Saturday, January 30, 2010

Curiosity falling

Most of us, when getting in a new job or new thing will be excited at the beginning. we are able to ask many many questions, give many suggestions, wondering why things cannot go in this way but that way. We are so curious about the new world.

The excitement or the curiosity will soon fallen. May be because we learn much, more or less saturated or accepted the way it works. Or may be, we just used to it and getting bored.

Is it so called mature? professional?

No! It is so called "doomed". following routines, obeying protocols, working like a horse or cow is not mature, and not even professional.

One truly example of professional can be found in many creative industry. Look at a professor in research lab. The work is routine and boring, but a professional can always find a way of break through and improvement. That is the key point - innovation.

When you work without new thoughts any more, you better quite your job or change the position. Just helping you not become too old when too young.

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