Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fastest Speed? (II)

The last entry about Fastest Speed? has new thought.

for the reason why the speed of light is fastest. The reason can be simple. no need any equations.

The reason is, the speed of light is the same for all constant velocity observer. and we use light as a measurement tool.

For simplicity, we can imagine a "magic bullet" that travel at same speed no mater who measure it.

we can use this magic bullet to build a clock. the clock is made by a gun and a target, a standard time can be defined as when the bullet hit the target.

Lets say, John is moving at speed of this bullet compare with Mary. and the clock is on John's hand. we can freely to say John is not moving but Mary, or Mary is not moving but John. 2 arguments are same.

In John, the clock run normally. since we can say john is not moving.

But in Mary, John is moving at the speed of the bullet. and the bullet also moving at the speed of bullet. therefore, the bullet never reach the target. Thus, time stopped.

people may ask this clock is not a good clock. we can build another clock by different principle and give out different result. But remember physical law is same no matter who or how to check it.

Thus, if John is moving in speed of light. The time for he in others people is undefined. as the time begin undefined, the space also. Thus, John is living in crazy time and crazy space (but existing ?) in Mary's eye. Therefore, normal thing cannot move at speed of light.

For time begin undefined, the space also.

space, length, we can simple use a ruler to measure or define it. However, it is not always.

first, we have to make sure the 2 ends are not moving compare with each other. if one end is moving, any length measurement is fail.

so, How do we make sure the 2 ends are not moving? we are only 1 human, may be we can make sure out hands are not moving. but how about length is many times longer? ask someone to help? How?

we can use light. because its speed depends on nothing.

John can send a light to Mary, who carry a mirror. They are on the 2 ends. John can simple measure the time for the light return back and forth. if the first time is same as second time, we can say the 2 ends are not moving. ( strictly speaking, John only knew at that 2 time intervals, the ends did not move; the ends can move but at the time the light hit the mirror, Mary is on the same point. )

if the clock of John is broken, he never able to define a length.

by the way, undefined does not mean it is not exist.

A: Why the speed of light depends on nothing?

Q: i mean, it does not depend on observer. in fact, it real depends on something, the permitivity and permeability.

Passing through

kids are able to different right and wrong. world is simple. and it should be simple (i believe)

after educated, things becomes right and wrong. blur, not clear.

after deep understanding, things become right and wrong again.

learning new things, we have so called beginner's luck.
people can see through a problem by simple thought.

while educated people make thing complicated and believe thing should be complicated.

Than, a real Master can give a simple solution.

when broken with lover, people feel sad.

some may seek happiness by ignoring the sadness deep inside.

some may face the sadness.

only few who faced the sadness can get pass.

But only the few can know what is real happiness.

it is bright before a dark tunnel.

but only passed the tunnel, we can go to the other side of brightness.

and by only so, life can move on rather than stay put.

Monday, February 15, 2010


have you ever worry about somethings, that you do not feel any pressure at all but just anxiety?

Like release of examination result. you know all you can do is done and just wait for the result. If it goes bad, you only can admit it.

Like date a hot girl. you are not sure completely, but just wait. Somehow, you may think she will show up and start to imagine how the data is going on, what will be told on the data, what kind of dress she may wear. When you imagine more, yo realized that it may not be true and even the girl does not show, you feel anxiety.

For something, you are so not sure the result. of course you really want the good happened. And you have a lot of planning after this. But you just afraid the imagine. you afraid it is not real, it will not come true. How come such a good thing will be happened on yourself! you afraid to dream about it, you even forbidden a single moment about this thing pop out in your head. But occasionally, you realized the date of the result is closing, you will think of it.

Sometime, you start to think it must be bad, it will be fail. The good thing will not be happened on yourself. And you feel some release, not so worry about it so much. However, if it is really bad, you even do not have enough imagination to think about what to do afterward. Because all you want is change. your world did not changed and your world should be ended.

Hope is a double blaze. good-side, anxiety. bad-side, end of the world.

Patient, will it help?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let's cell phone replace writing pad

there are cordless keyboard, mouse, mic, speaker, and many other devices.

How about cell phone?

Now, we have used cell phone for internet, act like a bridge.

What if my cell phone has touch screen and support hand-writing?

using the connection to PC and the touch screen. May be we can replaced hand-writing pad.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Water quality

Recently watched a commercial, It take about the quality of water is graded by number, 10 is the best, 9 and 8 is poor and so on.

It is quite misleading. When taking about quality, it means that there is no best quality, only worse. The scale is from bottom to top. Moreover, it means a progress to get a better quality.

That should not be used on Water. Better use Purity.

Water is a pure and clear concept. H2O, no more, no less. If i say i need some water, of course i only mean i want H2O. (if you don't have, you can give mineral water or tape water.) There is 1 and only 1 quality of water.

Thus, anythings else added on water reduced the purity, not quality. ( i should admit that these 2 words are very close and easy mix up.)

Purity is using a different scale, from top to bottom.

Take another example, Diamond.

Since Diamond is a pure concept, Carbon with the unique arranged lattice structure. Thus, the color of diamond is grade from D, E, F, G....., From top to Bottom. There is a perfect (best) "quality".

the commercial pissed me off because it is telling and convince me that, water should not be just H2O. We have to buy for it. Shit, Water is an essential element and we have the right to expect it is not a luxury.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Thermodynamic Humor

Zeroth Law: Thermodynamic Equilibrium
A system in thermodynamic equilibrium is by definition its most probable
state; all processes have essentially gone to completion and its macroscopic
variables are unchanging. Also, if two systems are in thermodynamic
equilibrium with a third they are in thermodynamic equilibrium with each other.

First Law: Conservation of Energy
The increase in energy of a closed system is equal to the energy added in the
form of heat minus the work done by the system on its surroundings:
ΔU = ΔQ - ΔW

Second Law: Entropy Always Increases
The entropy of an isolated system will only increase with time. Generally
ΔS ≥ 0
The entropy will approach a maximum value as the system evolves in time.

Third Law: Absolute Zero
As a system’s temperature approaches absolute zero all processes cease, and
the system entropy approaches its minimum value.


Zeroth Law
“You must play the game.”

First Law
“You can’t win the game.”

Second Law
“You can’t even lie the game.”

Third Law
“You can’t get out of the game.”

... attributed to C. P. Snow

Highest temperature?

Last time, we explained the existence of the highest speed.

a very direct consequence may be the highest temperature.

According to the kinetic theory, the temperature of a gas depends entirely on the speed of its particles.

number of mole * a constant * Temperature = one and half * mass * square of speed

Thus, the highest speed set a upper bound of temperature.

when we put the number in it, the highest temperature for 1 mole of the heaviest atom ( ununoctium, a mole is weight 294 gram) is:

4.767 x 10^15 degree ~ 5 x 10^15 degree = 5,000,000,000,000,000 degree

a very huge number!!

To see how hot it is, we can compare this with some known temperature.

Boiling Point of Gold is about 3,000 degree
Melting Point of diamond is about 3,500 degree
Boiling Point of diamond is about 5,000 degree
The core of earth is about 7,000 degree
The sun's surface is about 6,000 degree
The sun's core is about 5,000,000 degree

Notices that at the sun core, nuclear fusion is taking place. This is one of the violent reaction is the universe.

However, this is the classical view.

If we review the theory of getting the temperature. the temperature is proportional to K.E. instead of speed square. Since according to the special relativity, the Kinetic energy is corrected and not just the square of speed. Other speaking, the classical kinetic energy, which is equal to half of mass times speed square is for low speed. For high speed, the classical formula is not correct. Thus, the kinetic energy is not limited by the special relativity, but the speed. Therefore, there is no highest temperature.

The story does not stop in here, if we look a more closer look on what happen under high temperature. First, when temperature getting higher and higher, the pack of particle hits each others more frequently, and harder. Around 9,000 degree, atom no longer exist because the electrons are kicked out, and we called this, plasma. around 20,000 degree, plasma no longer exist because nuclear are broken, only protons and neutrons are left. At even higher temperature, protons and neutrons fall part and quark is left. Although we not really observed quark, we believe its existence. At very very high temperature, a hit of quark may produce many other particles as well. So, how to treat this ? what physics law should be use?

2nd, if we treat it like classic physic (i.e. no interaction between quark), the mass term is greatly reduced by replacing a heaviest atom by a quark. 100 times lesser the temperature will be. If we use electrons, also very fundamental particle, the mass term will be deduced 2000 times.

3rd, we so far believe the quark and electron cannot be broken because they are fundamental particles, What if it is wrong?

4th, What is the definition of temperature? only by the kinetic theory? If we have only 1 particle, is there any meaning for temperature? if no, what is the minimum number of particle to define a temperature? That are all testing our understanding.

Another definition of temperature is giving by thermodynamic. The concept of entropy.

entropy = Boltzmann constant * Log ( combination of the system )

1/ Temperature = change of entropy per unit energy

In human language, which means, if we inject 1 unit of energy, How many entropy or how the change of possible combination of the system. And the change is equal 1 over temperature. Which mean, if the change is minimum or zero, we have the highest temperature. Thus, when you cannot change the system by inject more energy, the temperature is highest and equal to infinite. Make sense!!!

According to this definition, even a single particle or an empty space has temperature! But the discussion is already out of topic.

Another way to find out the highest temperature is by the uncertainty principle, which stated that

the change of energy * the change of time must be grater or equal to the Planck constant.

In this case, the highest temperature is around 15 x 10^31 degree.

So far, the highest temperature is still an open question.