Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Age of reasoning

There are only Stupid answer, but no Stupid question.

Why, When, Who, How, Where, What are the most valuable words. they like a pickaxes, which help us to dig deeper and deeper toward the truth and knowledge. keep us far away from innocent.

Only having a pickaxes will not lead us toward the truth. we need a user guild--a method -- Logic. everything out of Logic should be classified as unknown or wrong.

however, may be our education is so popular. Many people believe, any explanations, any reasons with "science" cover is truth. Some of them are called fake-science. but most of them, is only explain with science terms. when people talk about biology, and suddenly pop out with term like DNA, Darwin, then people will believe what them said is 100% truth. it is superstitious belief in authority.

there is another kind of superstitious in authority. if someone can say say some kind of theory, that can explain an event, then the theory must be true. look at the bible, Jesus said a lot of things, and according to the HOLY BIBLE, it works and it can explain what is going on. so, what Jesus said must be true, forever. even the theory was said 2000 years ago.

the age of reasoning is require everyone act like mathematicians, to think logically, precise, accuracy, and listen no one before proof was made.

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