Friday, February 15, 2008

mind trick (foolish)

today, window shopping in bookstore. pick up a book, mind trick book. e.g, "i want you just say yes"

there is s trick there.

when you ask people, let say, for dinning, to date a hot lady. most people will say

"Can we date tonight?"
"(No!) i am busy"
"how about just for a drink"
"i want to save my time (from you)"

the book explains, since you are asking "yes/no" question. if the lady don;t like to go with you, the first idea "NO" with come up in her mind, and no matter how you purpose later, she is standing the defend position.

here is another way to ask:

"Can we date or have a drink tonight?"
"um... i am busy"
"well, just a drink, will not long."

the book explains, since the question you raise is a choose, either X or Y, not yes or no. the girl is not in defending. you get more chance for success.

i say, it is just a foolish. if the lady like you, this may be work. i mean, for a shy lady, who in deep want to date with you, but shy to agree going out with you early.

for those girl, who are not like you. if you put the better question out, they will think " are you mad? we are not this far. go out with you? you are in the bottom of my list. are you stupid?". moreover, if the girl only met you once or twice, this question is somehow awkward. Don't you think?

ok, if somebody use this trick, try to fool a girl and success, the girl is dump. (if you like a dump girl, that's fine) for a smart girl, obviously, they hate playing trick, especially, this evil trick ( regard human not an individual, but just a control-able pet or robot).

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