Friday, February 01, 2008

Pretty Strike

recently, HK Celebrity naked, sex photos were systematically post on web and spread out among the public.

in fact, this is not a serious issue, except those picture featured by celebrity, especially the image of whom is innocence and young, a typical princess in Disney's world. however, the fast action of HK police was shocking me. ( for Disney's Cosplay, if it is the fat ass snow white, i bet no one will care. )

first, is it a serious crime? no, at most, it is only civil case instead of a crime, BT or piracy is crime not pornography. i can imagine, if my personal Sex party picture (i wish i have some) "leaked" out, no matter how hard i shout, no policeman will take care of it. the only thing is, Celebrities in hk are not a normal person, some kind of Heroes -- they have an extraordinary power, which can easy summon policeman for help, like his/her pet, and punish anything blocking their road to super star. i guess, there is some "jet-so" from those Heroes to policeman, may be, if they can catch the "criminal", Heroes can offer them a sex party as reward. Oh, Sorry, May be most police are member of the fans club.

2nd, a few porno-graphs is not a big deal today, and most importantly, it will not make the Hang Seng Index drops significantly. So, why? why police force can be so efficiently? the BT and pirate CD, DVD are really made some impact to artists, not the porno-graphs. how come the police not strike the BT user and pirate CD in the some attitude and measure? oh, yes, because beating the pirate will not make a sex party in return.

the police action is mystery fast and foolish. on the other side, the Internet user who post the photo, give a clear and pretty strike to the celebrities, especially the "innocence" one.

the pictures are real ( if not, the featured artists will not take care it so seriously), if the innocence one is really dame innocence. she claim herself and make herself as if innocence by crying for sneak-shotted in front of the screen, at that time everyone think she may be a virgin. Thus, how come she will like to have a sex party with the one, who is not, officially, her boyfriends? and clearly, she had deny to the public. Can any one tell his /her child, snow white like to have sex party? ok, the "real" one may like to do so.

one hand, if she admit that, the photos are real, her tear-built imagine will be cost nothing, lost her "honest" & "loyalest" fans, and she may need to think about other route to the super-star. Oh yes, may be it is the golden time! as she just has an ad for a fitness company. inside, she is proud about her body. then, gather a new fans club with sex-thirty male. may be, those buying power may be better than current fans.

on the other hand, if she deny that, the girl inside the porno is not her, may be the "india-Gal", or "mainland-Edison", she will lost the public, as we all think that she is try to foolish us. We all know those photos are real!!! if she cry for innocence, she will lost her honesty, a total imagine-bankrupt. this time, she is not sneak shotted by some dame guy, but the enjoyment for taking a series of self-portrait. she is the one and only one to carry out the responsibility. (the mass media is such a dame fool, the point is not how pornographic infiltrate our society, or why the scarce photos will be leaked out, but the point that how come a artist can be so foolish, to taking those pictures.) as the result, she will step down at her golden age. (think about those who committed real crime artists, who can resist to step down when she /he is not the money tree for the company?)

it seems that, she had no choice to admit the picture and the only way out is re-direct the public, to thing about other porno-graphs are also not moral (oh, yes, thank for the stupid media, the public is thinking this way.) so that the public will less attack and dis-focused. however, it is also not work so ideally, since she is a member of the partnership (Twins) with the other girl. if she moves to Sexy way, it is hard for her partner not doing so. the problem is, will the other one like the sexy way? does she able to do so? and will the public like a bony beauty?

she suffers in either way, either lost a thing, what she will do as a respond, is my interest. one a day, my porno-video may be uploaded on youtube, with out my authority.

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