Friday, October 10, 2008

Checkmate, Not Winning meterial

while playing chess, the goal is clear. but every beginner will fall in the way that : by winning meterial, has some sort of advantage in the number of pieces on the broad, will give them more chance to checkmate. yes, these philosophy is work, if you are facing another beginner. and some, even only know how to win pieces but don't know how to checkmate, let their opportunt a chance to draw, fail the advantage. i am one of them.

life happen in a similar way. people think, if they can step by step, sucessfully completed little and little short term goals, than, they will finially get what they want. 

by taking every advantage, is not the only way. there is another way - to checkmate. that's so called "short-cut". this tactic only availble for expert. since the skill fo this need a deep penertration view of what is happening. just like a chess master, need a lot experience and knowledege to see through the broad. 

Many politics, is very easy to fall in a situation that -- driven by the people, the mob. it is very easy to do so, especially the politics also come form the mob. the support of the people become the short term goal. he try his best to fulfill the goal like winning every advantage. And it is shame for some well educated politics, also happen in the same way, they can not lead or direct the people but let the people drive his move.

i am a stronge supporter for noble politic. the noble means well educated people, which has larger and depper view, that can see the core of the society. that why, i use "mob" to discribe "people". sometimes, poeple are just don;t know what they want, well, not everybody can undersatnd himself. moreover, the society spent so many dollar in trainning people, if eventually, we don't listen to the high educateds, but obey the mob, what the greatest joke in the world!

at last, in our life, in our society, we need to checkmate - to understand what we need most, what we don't want to happen the most. and find a way to complete it. rather than winning little by little advantage. ( i am not telling that, we should not win little advantage, but just not only. ) when we think again and again, try to found out all the possiblity, we will learn how to short cut to the goal.

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