, those experiments bring me into the real world that is a lot different in the theory. There are a lot unexpected and practice issues appear when performing an experiment. That is the fun and interesting aspect of doing experiment.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

1 bottle or 3 bottles? (II)

Extend reading : 1 bottle or 3 bottles

In that article, i used the expectation of "Utility" replacing the expectation of "bottle". 

somethings wrong with this. isn't it?

because the expectation is still there. the reality only approach to the expectation when there are many many trials.

but wait, Are we really using the expectation of "Utility", or just compare the utility for different results?

if we have equal utility for both 1-sure-bottle and 1-unsure-bottle. thus, 1 side has total utility is 1 and other side is 3. in this case, since we treat both kind of bottle are the same, so, we, of course, choose to bet the 3-bottles.

So, the question is, How the uncertainly devalue the utility?

well, it may different from different people. and by only compare the total utility, we can know, if the utility for a 1-unsure-bottle is lower then 1/3, then people will not like to take the gambling.

but what is different now? i think what i say is still running around the question!

think about what is utility? it means how would you like the trade or compare different things. so, we still using "utility" replaces "bottle"!!!

we just assign a value to each bottle and then say, "hey, i like this more than that, is because the assigned value are different!" which is simple to say, "i made up a reason & regardless of the chance."

in the game holder view point.

he has to buy many equal bottles, which has value , say, 1$. 

the cost of 1 sure-bottle is 1$, and 3-unsure-bottle is 3$, with 1/2 chance. the expectation of cost is 1.5$.

when he hold the game. the value of unsure-bottle devalue, or, relatively the sure-bottle up-value to 1.5$ for loss free. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Today, i encounter a funny question when interview.

interviewer, " What do you expect or seek from the job? money? working experience? future development? "

me, " Can i have them all? "

interviewer, " Yes, sure, but you have to rank them, which one is on the top of the list? "

me, " if i have to rank it, is it mean your company cannot provide all of them? "

interviewer, " Yes, we can, but we have to look your characteristic and preference, so, we can give you the most suitable training and development plan. "

me, " Ok, i prefer all of them. :) Does your company have a plan for people looking for all of them? Does your company have to divide people like this? money, working experiment and future development is a constant sum. One more, the others must be less?  "

interviewer, " ................... "

i guess, the interviewer fall in a trap set by herself. her question is implying only one of them, this is the answer she have to find out. and She insists to it and believe people can be classified like this.

At last, she only can say "yes", when i asked a negative question, she fail to respond. In Asia, people fear to disagree. disagree = disrespect are equal in most people mind. But it is not true.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

job title

As Companies like to make fancy title for very normal job, as if this can make the job more fun or professional. here some suggestions:

for those who graduated from school of engineering:

  • Insurance engineer 保險工程師 (who is a insurance salesman)
  • Tele-Sale engineer 電銷工程師(who is a tele-salesman)
  • Education engineer 教育工程師(who is a teacher or teaching assistance) 
  • Audit engineer 審計工程師 ( who is working in audit)
  • Hygiene engineer 衛生工程師( who may be a toilet cleaner with a degree in engineering )
  • Transportation engineer 運輸工程師( who is driver for transportation, like bus driver, but, with a degree in engineering )
  • Garment engineer ( who is working in garment industry )
As long as the working is holding a degree in engineer, he/she more or less will solve problem in engineering way, so, added a title with engineer should be proper and sound professional!

For those who graduated from humanities :
  • Insurance humanist (who is a insurance salesman)
  • Tele-Sale humanist  (who is a tele-salesman)
  • Education humanist  (who is a teacher or teaching assistance) 
  • Audit humanist  ( who is working in audit)
  • Hygiene humanist ( who may be a toilet cleaner with a degree in engineering )
  • Transportation humanist  ( who is driver for transportation, like bus driver, but, with a degree in engineering )
  • Garment humanist ( who is working in garment industry )
For those who graduated from chemistry:
  • Insurance chemist (who is a insurance salesman)
  • Tele-Sale chemist  (who is a tele-salesman)
  • Education chemist  (who is a teacher or teaching assistance) 
  • Audit chemist ( who is working in audit)
  • Hygiene chemist ( who may be a toilet cleaner with a degree in engineering )
  • Transportation chemist  ( who is driver for transportation, like bus driver, but, with a degree in engineering )
  • Garment chemist ( who is working in garment industry )

what is your Job nature and your degree ?

For me now:

Housekeeping Physicist  :P

Incentives mechanics

Can people be treated as a mechanics?

Animals can. 

when we have 2 choices, we will pick up the most valuable one, or the better one, according to our utility function. we tend to spend less and get more. say, the price of a can of coke is cheaper then a bottle of milk, and the satisfaction (or the utility ) is the same for me,  i will take the coke, coz i can spend less but get higher satisfaction. when the coke is $1 and the milk is $2, and and now, i prefer milk more, then i may take the milk. In such a case, when a problem exist a optimum solution via analysis, i will like the call : Un-choos-able Choice. quot from Shakespeare: be or not to be, it is not a question. 

an indifferent choice raised when the 2 choices are same cost and the satisfactions also the same. Then, i will call this is a Indifferent Choice.

Like everything, there is a margin for uncertainty. for example, a red dress is $100, a green dress is $101. can we really "feel the different"? are we so sensitive for a small different. how many people can really tell the different between following number" 

1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 2/5, 3/5...

unless we changed to digital number.

0.50, 0.67, 0.75, 0.80, 0.83, 0.40, 0.60

OK, what am i talking about this? 

the reason is, we act according to different situation, different feed-back, different input. For those Un-choos-able Choice, there is no freedom at all, (unless we are stupid ).

Even for those Indifferent choice, we can increase the incentive, then we can make it be a Un-choos-able choice. 

We all be driving by the incentive. 

unless the assumption is not correct : we do not tend to spend less and get more. 

is it the beginning of moral? How about sacrifice?