Sunday, August 14, 2016


Almost 3 years..... I mostly post small idea on facebook, so, I think it is good to collect similar posts in here. Starting from Dec, 2013.

Politics, Society:

i thought the democracy is a way to teach people how to choose, to let people fulfill their will and create a better world. democracy is like ability of walking, give the child some time, few fall and get up, they will know how to walk, how to make a good choice. But i am wrong. some race, some people, some nations are just lack of the capability. Just like fish can never learn how to walk, they die when trying. If people make a bad choice at the beginning, somehow, there is no way back, they fail once and fade away.


quis custodiet ipsos custodes ?

the result of regulations is that even the worst, problematic bank can survive whenever it meets the requirements of the regulations. Who know the regulations are prefect that would not create problems? Somehow, when some stupid shit happened in Hong Kong, i feel glad. Hell yeah~


Although education is common and popular, independent thinking is still rare. Does that mean individual thinking is off-syllable or non-teachable ? independent thinking means that, the conclusion is after analysis of facts, not after others opinions. One testing of independent thinking is that, what are the meaning of every words in the conclusion. If someone cannot even give a clear explanation/definition of a word, how he can understand what he is talking about?

The polarization of a society , may be not from the government's policy or the system of the society. It is due to the people. One group of people purchase wealth, knowledge or higher value, while the other group of people seek for welfare, fun or anti-intelligent. It seems that these two groups are mutually exclusive and their own tendency will lead them to the polarization.


How about using Bitcoin as a way for online voting system? When there is an election, the electron holder, or the government, issue a bitcoin to each registered voters. The voters can "spend" their bitcoin to each candidate's "account" and the bitcoin can only be transfer once and be invalid after the vote. Thus, a secure, anonymous, fair electric voting system may work. People can vote for every issues, every hour and everyday.


文明如何戰勝野蠻? 羅馬帝國失敗了,美帝都搞極端組織唔掂。只有更野蠻才能戰勝野蠻。不要說這是變成野蠻,因為我地知道野蠻是為了守護文明,那班野蠻人只知道野蠻。警察落力d打個班野蠻既鳩烏啦!向警察致敬!

點解唔索性暴力抗爭? 絕食? 不如上天台扮跳樓啦。仲有效。

除非有人封所港交所或政總特首辦,又或擊退警察(還拖),或解放軍出動。否則我以後不會再過問香港政情了。 欽此。

大國邏輯: 唔斬晒d沉香樹,我屋企個舊邊9值錢!

點解拾遺係罪? 點解銀行犯錯可以唔駛負責? 咁d呀婆周街執紙皮係唔係犯法? 流浪猫狗人食垃圾係唔係犯法? 去沙灘郊野公園執垃圾係唔係犯法? 點解跌錢污染環境,好心市民幫手清潔係犯法? 去商場享受冷氣未有問商場係唔係犯法? 各位睇到這段文字又未得本人同意係唔係犯法? 咁股市下跌股東可唔可以唔駛負責? 我唔小心生意失敗,可唔可以拉晒同過我做生意既人,告佢地拾遺不報? 六合彩買馬唔小心唔中,可唔可以要賽馬會俾返錢我? 咁有日我唔小心跌左散紙然後離去,係唔係都受到法律保障,可以拉晒d執錢既人? 我好想問下唔小心跌錢,跌路障,跌盾牌,跌左示威人士,d差老去清場係唔係拾遺不報?



重溫人生三本必讀名著:弗洛姆的“逃避自由”,“自我的追尋” 和 “愛的藝術”。這三本書是三部曲。第一本講現代人身在於種種枷鎖之中而不自知,什至投入其中。由之而來的種種得失和困惑。第二本是第一本的續集。進一步解析人性本質,透過了解自身而指出如何認識自我,突破自我。了解並追尋自己的價值,作為安身立命的一塊基石。第三本講人與人之間關於愛與被愛的原由,進而了解愛的本質與實踐。三本書環環緊扣,互相呼應,形成弗洛姆的主要思想。雖然看完後不能立刻帶來實質上的改變,但單單觀念的改變,命運也改變了。所以,我明白點解我沒有女朋友。哈哈。

精神貧乏。Mental poverty, a sickness of modernization. Eric Fromm suggests the salvation is CREATIVITY in his book, escape from freedom.

may be, we are just replacing an entity/concept by another entities and their relations. we haven't explained anything but only discript it with the help of others. in a very fundamental level, may be we can just discript how it related to surrounding, but cannot explain why it do in that way. just like point and line. for example, what is an apple. we can say it comes from a tree, it growt from a flow. it has red skin and white pulp, etc. but why apple is like that? may be we have some answers by looking at how the evolution shape it in this way. But at the end, are we really know "what is an apple"? or the question is, what is "what"?

Which book shall i bring to go to an isolated island for the rest of my life?

Chess 201: sacrifice. Bring suprise to the opponent while creating a new dimension on the board. Although losing material, it gains some squares or broken the piece structure, even rip off the king's defences. Remember, the pieces on board are the mean to capture enermy's king.





執到老虎都唔還,燒俾啊爺唔好? 最鐘意損人不利己無私和平非暴力既野。

According to Wiki:
number two is ill-define that it is very subjective. e.g. A teacher told the parents of a kid about the grade, and that made the kid felt bad, does the grade be counted as "privacy"?


If putting a mirror beside of a lamp, we will recieve the light from the "image of the lamp". If there is a mirror, which reflect any meson, can we say the mirror world affecting our world? If we can create a mirror, may be curved, that reflect graviton, to create an image of a massive object, and use the gravitaional force of this image to drive a spaceship.... Because the podition of this image can always be adjusted, just like a carrot hanging in front of a horse....

If there is a mirror reflect 100% neutron, a half sphere of uranium at half of the critical mass moves close to the mirror will trigger the chain reaction. That could make a tiny atomic bomb.

until, Dec, 2014

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