Tuesday, April 27, 2010

what am i blogging for?

first, it should be something i want to express to public.

2nd, it should be something truly from my mind, something originate from me.

otherwise, why i post others opinions? why i talk stories without souls?

blogger is not a reporter, should be different, right?

Blogger should be a writer, to create, to construct, to dig out questions, to answer questions.

The problem is, how do i know those ideas in my mind are from me?

we process a lot information each day, we remember, we use it, we put them on to other things.

But even we can able to use what we learned, they are not originate from myself.

for an analogy, we learn then we use, like we breakup the food into tiny elements, and then re-construct, use them in our boy. but those thing is already exist, not us.

well, we can get some relief to say that the combination is the thing we own. like buildings, every buildings use similar construction elements, like bricks, irons, steels, woods, concretes, glasses, etc..

Frankenstein is a combination of human body's parts, can it be a creation?

May be, but it is hard to say a truly creation, may be i called it creative level 1 - new combinations of old stuff.

for creative level 2, i expect to see some new dimension, an improvement. like, from ape to human. like new building material, for example, solar power panel, steel-concrete, or concrete-steel. colorless-steel, or bio-painting.

well, may be need no be so hard.

only blog something that "i think" it had soul. "i think" people seldom notices, or unseen.

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