Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Link

i propose a new business direction for "the link".

the link - a logistic corp. for small business/shop/company

since the link control most public estate shopping centers, so alot shope places. if it can develop a logistic sub-crop. to organize the supply and demand for all the shops, it will be a huge business.

among all estate shops, a lot of different kind, differernt needs for each of them. if "the link" can realy conduct this business, build up a effective system like walmark, this business will be as huge as PK.

think about it, "the link"!

instead of focusing on profit, but always act against small business, killing them by price. how about coorperate with them?? river come from small stream.


Anonymous said...

What's the point for small business to use the logistic of The link?

The link may wish to develop the business, but can it competite with other logistic companies?

About the term "Logistic", to what level do you mean?

The ordinary transportation of goods? Or included the global sourcing and order fulfillment?

Unknown said...

let me explain more, do you know how Jusco or Seibu come from??

they do business with collect small business, they provide space, transportation of good, finding better supply and do reseach for good needs (to tell shop which product is hot), or even inculde risk mangement, you name it.

and i see the way those local market do business, is very ineffective or even choaic, that make them hard to complete with large supermarket.
if, there is something try to make it more effecive, lower the price, more organized.

i think you can see my point now.

for global sourcing and orderfulfillment, good idea, since now aday, transpotation is very convenient, can you imagine that local maket can sell fresh fruit from Malay? can sell fresh fish from Italy??

and if you can check the price of local market from internet?? can order food from you mobile phone??

since the work force no need to waste time to find supply or other thing, they can go to higher value servse.

i guess Pk can aslo do so, but i can see why they don't. may be there is no other completable partner in that business.