- How large is a protein?
- How small is a functionable protein?
- How Large is a DNA can be?
- How small is a functionable DNA?
- How small can a gas planet can be?
- How small a star can be?
- How high a magnetic field can be? electric field?
- what is the smallest distance?
- is there more condition between E=mc^2? since we cannot convert any energy to any mass.
- What is the biggest possible rock planet?
- what is the size of water droplet just before it fall form a surface?
- what is the largest size of rain?
- what is smallest size of rain? a water molecule?
- what is the maximum power of a lightning?
- what is the minimum power of a lightning?
- what is the maximum number of planet a star system can have?
- what is the maximum number of moon a planet can have?
- what is the highest frequency of light? gamma ray with so high energy will create positron-electron pair.
- what is the lowest frequency of light? can you imagine, can we product a light at 1Hz? the antenna will be length from earth to the moon.
- what is the longest living cell? can a cell live for 10 years?
- what is the largest power output from a system?
- what is the maximum refractive index can be?
- How fast the wind on earth can be?
- what is the largest crystal on earth?
- what is the possible sexuality?
- what is the smallest living thing?
i believe most of the above questions has theoretical value. and i am going to know them all in my life.
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