Monday, July 21, 2008

Clouded Inside

being as an insider, things are always clouded and unclear. However, there is always a way to figure out what happen.

the problem is: can personal emotion, and mind-set not bias the judgement?

there are many "feeling", that will make us think differently. especially for an insider, it is very easy to be angry, for being cheated, betrayed and time-delayed, that will cause passive.

another thing will be happened is that, we are all one of the chess pieces, But which pieces we really are? a pawn? a knight? a bishop? a Queen? the King? or the player?

knowing position is very important as being an insider. since we need priciples to guide our motivation and action. by having a wrong idea on the position, things will out of control. the first one to last control is not others, but ourselve. and then, we are in passive position.

if assume there is only 1 way to be passive. thus, being angry is same as we lost control, and further lost a proper judgement. That may indicate that we are putting ourselve in a wrong pieces.

Thus, by knowing of this, we should adjust our position and then, play as a different role , to have a nice game.

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