Monday, November 24, 2008
Reconginze the potential
Friday, November 21, 2008
Writing, Script, or similar
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Seven deadly sins
1, lust
2, gluttony
3, greed
4, sloth
5, wrath
6, envy
7, pride
new modern sins:
1, environmental pollution
2, genetic manipulation
3, obscene wealth
4, infliction of poverty
5, drug trafficking
6, morally debatable experiments
7, violation of the fundamental rights of human nature.
my seven sins are:
1, believe in any religions
2, no civic-minded/ self - care /沒有公德心 (i dun know how to translate)
3, sloth
4, Patriotic or Racism
5, stupid/ not using their brain
6, obsess in celebrity's stuff / 睇八掛新聞 (i dun know how to translate this one too)
7, crowded / fear
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Life is minimize the entropy.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Checkmate, Not Winning meterial
Sunday, October 05, 2008
is 10 years X 1
1 years X 10???
this is very interesting.
10 years X 1, means that the 10 years is a single experience, no repetition. however, 1 years X 10, only means you did a 10 years job but just a repetition of 1 year.
some industries are 10years X 1. those are mainly creative and fast changing.
some industries are 1 years X 10. e.g. teacher.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Equal Opportunity
good idea with mercy heart but not reasonable enough. those people who are discriminated by aged or pregnancy, is because their working power is lower than others. if companies hire those people, they will suffer lost. aged people may be work slow and cannot respond to new technique. pregnancy women may ask for many pay-holiday. by the way, if people who can bring money to a company, i can bet that everyone do want to hire them, no matter they are aged or anything else.
So, the basic reason for unequal opportunity is impersonal, is mostly after balancing the lost and gain. that's why i said the commercial has good heart but not reasonable. Thus, if the government is trying to tell employer to have a good heart, to hire people that may let them suffer lost, they are really idiot. things really need to do is giving tax reduction or any advantage through policy making, to bring back the advantage or just balancing the lost, instead of making stupid commerical to wasting money.
something happened in the way for increasing birth rate. people not give birth babies is mostly because the cost for having babies is high; education fee, bigger housing, and time. if government does not provide any policy, like tax reduction, half education fee, lower housing price to overcome the resistance of having babies, but just asking more babies come to the world, helping the society from aged. the government is totally naive, brainless and fail the people.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Using of Third body
" a Great people is, who know how to break through himself. "
one way to breaking through, is using third body view point. looking following example.
(1) i like apples.
(2)Ryan likes apples.
(1) sounds like a personal judgment, (of course, it is!) (2) sounds like a common fact, that, Ryan, this guy, likes apples.
Lets take one more example.
(1) i think, it is a good way to break through myself.
(2) Ryan thinks, it is a good way to break through himself.
See? by putting out ourselves out of ourselves, we can have a more critical standpoint, argument. compare (1) and (2) we can see, we can not use (1) to argue with ourselves! if someone can do so, it is a truly "contradict". by using (2) we can how easily think another possibility that "Ryan" may be wrong!
the last example.
(1) i feel sad for my girl friend does not care about me.
(2)Ryan feel sad for his girl friend does not care about him.
See again? by using third body viewpoint, we can even help ourselves out of sadness!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Any thing has a price.
sounds crazy, hah~
A thing must exist some things else to trade, even your lover, your faith, your priceless stuff.
people may be NOT willing to see or admit this. but it is how the world working. this trading theory, especially work if you are in trouble. we can see a lot of stories base on this: a financial manger is facing stock market crisis, he need a lot money right now, at that time, he even accept a lower price compare to normal situation, just for getting some money. a girl lose her love, she may act differently, like crazy shopping to "help" herself. (oh, in fact, a lot of girl like money more than their love, especially after she grow up). there are many many cases.
this does not happen in ourselves, is because we are safe (and of course, no one has that amount of money). so that our needs low. however, even when we are safe. an incredible price can also affect our judge. lets say, 100 billion USD, to trade your current girl friend. or become a king, by kill your brother. or, return the earth environment to be balance and get 10 billion, by killing 10 people (you can give that 10 billion to the 10 people).
however, some people, we will call them "cheap", is because, their price is cheap. for 10 dollars, they can kill, they can cheat, they can selling their soul, which are not normal to most people.
so, noble or evil, may be judge by the cost. noble has a very high price. evil, may be even negative price.
well, it does not work so good. since it depend on what is "good", or "bad".
Correct and Right
the show can be fake, because it is an art show. ok, a art show with fake, is a fake art show, not simply art show any more. clear?
How to we deal with opinion in our life? especially for opposite, mutually exclusive ideas?
lets take one example. (from
for English reader:
Caught cheating while nation examination (to recruit talents to be governors).
"why you take part in the nation examination?" the examiner ask.
"For return my talent to the nation, to give some of my contribution." he defense.
"so, why cheating?" examiner questioning.
"For National welfare!" he keeps on deafening.
Will you now think the Chinese philosophy is abstruse and profound.
the blog writer does not say right or wrong.
i think, foreigners will not think it is difficult to judge. it is definitely wrong!!! any nations (oh, may be china excluded) should not, and must not recruit people that will cheat in any time! no matter what, cheating is not right. there is no right reason for cheating, although the cheat will give some benefit. just like a common wisdom said: " a mistake will not correct another mistakes, only make it worse."
Any thing has a price. no matter what. (or anything can be exchanged to anything else, money is just a measurement.)
so, cheating must be converted to a price for everyone. and the price, defined how good of this people. simply imagine cheating in a primary school dictation for only 10 HKD, and for 1 billion. you can see, the price is somewhat mean the resistance for being bad. it is an inertia.
lets us look back the cheating case in that nation examination. let us assume that guy is a super genius, he has a chance to give the nation great benefit, if convert to money, it worth few billion and billion. but so what? it is the future money!! not real!! not executed. so, now, he is just a jack ass.
back to our topic. How to deal with opinion?
it is very simple at all. depends on how "stubborn" you are. how stubborn that you change your mind, be affected by others by no cost. actually, good and bad, we know it already, which is not conditional. we can simply pick up the keyword in that opinion, see whether it contains bad idea. thus, we can see what is good, what is bad. however, some people may argue with condition. like the Olympic game, it is an art show, so fake is acceptable. more, other Olympic games also fake. Ok, if you think so, there are so many people killing each other, will it make killing right? ok, killing is an extreme case. so, there are a lot people cheating each other, many chinese goverment officers corrup, is this mean those things right?
if you first don't have any idea for one thing, than think about the price, the trade off. and using the 6 queastions : who, when, what, where, which, how. to see the gain and lose. by these, one can judge is it good or not. the gray line is due to we have 6 demensions ( queastions) to judge. we simple cannot know (1,0,0,0,0,0) or (0,2,0,0,0,0) is better.
using 300 billion RMB, using some fake art show (how) trading proud of the nation (what).
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Noble ? Evil?
why we think these are noble? (1) some said, it is because these are not easy/able to do but people still can do it. this definition/comment, meaning that the other opposite-- evil, is that, these are easy/able to do, and people do it. obviously, it is not the case. (not easy to do but still can do it, only mean that people with ability)
(2) some said, these characteristics can increase social benefit/happiness. just like a distribution, noble and evil is just 2 opposite edges. that's sound reasonable, but, what is "social benefit/happiness"? how to measure? we never live in a honest society. so, we never know "honest" does good for society. moreover, will something call "overshoot" happen -- bad effect may happen when too much honest in the society?
(3) some said, these behaviors are simply make one-self feel good and happy. well, should we define some mad people, who has just little different for happy, are not people at all??
i think, noble and evil, are very much the same. which is abnormal indeed. beyond abnormal, they are the same. which will not cause any good or bad. think about how we know noble action, how this concept was built in our mind. most of it is come from our parent. think about before any religions, do we know any moral? may be we can only think about what is useful, what is effective. and some day, some thinker, declare that some behaviors are good (in their mind). and some emperors, think that it can be used to control people. so, people will passing those idea generation by generation, and this also spread out wider and wider.
thus, forget about the noble and evil, it is just a joke in human society, by emperors to his stupid people. if one can see through the future, and look back on today. noble and evil, is just a useful idea, to make people busy on, by thinking they are never good enough.
this is the new definition for noble and evil:
work effective = noble
ineffective = evil
Monday, July 21, 2008
Clouded Inside
the problem is: can personal emotion, and mind-set not bias the judgement?
there are many "feeling", that will make us think differently. especially for an insider, it is very easy to be angry, for being cheated, betrayed and time-delayed, that will cause passive.
another thing will be happened is that, we are all one of the chess pieces, But which pieces we really are? a pawn? a knight? a bishop? a Queen? the King? or the player?
knowing position is very important as being an insider. since we need priciples to guide our motivation and action. by having a wrong idea on the position, things will out of control. the first one to last control is not others, but ourselve. and then, we are in passive position.
if assume there is only 1 way to be passive. thus, being angry is same as we lost control, and further lost a proper judgement. That may indicate that we are putting ourselve in a wrong pieces.
Thus, by knowing of this, we should adjust our position and then, play as a different role , to have a nice game.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Like and Change
John likes Mary. and John wants Mary like him as well. so John changes.
however, after the successful change of John, the new John does not like Mary anymore. since the mind of John changed at the same time.
John likes Amy now. and he wants Amy like him as well. so John changes.
and the changed John does not like Amy.
so, does it mean john can never be loved by Mary and Amy?
John is a clever guy. John acts everything that Mary will like (of course by trying and info. collect), but deep inside, John does not change at all. (later on, Mary will say John is a cheater) John is not the type that Mary will like.
game will keep going on like this. (there is an exception, John already be loved by Mary)
thus, a cheater can have more love than the loyal. that is, the playboy! (play-boy = drama-boy)
the above fantasy is assuming Mary will be attracted by certain criteria, but, who is not? however, during the time John is changing, Mary may change too. it makes the game more complicated.
this model can also be applied in business. Toy maker wants young buyers, so, they changed to fit the buyer needs. after changed, Toy maker don't want young buyers but older buyer (may be change need time, time advance, the market changed). so, the best way for the toy maker is telling young buyer, it is what they want, by using advertisement.
Blinded by selecting info.
to have a more strong argument.
info. is a short term for information, which is a collection of all the things that we are able to understand, like news, opinions, facts, definitions.
"like" means, matching our mind-set. i cannot really solidify this concept. but i can provide some examples for "like". Chinese governors like to read good news for communism. American people like freedom and dislike dictatorship.
in the internet, or in the library, or in the sea of info., there are a lot info. that we can obtain. Do we have a better understanding, better memorization on those info that we like? and the more importantly, are we getting blinded when facing those info that we dislike, we afraid of?
if we change the info. to be foods, we of course like those foods that we like (<- very silly sentence:P) , and making us eat them more. and it also help our digestion system. this feed back mechanism will make us polarized. for eating balanced and healthy foods, that is not a big deal to be come polarized. however, for those people only like junk food, or unbalanced meals, the disadvantage is losing nutrition, becoming unhealthy. By the way, it can be known by checking our body healthy. to known whether we are polarized.
how about the mental food? i believe same thing happen. we have certain world-view in our mind, like fair, justice, open. i don't know others, but for me-self, when i read some articles that is opposing those value. i will automatically look other articles. like those published by Chinese government. one very significant thing happen is that, when i read a article that pin-pointed my disadvantage, i will escape from it. am i polarized??
so, i presumed, everyone has some degree of polarization. that's why there are many argument for people. Thus, to solve the conflict, people should learn how to de-polarized, or become multi-polarized. if you is a little guy in the society, just facing few people, you may not need to be mutli-polarized. but for people who always deal will others, to overcome the dis-likeness is the key to solving problem, by knowing the thing that we don't know and we even don't want to know.
In political science, a leadership has few elements, one of them is palpability. a very simply explanation is "see the unseen, know the unknown, and complete the impossible.", another expression is "notice the thing that you(most) did not notice, and conduct any necessary measurements" the idea can be a summery for this article.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Election system
ok, back the the content. it seem that our election system is just like 2000 years ago, the ancient Roma system -- few people or estates elect a person to represent them, and those elected people elect a person to represent them, and the process goes on, end at the "forum".
that system is because the communication system is not so good, and people are so many. if letting every one in the society discuss and vote for every thing, that will be so inefficient. however, now a day, every one can access internet, so, why not vote in internet? so many issues we can vote in the web. and the result can be fast respond to the government, or let the related department know what the people want. the simple discussion board is simply not enough and not attractive. since it gives no power to the people.
but there are many things need to be over come. mostly, security and identity problem. but i thing they are already solved. the security in the internet is very good so far, that's why so many people buy things online.
so, if everyone can use there credit card info as the identity certification, we can ensure no one vote more that 1 time.
if every vote cost some value, i mean, people do not vote will deduct money from bank (since voting is one responsibility for citizen, charge is needed for not taking the responsibility. ) than, many people will take part for the social event. well, the best thing is people who vote will get paid for, or award, instead of punishment, will be must better.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Road to Public Welfare
how about in china? no matter ancient china or modern china, people care less public welfare, or even none. people only care themselves. every great building was built for few, the emperor, the death wisdom. so that not much infrastructures were built, even built not because of public needs, but the government needs, or there is no choice but build.
one very interesting case is the Roma road. at the Roma time, Roma highway was built everywhere, so that the army can respond fast, and than, at the time of peace, the road helps goods and people travel. however, in China, road are seldom built, not even talk about "highway". the "theory" for chinese governors is like this: well, building road for our army seem to be a good idea, however, good road is easy for friends but also for enemy! we are not that fool to build road for our enemy!
the different and opposite opinions for 2 civilizations is so interesting. there may be hundred reasons behind. nevertheless, we can see which one is better.
there are few reason i thought for chinese behavior.
1) people don't not understand the truth meaning of selfish or what is good for them ultimately.
2) government/ country was controlled in only one men, that human does not need to take responsibility to public.
3) people afraid to have a win-win situation, only like win-lost, or lost-lost.
4) people is lack of confident of themselves.
5) people always emphasizes on the lost, but value little on the gains.
6) people are much focus on nature scene.
there are few points for Roma.
1) we live well as long as public live well. human are live in together. helping each other is the ultimate selfish behavior.
2) government is elected by public.
3) people only afraid lost-lost situation. if there is any benefit for them, no matter it is also good for other, they will go ahead.
4) people has confident.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
excuse - some comments for A-level students
before everything, let me quote a psychological fact: people like to change the world's explanation, to fit their mind-set, instead of changing their mind to suit the world. that is why excuse created. or, people like to point out their failure is due to the world, but not their own.
today read a newspaper article, saying that, since the "mother-tongue" education policy, student ability toward the "foreign-tongue" (English) was degraded.
it is not so fair discussion for the policy. yes, everyone knew that the policy will degrade the foreign language ability, in the trade off for the more understanding in other subjects, like science, economy, literature, etc. so, people also look for the other subjects average performance as well. if the average grade of english was down, but the average grade of others were up, the policy should be claimed as successful.
And now, many students complain about the the policy instead of himself lazy. (from now, himself is pointed to general "self", and does not contain any sexual discrimination.) think about before the policy established, A-level students also complain on the selection system, but never for himself disability. Now, the policy is a social-created new rescue, to cover their weakness and facing the disability. one student said, "the other schools got C as their lowest grade (for english), but my school, C is the highest grade." Can this sentence is a defense? or a argument for the policy? why he cannot be the one who got C-grade? does he ever ask himself like this? no, all he wish is the social failure instead of himself failure.
and most A-level students feel unfair that they cannot get enrolled in the coming university semester, because of the fail of english, the limited places of university, the teachers are so bad in his school, even of their lower quality compare to the others. well, following this feeling, mark-six lottery-owners should also feel unfair for no luck. there is just 10K places for 35K students, students not get a place is completely normal! for those dis-satisfied, no matter how good you are thinking for yourself, there are at least one-third of students better that you. so, except feeling regret for wasting time in the past 1.5 years, nothing you deserve to feel.
at last, getting a degree is not such a big deal. just like Cert-level students feels the exam is so important but when they are in A-level, the past is nothing. did Mr. Lee care for the degree? did Mr. Gate care? Oh, they should, when they are not successful, since they need an explanation for their failure! same theory applied to most people in HK. people need an excuse for their failure, and the reason must not be themselves, it must be th society make them fail, so they have no choice but fail, a typical Mr.Q's philosophy.
Compare statistic for A-level candidates
we can see the average grade of other subjects did not improved obviously. that is , the policy fail. and the reason may be, student become more lazy as they did not put more time on english, when other subject can save time. however, taken Chinese as answering language is just 10% to 20%, the improvement/dis-improvement may not be reflected.the only chinese answering statistic should be released.
all in all, A-level students, no matter you are good or not, take responsibility toward yourselves, especially when you are fail.
fews example for this word are:
1, people want to be beautiful naturally.
2, john die naturally.
3, it happened naturally.
the first fews "explanation" from
1. | existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial): a natural bridge. |
2. | based on the state of things in nature; constituted by nature: Growth is a natural process. |
3. | of or pertaining to nature or the universe: natural beauty. |
4. | of, pertaining to, or occupied with the study of natural science: conducting natural experiments. |
5. | in a state of nature; uncultivated, as land. |
6. | growing spontaneously, without being planted or tended by human hand, as vegetation. |
7. | having undergone little or no processing and containing no chemical additives: natural food; natural ingredients. Compare organic (def. 11). |
8. | having a real or physical existence, as opposed to one that is spiritual, intellectual, fictitious, etc. |
9. | of, pertaining to, or proper to the nature or essential constitution: natural ability. |
10. | proper to the circumstances of the case: a natural result of his greed. |
when people use the word, it sounds like everything myth is automatically become clear and understandable. and it is because of the un-doubtful of the word, it was used to convince people and used in arguments.
some people may have a better understanding of this word: it is reference to those that is not created by human, sounds like everything was done by human is un-natural, or artificial. (un-natural is a word mostly means harm to nature, or abnormal ) however, why human action is un-natural? are we part of the nature? or we are already become god and goddess, that independent of the natural? a nest made by a bird is completely natural, but a house built by human is not. a society formed by orangutans is natural, but human society is not. is that anything made us so supreme that we are isolated from the word? our body, our brain volume, our society are all the evolution product by the natural selection. even the pollutions that produced from us are completely natural and it is a consequences of the history, or in more scientific saying, everything happen so far is produced, (related, connected) by the past light cone history. so, what is natural??? may be the word "natural" is more like to be " can be found in non-human disturbance" , no this is not so good at all, since we also use "natural" to describe human being. anyway, artificial is part of natural.
since everything we experienced is happened in this universe, this earth, this nature. so, nature is the perform of everything can be happened. everything is completely natural. imagine in a video game, can you move your character in an "un-game-ic" way? no, all you can do is already designed by the game, so, all experiences are completely "game-ic". even though you are the game designer, when every newly added tricks in the game, that trick should be classify as "in-game" or "game-ic".
i am not going to suggesting something like god, a supreme stuff that outside and design/control the world. just imagine you are a character in a game, can you distinguish what is the new patch from the game developers? all you can see is the game's law is different from the past, and you can simply think you discovered a new way, a new law of the game! just like we are living in this world, if there is a kind of god, who sometimes send a new patch to this world, and we just discover and consider it is a new science. (may be the god is so busy on writing patch for my thesis, until it releases a new patch, my thesis cannot be complete. :P) or, we assume everything was set at the very beginning, we are just dig out the truth deeper and deeper. (just like chess, the rule is already set, but the game play can be discovered/innovated.) by the way, since these 2 approaches can not be proved or disproof, so, discussion of this is meaningless and should be stopped.
as long as this world can be understand, everything in this world must be natural. so, an un-natural stuff may be not "nature-friendly" or cannot be explained or understand. this related to how we experience the world and skipped in here.
all in all, "natural" is a very un-natural word, :P .......... or even bulllock.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Since, "A sentence is meaningful" cannot be proved or dis-proved, therefore, it is meaningless. however, the above sentence is a definition. it is useful, according to how we use it. thus, "meaningful" is not quite a daily used word "meaningful".
most of our sentences are not meaningful, like those express our feeling, imagination. "oh, the moon is beautiful!" "Mary is pretty" are this kind. "my father is 47 years-old." "the sun's surface is about 6000 degree" are meaningful sentences. as we can see, meaningful sentence is those can give us a way to know about the world, and non-meaningful sentence can give us an imagination to other feeling.
"Alexander the Great was born at June 10, 323BC", is it a meaningful sentence? or, can we prove or disprove it? this is not so obvious to do so. and thanks for historians, we believe it is truth, and it is not just a claim or imagination.
"ghost exist everywhere", so far for human intelligence, it is not clear yet. so, this sentence give no information about the physical world but human imagination. another obvious example is "God create the world", and "human have free-will".
when we counter this kind of sentences, changed the view point may be help. for example, give more concrete definition. "what is god?" "what is free-will?" as long as we can define those concept clearly, may be we can make a more proper sentence.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Age of reasoning
Why, When, Who, How, Where, What are the most valuable words. they like a pickaxes, which help us to dig deeper and deeper toward the truth and knowledge. keep us far away from innocent.
Only having a pickaxes will not lead us toward the truth. we need a user guild--a method -- Logic. everything out of Logic should be classified as unknown or wrong.
however, may be our education is so popular. Many people believe, any explanations, any reasons with "science" cover is truth. Some of them are called fake-science. but most of them, is only explain with science terms. when people talk about biology, and suddenly pop out with term like DNA, Darwin, then people will believe what them said is 100% truth. it is superstitious belief in authority.
there is another kind of superstitious in authority. if someone can say say some kind of theory, that can explain an event, then the theory must be true. look at the bible, Jesus said a lot of things, and according to the HOLY BIBLE, it works and it can explain what is going on. so, what Jesus said must be true, forever. even the theory was said 2000 years ago.
the age of reasoning is require everyone act like mathematicians, to think logically, precise, accuracy, and listen no one before proof was made.
How to read the Bible
same idea may also suitable for the Bible -- the people who wrote the bible already forecast there are Asia, India, America and the Antarctic?? there are so many new impacts to our society, cars, ships, planes and Internet will innovated, and make our knowledge can spread so wide, our distant become so close. and also, did the bible writers also know that, 2000 years later, there are so many philosophers that taught people and raise up our intellectual level? and the bible writers also know that the population of mankind will reach 6 billion? do they has the feeling of 6 billion? No. none at all. they only knew people around the small asia. i also wonder that, do they know about the Golden Greek's civilization? which is 1000 years before that time, because nothing of Greek was mentioned! therefore, Bible, just like an ordinary story book, who try to teach the people around small asia. At that time, those people are still at very low civilizational level, which mean, people are more like un-educated kid. they pray everything supernatural, super-power. they cannot control and change the environment, and so, they create many gods and try to explain everything they wonder.
if you are a modern people, or a very wise man at that time. and you see that the quality of people is little higher than animal, or just a kind of speaking animal. you want to help them.
may be i tell a little story before i goes on. One day, my sister, who is study literature and know nothing about science, ask me what is the different between Optical Zoom and Digital Zoom. that i said, Optical Zoom is Zoom by adjust the lens position then change the focal length, just like you can look far away through a telescope. Digital Zoom is just like you enlarge a picture in computer. she tole me, "so, what is the different?"
this story is try to point out that, to understand this world, even in a very small aspect, there are so many basis concept to understand first. without those concepts, it is very hard to further explain or understand things. to let my sister know what is the different between digital Zoom and Optical Zoom, i need to tell her many basis elements in camera. however, if i don't has enough time, how do i explain the whole concept? take a fusion as an example, how do you explain fusion to a P1 kid? may be the easiest way is "Fusion is combining many atoms (i suppose they knew what it is.) into one." for normal kid, it may be work, but for those curious one? they further ask what is atom? how do you do? and you know there will be another class for them.
Ok, time to go back the bible writers. they knew a lot of things about human, about our psychology, about our behavior. they knew we can do better, we can be hygiene, can be polite, can live better through cooperation. they knew their words means nothing, since they are normal man. but if they pretend they are massager from gods, people will believe them by no mean.
the thing is like primary school teacher. how do they teach the kid for "1+1=2", "don't steal things" ? they build up an authority, and the kid just believe it is right. that's is. same for bible, when teaching kid, the bible method is excellent. all you need to do is follow what Jesus did, and don't think, don't argue. especially the existence of GOD - the power of make you believe.
having this understanding of Bible, the book for "do not think" people, or for kid, one should be regard Bible just a story book, to understand the history, and become a manner book for kid. when we grow up, we should break the barrier from the Bible and throw it away and Start to think about it. We should read more other book, to meet the modern requirement for living.
at last, there are many modern people just study the bible. yes, they can, in case they haven't read any modern books (can you believe the few wise bible writer are better then all people in the history? ) and don't like to think for the reasons of everything.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The “low” quality people lower the social intelligence
Let me first define how the term “low” quality to describe people. It generally refers to irrational, not well educated, advance-resist and narrow-thought people. Many politicians, low-end workers, elders and F.5 graduated kid belong to this class. I know it is an ill-define and may be even unfair classification, but that’s what I think. And the “high” quality people are on the opposite side of those “low” quality beings. More people stay between.
When I surf on the web, reading between a lots blogs, I found that there are many bloggers have a very good brain that think rational, clear and concentrated. They can classify social phenomena clearly, focus and bloody. However, instead of creating something new, they spent a lot of time on educate people, telling and arguing people what is naturally belong to them, but seized by politics environment. They spent many pages to tell us what common value among the global but not common in HK. They used so much energy to re-educate the apes, who should be well-trained by our education system, especially for those F.5 kid. (Is it meaning that our education system fails? I don’t think so, people always gives excuse for their failure on surrounding, but never think back to themselves. Moreover, if the system fails, how come there are some many ‘high” quality people there? Oh, there are Nietzsche’s heroes! Super-natural!)
If the society has less “low” quality people, then more people can focus on constructive work with their brilliant mind.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Selfish I
people know me knew it is not the first time i talk about this kind of "evil" stuff. by the way, let me just repeat what i said before.
Selfish -- in most daily life, it is referring a person that ONLY take care of one-self, and so, it is a bad thing. however, when people describe somebody is selfish, what is it mean? why selfish is bad? what is wrong for people only take care of themselves? are we taught to be independent? Do we want to be independent? why it is bad?
when people describe John (Hi! john, is you again.) is selfish. it means that John does not care those beside him. John only care about himself happiness, and benefit (no matter physical or metal). So, if John also care about others, then he is not selfish anymore.
Ok, everything makes sense at this moment. But hold on. we have just made a formula:
care others = non-selfish
only care itself = selfish (don't skip the ONLY)
so, the level of CARE indicated the selfish level. if so, then, what is care? how do we know someone is care about others? How do we know John is care about Mary? Can we observe the behavior of John toward Mary to know that? Can we feel that? (by the way, feel is another word i hate, what is feel? can we see, touch, smell the feeling? no, all you can do is feel to feeling. that's mean, feeling = god. a thing that we cannot prove it is exit, even in logical sense.)
Care, which is a sharing of emotion and situation, such that you can put yourself on others position to imagine what the other needs, and act correspondingly. (it is not a good definition, it is too long.)
with this definition, problems come. since everyone has different needs, even for same situation. i admit that there are dozen of behavior in common, like eating when hungry, sleep when tired, etc. but there are more things we act differently. like, someone will study-hard before exam, someone play-hard before so. the different come form a lot factors, like personality, physical situation, pass history, mind set, gene, what ever causes that made you. therefore. except for very basic needs, we just hard (not impossible) to care others. that's why we need to cooperate, we need to tell people know what i needs, we need to open our mind, we need to sharing time, to know each other better. That's why we need manner. Thus, non-selfish is a kind of luxury.
lets think about John is some kind of disable, that he is already spend so much time on his business. or, his life philosophy is somewhat different. so, John will act different for what Mary (or others) think it is suitable. if John act impolite, of course everyone can accuse him for rude. however, in some case, john does don't offense any rule but just make Mary inconvenient or just unhappy. Mary may say nothing but selfish.
Jesus said : "for give them, they do not know what they did." it is also suit for John. since all Mary need to do is talk her needs to john. In HK, it is very usual to hear "selfish". if someone always demand others not to be selfish, is he/she the most selfish? always demand others take care for him/her.
so, far, i haven't talk to the key points. "Selfish is the solid ground for altruism." however, the previous post already touch some key ideas.
- · Is the first step to know one-self
- · Then we know we need to take care other, since we live together
- · From ourselves, and extend to others
- · Care others without self-satisfaction is harmful to one-self, and is not true heart
Monday, June 09, 2008
Einstein taught us the world is Relative by his famous relativity. No, bollocks. The relativity tells us that there is an intrinsic value of each measurement of time and length --- the only true value that everyone can deduced from observation. The absolute space-time can only be experience by the event-creator. Anyone else can use the formula to calculate back the mathematics of the intrinsic space-time, and then, somehow it also can be experienced the same event throughout the mathematics.The thing is like a car accident, the news report only can give you an imagination of the accident and no more. In this means, the relativity is a truly absolute theory that the absolute and solely on the first-person, other observation is relative to it.
Besides using this famous case to introduce the absolute, I am going to use general science as another one. SCIENCE is a rational method by using experiences to found the mechanism about the world. Except we believe in God, we should expect there is one and only one world we are living in. this leads to the absolute world – there is a truth behind everyday life. The question is, can we dig deep enough to explore the truth. Nowadays, by the absolute fact about science, our society advanced so fast in all aspects.
If anyone doubt above absolute argument, one can simply imagine a world that the scientific formula is relatively true. For example, in John’s world, water is compound of 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen, but in Mary’s world, water is made by 2 hydrogen and 2 oxygen. Then, one day, john meets Mary (since they are living in the same world.) and they mix the water together. What will John see? Will he see the water is no longer water at all? How come the water molecule is formed by 2 different kinds, as he did not find that before?
Therefore, the mechanism of the world must be absolute the same for everyone.
We knew that, the laws govern our body is same as everyone. So, why we feel differently and see the relative? Because of the modification of each body and we lack of knowledge to know it. Let me take a simple example. The free falling speed in air is different from vacuum. In this case, will anyone think it is relative? Of course no, it is the modification of each different situation. John thinks Jesse is sexy but Mary does not think so, because John and Mary have different modification. If we knew how different they are, and base on the law of nature, we can figure out this relative point of view is absolutely natural. If there are Sam and Nikki with same gene and past with John and Mary, we must be able to claim that Sam thinks Jesse is sexy but Nikki opposes.
Another case is photography. Somebody will care so much on the view angle, structure, lightness, contrast and so on. They think the world is relative throughout the lens. However, no matter how, they never can capture the true world, but only the representation. And the representation can be modified and give us a relative feeling.
Therefore, the relative is only an illusion of absolute. We knew, the absolute is a shyly girl, who always like to stay behind the stage.
by the way, it is very difficult to come a "title", if anyone like to give me some, and let me bullshit on it, i am really appreciated.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Common sense
- John said "2 Sin[x] Cos[x] = Sin[2 x]" is common sense.
- Mark said "Queen can go all direction, like a combination of Bishop and Castle" is a common sense.
- Mary said "Louis Vuitton is come from Paris and founded in 1854" is a common sense.
- my mother said she is a female is common sense.
we can see from above examples. "Common sense" means usual fact among some group. John's case refers to mathematicians. Mark's case refers to chess players. Mary's case refers to fashion freak or wiki -reader. my mother's case may be the truly "common sense" in common sense.
so, Common sense is not common as we though. due to the social gap, specialization/professional or education level. in HK, may be the 99% population covered common sense is the things were tough in kindergartens or P1. in China, may be somewhat different. for example, sitting all around is a common sense for mainlanders. washing hands after toilet is a common sense for HongKongers. Mother is female is a common sense for all world.
Common sense has a kind of level and professional. by investigate the level of common sense among people, we can check out our education system good or not. so, the TV game show- millionaires is a good show for knowing people level of common sense.
Next time, think before using "common sense", is it really common? if somebody use "common sense", don't afraid to ask back "what is common sense?". i bet he/she will be shame for don't knowing "common sense" as a common sense.
future Society
I also found that, for most titles, they already has been study and discussed by many one. I don’t want to just follow their path, but making something new. Or something really myself, at least I think it is from myself.
By the way, today’s title is future Society.
I am not going to set goal or purpose for society, since I wonder, is it exist any goal or meaning for it. Just like a stage is a place for each actors archive his goal. I also believe in evolution. That’s make me regard every moment of the society is the best moment so far, base on the history. So, I am just giving an imagination for the future society.
In the evolution sense, human will finally split into many species, like dogs, cat or any other species. It is so odd that only human is one and only one species, in the sense that picking up any men and women in the world, they can reproduce a copy of themselves. Moreover, they like to do so. :P the reason is, people got attracted by SAME kind of people. And people will influence each other. if you stay/work in a group for a while, more or less, you will speak the same language with them. And it is very easy to distinguish the “language” for each group. Finally, a special group becomes a species.
Each human species will specialized in some aspect, like politics, sciences, economics, medical, sports, arts. And the social responsibility will be fixed for each species. (well, politic species can cross over to art or something else. But in the economical sense, they should stay in politic, to achieves highest efficiency.) Just like organ, after million years evolution, heart become specialized, lung and liver and brain and every part become specialized. If each individual is just like a cell in this huge society mechanism, in order to gain higher efficiency, we should be specialized, and well organized.
This kind of society has some benefits. Obviously, child in each species will not worry about what to do when they growth up. They are the best for their professional, to born to be genius in that area. 2nd, due to the cooperation of each species or social organs, the society will be developing faster and better. Faster, is because of the efficiency. Better is because of the organization.
Thing has good points always come with bad. The unknown factor is money and population. How to well distribute the money among those social organs? How about some species population growth up so quick that more than the needs? May be, there is a new species (work-nature) that act like a coordinator, like our cerebellum and never system, feeding back economic situation to cerebellum, and controlling the beating for each organ.
Anyway, we can see the real world is going to this way. Some families always take part in politics, like Kennedy’s family. Some always control large among of money. Some countries always be the king position for fashion, technology. But so far, a species never formed yet. It may be due to the transportation is not good enough. We are still hard to meet every one in the world and choose the similar one. Or found the strongest aspect of ourselves and live in it.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
what kind of thing can be call knowledge? some said "my mother is a female." some said "F=ma" . some said " i knew my boss like a fresh egg on his breakfast ". some said " economy can be called a knowledge." and some will said "Tokyo is in Japan." (ok, all "some" are me-self :P)
may be all of about are knowledge. if so, is knowledge = everything known? hold on, when we say something is knowledge, we somehow also said that thing is meaningful. will anyone think "my mother is a female" is meaningful? no, because it is just a definition from " mother is the female of your parents" however, definition, concept are the elements to build up our world. so, the above definition, although can not give us "new meaning", it gives us the basic element to understand the more complex world. so, it is somehow meaningful. (oh shit, i hate "somehow". )
ok, by now. in order to avoid knowledge = everything known. ( well, you can define so, than skip all below. ) we define knowledge is not definition or concept. it is not a build brick for our world view. so, we know that knowledge is higher class, like the different between house and brick.
"F=ma" also a definition or a principle, which is not "our" knowledge anymore, sorry. well, it is quite obvious. when you are asking somebody what is physic. if the shit tell you "F=ma", you never think he knew physic. hah, so, things got clear. knowledge of physics is the skill for using "F=ma", using the formula to give out new things, like calculate a motion. same thing, if someone can using "mother is female" to give out something new. than, we can said he had the knowledge of "mother is female".
an analogy may help to understand. brick, water tube, wire and house. only brick, water tube and wire on the ground is simple. by knowing each will not give us a protection. however, a house, which is a systematically structured from bricks, water tube and wire, gives us protection, water and electricity. the total mass is the same, but the "meaning" is different. so, how to we connect our known definitions, concepts , principles and facts make our knowledge.
therefore, " i knew my boss like a fresh egg on his breakfast " & "Tokyo is in Japan" are just facts only. knowing these does not mean we had knowledge, but using it, developing it, extending it. economy is indeed a knowledge, since it is not just definition, concept, fact, but also the structure, the relationship and application.
finally, i quote a reference from
1. | acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation; general erudition: knowledge of many things. |
2. | familiarity or conversance, as with a particular subject or branch of learning: A knowledge of accounting was necessary for the job. |
3. | acquaintance or familiarity gained by sight, experience, or report: a knowledge of human nature. |
4. | the fact or state of knowing; the perception of fact or truth; clear and certain mental apprehension. |
5. | awareness, as of a fact or circumstance: He had knowledge of her good fortune. |
6. | something that is or may be known; information: He sought knowledge of her activities. |
7. | the body of truths or facts accumulated in the course of time. |
8. | the sum of what is known: Knowledge of the true situation is limited. |
9. | Archaic. sexual intercourse. Compare carnal knowledge. |
10. | creating, involving, using, or disseminating special knowledge or information: A computer expert can always find a good job in the knowledge industry. |
11. | to one's knowledge, according to the information available to one: To my knowledge he hasn't been here before. |
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
title a day - Projection
just for any words, explain, give a lesson. completely from myself only. hope can last for 1 year.
projection is..... projection. in physic, a projection of A on B is an image of A on B -- A'. just like a sun shining on an object (A), that will give a shadow (A') on behind. e.g. a point project on a line, a point project on a plane, a cylinder. for human, we can only imagine a 3-D object project on a 2-D object.
the most easiest projection is the dot product between 2 vectors.
in mathematics, a projection can be presented as a transformation, or matrix (in linear case)
a point can be represented as a vector. the projection for a point on x-y plane is simply taken the first 2 component. on x-z plane is taken the 1st and 3rd component. we can write the transformation matrix as 2X3 :
1 0 0
0 1 0 for x-y plane projection.
from this, we know that for a general plane projection, we can write a matrix to represent it.
the way i do is first transform the space such that the general plane to be x'-y' plane.
to do so, we need to know 2 new matrix. translation and rotation. but this is far away from today topic.
to extend this idea. although we can not imagine higher-D projection, but we can calculate it.
for example. the matrix :
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
is a projection matrix from 4-D to 3-D. so, in every point of 3-D space, like the points on a pencil, we can thing that the "real" pencil is a 4-D object, but now, be projected on a 3-D space. the funny thing is, by using an inverse transform, we can construct the 4-D space!
D = T P // D is the 3-D vector representing a pencil, T is the 4-D -> 3-D transform, P is the 4-D vector of the pencil.
by solving above equation, we can know how the 4-D pencil look like!~ HA~
however, the inverse transform of T does not exist. that led to multiple solution for P. which mean, for 1 point in 3-D space, there are multiple points in 4-D space can be projected onto it. imagine a cube project on a sheet of paper. the shadow on the the paper is not formed by single point of the cube.
there are many other application for projection matrix. like computer game, they need to project a "3-D" world on a screen. in optics experiment, projection matrix is wildly used, to calculate how a light beam will project on. in civil engineering, they need to calculate how side wind move the building.
the concept of projection is even used out of it original meaning in other field, like business. projected profit -- which mean the expected profit. this kind of projection is mean the projection on time, not on space.
Friday, May 16, 2008
a suggestion for youtube
and, anyone who want to post the clip in their blog, can easily, check is others already do so. so, skip alot redundancy. keep the web space more organized.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Charity no more
For the reasons that go for Charities, donate money. As I know, is just not enough. Most will say it is natural for an educated or humane mankind should act and think. There is no question for donating money, blood or any kind of help. Just like watching a kid sinking on a pool, there is no way to not save the kid. This is our Instinct.
Just hold on a bit. How about the kid is not the first time sinking on the pool? The kid is means to do so? Shall we still save his life? This is same as: will you give money when some disable asked for? Do you have the responsibilities to take care for their disable? It depends, right?
Yes, there are many disasters that come so suddenly, unpredictable and fatally. If it happened in well developed countries with well social mechanism, the Giant social machinery started automatically, and keeping people from tragedies. I guess the disaster will very soon recover. Think about United State. Just like a healthy body will quickly recover from illness. On the opposite, if the country has poor system, with a lot man-made problems. When disaster come, and quickly become an incidence that due to terrible social system. Shall we help?
The human body analogy is very good to illustrate the idea. A baby, when get attack from virus, we should help, since it cannot resist the virus naturally. For an adult, got sick is due to lack of exercise, having good hobbies like drug, over sex. Should we help him? His illness/disable is totally due to himself! (Ok, you can say, partly by the virus, which does not make any healthy body die) there is no way to take the responsibilities. Otherwise, he will take over our effort (to keep ourselves healthy, keep ourselves away from bad habits) for free.
Now a day, China and Burma, they are not kid countries any more; the country can live better if the stupid government is gone. So, I suggest, not helping them.
OK, not everything should be done due to responsibilities. We should be humanity; helping somebody suffering is no executed. I do not agree. How about the consequence? Have somebody even think about that? If you help the bad country, you are helping those suffering, but also the bad government! Most donated money will not go to the people hands, but the governors. And due to this, the people are keeping suffering.
By keeping hand out of the Charities, it doesn't mean that I am cold blood. If you want something really change and this kind of suffering does not happen again and again. It is the only hard and painful way out. China government spends million and million a year on military and salary for stupid governors. And now even fire people into space! How come it cannot take money out to help her people??? So, by donating money, it is not the way to save the people. The system will just keep the same old day!
By donating money, it is just like a present to China, and we are teaching those people that: Nature Disaster is not a Tragedy at all, is a golden chance to earn money!! I don't need to build a house more resist to earth quark, to flood. Since every time the house fall, I can build a new house for free!! Oh, my death child or relative, oh, next year, when I have a new house, I can make more! All in all, I just need to cry in front of the press!
First time is accident, Second times is forgotten, third times is Incidence, and is mean to do so! The 1976, Tong Shan earth quark, people have study a lot. There should be some prevention for the next event. However, the Chinese suck governors do their best press-cover job. And when I watching the TV, all I see am only Wen Jia bao busy, the surrounding governors still like a wood-log, and seem claim, no big deal.
At last, I really want to know, is the amount of money donated equal the spent?
by the way, HK people only know donate money, but not really get involved. Just like many fathers, who only knew give money for their family, but not take care, love them. What is the fucking attitude toward "love" and "care"? Some fools even pray for them, what the hell in their mind?
More over, there are many disasters in the world, why HK people only help Chinese event? I think it is so called Patriotic! It sucks! There is a thing called war, is mainly due to the romantic Patriotism. Japanese, Burma-nese, Thai, European, American are all not "our". If they bite us, we should fuck back, since they are alien. Poor the "Mankind" is.
no one will farm infertile field , unless someone started
1, no one will farm infertile field; unless somebody started. (瘦田冇人耕, 耕開有人爭)
2, beautiful girl (boy) is attractive, but people usually don't head for her (him). since people may think, such a beauty must have the other one already.
these common "wisdom" has some relation.
some rare thing (may be beauty, good, or may be ugly, bad), if someone start it, the original mind-set will be broken, and people will all go for it. (2) show the reason. and (1) presenting the action.
so, by playing the trick, one can avoid (using) this as a way to reduce the number of competitors (increase attraction). the secret is keeping people mind-set.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Opensource is the King!
the tread of open source, or a more general idea of sharing stuff should be and needed to be the future.
Although the disadvantage to publisher is alot, the benefit to human society is huge. this give a dramatic force to push us forward. (some said, it is hard. because we are pushed not self-motivate. well it depends. and some said, it will enlarge the wealth gap. yes, of course! and why not?)
one example is Public exam papers: it is forbidden to publish on web now. however, what i see is, if publishment is allowed, exam authority need to give out harder and harder questions, or not repeat or similar type! this really improving student standard!
the wealth gap is somehow inevitable. due to Human un-natural society, low- quality human was continuously be produced generation by generation. at some critical point, revolutions out break, the result is low-Q people throw out, let high-Q people stand. look back the Chinese history, in some sense, revolutions started due to social pressure, many be too many people, wealth unbalance, social state not balance (some high-Q people can not have good life. but dummy can live in palace.) if there is no such a gap, then human cannot do some improvement. therefore, in order to avoid, smaller the gap, think about how to live and stand out after the balance.
Monday, April 28, 2008
AI for politic
the individual, prefers to doing less job but gain more power, i.e. prefer high efficiency. and moreover, if some job need a long time to be done, or out of its capability, it will reject to job.
the interesting thing is, the master server, will Design ( or test) a Political Rule, so each individual can vote (or not vote for some political situation), to present its own opinion.
let say, there are some PCs need to calculate the power supply, and some PCs need to calculated the job and collect the finished job, some are balancing the signal traffic, some are free. each group will from a polictial group, which will reflect there common interest to the whole community, bargen with other group.
So, in which political rule will give the "Happiness" of the whole community optimum? give the community preformance maximum?
for social science study, we can put our current rule, and see the result, or put others rules, to compare which rule is the best. when more parameter added in the model, like PC will demand a partner (like human will get marriage). what kind of current human society rule performing well? Moreover, if let the computer to design a rule. what kind of rule will be the best?
so the best rule can apply to human society, (in case the model is complicated enough, that reflect almost human behavior and will) than there will be no more polictic??? coz we are already using the best.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
this is a famous question in the film: Matrix. if you choose the red tablet, you can know the truth. Blue one, come back the the fake dream, keep the sense of security.
in real life, people mostly deal with the question: "Shall i living in a lie?". this is a philosophical question, which was asked since human beginning start to think. Some say, under the lie, people feel safe and easy. since every "seem" to be understand. how do we know we are living in a lie? so, what i feel is real. some say, the truth, is always covered by the myth, but living in truth, no matter how, better living in a lie. Some say, is there something real? Some even say, if "Lie" and "Truth" can also explain thing, why need to distinguish them?
i am not going to discuss the existence of the truth, but assume it in this way: the truth is a limit, we can only dig deeper and deeper, to approach the truth, but never reach it. So, the lie or truth, is just a level of "truthness".
why the truth is so important? no, or just to me-self? ..... i am thinking of it.
obviously, the truth sometimes mean Right. for a judge, truth can provide a proper judgment: let the criminal iron, and free the innocence.
Truth -> proper judgment
think reverse,
proper judgment -> truth.
this may be more like reality. other example, like, truth can provide proper judgment, proper judgment will lead to workable action.
Truth -> proper judgment -> workable action
shortly, the truth can guide us to a workable action. but sometimes, we define the truth as a theory that is work.
workable action -> proper judgment -> Truth
this happen because no one can know the truth (since it is more like a verb than a noun, a process of knowing deeper), better re-write as,
workable action -> proper judgment -> Closer Truth
on the other hands, Lie, we all living in different degree of lie, or cover......
truth-lie, right- wrong, Idealism - Materialism, more-less information, create- destroy, short and long time,...
Monday, April 07, 2008
Doctors are not Jesus/God
many report are released, said the virus has not developed to higher poison level. however, many clinic doctors worry about the super-virus will come soon, due to the abuse of super-drug.
the reason is like this. people got sick and go to see doctor. may be the commercials, may be our education, we somehow thing that western medicine can help us recover right after visited doctors or the medicine technology is very sophisticated, that super-drug can heal the sick with in no time. patients don't need to take care of themselves (like drank more water, take a proper rest hour, beware of fired food, more vegetable, etc) but ask for doctors' help , or super-drug in case of sick.
the outcome is a wried standards was built in common sense library : a good doctors means he/she can heal you immediately, but not the professionalism of the doctor itself! the reality is , doctors are no Voodoo, no Jesus, can not heal sick by just one finger touch. the secret of healing-power is the super-drug. if a doctor give you super-drug, of course, you will get recovered very soon. however, doctors now aware of the super-drug induced super-virus, more and more of them, take very careful judgment before using super-drag. the result is, people think this doctor is useless. they all seek for super-drug using doctors. the consequence is more clinic doctors, although they know they can not abuse super-drug, they have no completing power to other until they also using super-drug.
the future is , super-virus is inevitable. unless, people attitudes change. notices that, their body should be well kept by their own, not from doctors. and doctors are not Jesus.
along time ago, the western medicine was wondered by some people. if the medicine industry keep on like today, we are open a military Competition with virus, the power of evulotion.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Louis Vuitton
What is a Journey?
A Journey is not a trip.
It's not a vacation.
It's a process. A discovery.
It's a process of self-discovery.
A journey bring us face to face with ourself.
A journey shows us not only the world, but how we fit in it.
Does the person create the journey or does the journey create the person?
The Journey is life itself.
where will life take you?
what the hell does it relate to Louis Vuitton???
Thursday, March 20, 2008
總統之條件 - 龍應台
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
大仲馬小說人物的非凡之舉, 原動力固然因人而異, 其中不乏高尚的忠誠, 友情, 正義感和俠義精神, 但是幾乎無一例外地受貪欲的驅使. 他們貪圖榮譽, 金錢, 權力, 美酒佳餚, 還渴望報仇......由希臘宙斯等諸神所開創的貪欲和復仇的傳統, 源遠流長, 在歐洲文藝復興時期又發揚光大; 從 Francois Rabelais 到伏爾泰, 再到大仲馬, 可以說一脈相丞.
大仲馬在生活中和作品裡都毫不掩飾, 什至炫耀各種欲望, 而在他筆下, 不炫耀者便是心懷叵測之人. 當然, 在達太安和三個顆伴身上, 如果沒有忠誠和豪爽的一面, 貪欲就成了討厭的東西. 他們四個人是" 有福同享, 有難同當" 的生死朋友, 誰有錢都拿出來大家花, 遇到事情也一起行動.........
大仲馬的人物貪欲而不求安逸, 他們認為安逸是僕人和市民過的日子, 不帽任何風險, 無異於慢慢等死. 他們是躁動型的, 往往捕馬蜂窩, 自找麻煩, 帽種種危險而樂在其中, 憑智慧, 勇敢和天意, 最後總能實現不可能的事情.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
近 年 屢 有 新 詞 問 世 , 如 「 藍 顏 知 己 」 、 「 小 三 」 、 「 粉 絲 」 、 「 電 車 男 」 、 「
床 友 , 床 上 的 朋 友 , 友 情 僅 限 於 一 張 床 的 範 圍 。 「 床 友 」 比 「 一 夜 情 」 坦 誠 , 又 比 「 性 伴 侶 」 純 粹 。
一 夜 「 情 」 既 心 虛 又 矯 情 , 明 明 是 一 夜 「 性 」 而 已 , 旨 在 解 決 生 理 需 求 , 卻 裝 模 作 樣 上 升 到 情 感 高 度 , 好 像 是 做 的 人 不 夠 理 直 氣 壯 , 顯 出 敢 做 不 敢 認 的 怯 懦 與 虛 偽 。
性 伴 侶 按 字 面 解 讀 , 是 性 的 合 作 伙 伴 , 為 謀 取 共 同 利 益 走 在 一 起 , 有 同 謀 共 犯 的 利 益 牽 絆 在 面 , 關 係 不 夠 純 粹 。
床 友 , 是 追 求 床 笫 之 歡 的 朋 友 , 彼 此 因 為 共 同 的 志 趣 走 在 一 起 , 或 定 期 上 床 , 或 興 之 所 至 躺 到 同 一 張 床 上 , 彼 此 自 有 默 契 。 久 了 , 還 惺 惺 相 惜 , 識 英 雄 重 英 雄 , 你 欣 賞 我 的 功 夫 , 我 拜 服 你 的 技 巧 , 互 相 珍 重 , 產 生 了 「 友 誼 」 。 兩 個 不 相 干 的 人 , 只 在 床 上 相 遇 , 這 樣 的 「 友 誼 」 , 既 坦 誠 , 又 純 粹 。
阿 嬌 曾 說 她 跟 陳 冠 希 不 熟 , 床 照 事 件 後 , 媒 體 斥 她 為 大 話 精 。 其 實 , 她 說 的 很 可 能 是 真 話 。 誰 說 一 定 要 彼 此 相 熟 才 能 上 床 ? 誰 說 上 了 床 就 一 定 相 知 相 識 ? 有 一 種 關 係 叫 床 友 。 我 是 這 樣 理 解 床 友 的 ; 上 了 床 相 濡 以 沫 下 了 床 相 忘 江 湖 。
Thursday, March 06, 2008
education system
ok, people may argue like that:
i the system only need you to remember stuff, not thinking, creative. for a student who strong in thinking and creative will suffer and under preform.
i think, if the student is real thinker, he or she will think how to remeber well.
and, i think, no student will strong in thinking or remebering when it is born. i mean, no student is dump or smart. is its parent how to encurage, set a learn pattern, teaching attitude.
imagine, if parent always shut your mouth up, banning your idea and opinions, will the child like to think??? if parent always let you out control, not telling you, or frocing you to remember stuff, will the kid like to remember?? thus, if the kid don't like to do, how can it do well???
today, i read a commerical:
now a day, education system still focus on memorize, no matter how smart you are, you will under preform. so, come and learn our super memorizing skill!!!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
love should speak out, even in no return
coding game - an idea generator
conscience - the books
2 questions:
the neutron star
the fifth force
Sunday, February 24, 2008
soft - power of china
the soft power of China is the....... piracy. hong kong people enjoy it so much! that make people love our mainland :D
1) it is not really help people, whose are poor. they poor because some internal factors, like gamble, low skill, etc. think about Africa, in the old time, NATO only give money, food, to help those people. but it does not work, people are being poor, not only the internal defect, but also the politic, the system. now they are going to help people by building infrastructure, promote public education, self-sustain wok-shop , etc. that is the way to help.
2) if more money in the market, will only boot the inflation rate.
3) wait for another year, if it is still a lot money from tax, then some action should be done, other wise, this year profit will only cover the lost from previous or next year. ( Mrs. Chan Fong An Son is right)
4) ask for economists for advise first, don;t listen those politic, they only know how to boot their population, not the wealth for the society or the people. and this is now for using those economists.
5) if the money must be use some how, why not build more infrastructure? to how people from Sai wan to Central, by building another MTR line, to boot the MTR train speed. put more money to the art, and cultural sector. put some money to investigate how to use those money. to help thsoe low technique worker, to transform our society to real knowledge base. to put money to raise complain to promote Green live, recycle, to reduce landfill stress. to help Tin Shui Wan people. reduce to M-shape-lization. the high restriction is already off, transform Monkok to a new land, to clean out the Trial among that area.
there are so many thing to do with those money!!! but don't just give back to people, it is not helping them. is killing them.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
the Cogito, ergo sum
actually, this translation is not correct. not logically correct.
because: when you said: "我思" than you already included "我", so, the "我存在" is empty and nothing new.
think about this, if "i do not exist", how do "i think"? so, "i think" already tell you (i) exist at the very beginning.
more over, Think, is not the original idea of Descartes. is Doubt, not think, determine the existence of himself!
can you see?
Cogito, ergo sum <-- this is better~
cogito means "think"
than you can translate it be
"because thinking, therefore i exist."
well, it is still not good enough! and far away from Descartes's though,
it should be, let me quote the original sentence from the Meditations on First Philosophy ,
"the Cogito, ergo sum"
"the cogito" mean "doubt", coz only doubt can not be doubt. (personally, i doubt the doubt can not be doubted :P)
however, "the congito" can be mean more than doubt, little bit confusing word.
later Wittgenstein questioning, is human language good enough to express the truth?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
奧運 is sub set of 政治
(法新社北京 十七日電) 好萊塢名導製片家史蒂芬史匹柏上週宣布放棄擔任北京奧運 藝術顧問,成為媒體醒目的頭條新聞。但維權人士發出警告,中國的奧運公關災難才剛開始而已。
為施壓中國協助停止蘇丹 西部不斷流血衝突所設立的「達佛奧林匹克之夢」組織主任沙維特告訴法新社,針對聖火傳遞的抗議行動已經規劃妥當。
目前人在美國 的沙維特表示:「我們將以聖火傳遞的不同階段作為示威目標,同時我們計劃在奧運期間前往北京現場示威」。
美國競速滑冰選手,曾經在兩年前的杜林 冬季奧運獲得金牌的齊克表示,他不贊同達佛問題與運動是兩個互為獨立的議題。
齊克在杜林冬季奧運得到競速滑冰男子五百公尺金牌和一千公尺銀牌,並得到美國奧會頒給他的四萬美元 獎金,他全數捐給慈善組織「Right to Play」,並指定善款要用在發生種族戰亂的蘇丹達佛區。
Friday, February 15, 2008
Please Donate Money, Not a Show, Artisits
for the Mainland China Snow Storm, those Artists, fake-kindhearted artists, only singing songs, making shows, have some site visit, and than they claim they are good persons, carrying social responsibility. what a shame.
a new kind of heresy. their act just like, the old time, monks pray to the god, hoping some relief. without any physical support, they are making no charity.
Extended Expo
the museum can invite book stores to sell related books, to answer those raised but un-answered questions. this can make profit to the store, and encourage people to reading.
and also invite universities, related department, to hold a talk, on the topic, to reveal more aspect on the same expo. this can promote local Us.
Neo-Cruciata : Kill those Heresy!!!!
even, many artists, financial analysis also pop out, and saying the same heresy. what a shame.
the really dame thing is, there is no body come out and shout :
" We are Chinese, but we don't believe those Heresy in the Age of Science and knowledge. We believe, our future is in our own hands and head, Not in your Fucking dame fu shiu book and compress!!! Lie will not become true! no matter how often you state. We are the Neo-Cruciata. We, now here, To WAR, To Flight, To Against the spread of Heresy. We Must Give Science, Rational and Love, Back to Our People!!!"
風水 - 不科學, 或統計上過時
money currency
so, the cost of making currency has a upper bound, the value of its own. e.g. the cost for making 100US, cannot larger than 100US.
on the other side, if the cost is lower the value, people will try to make, because it create profit.
thus, the cost has a lower bound, its value.
so, 100US is made from 100US.
ok, so, far, it is correct, for treating the currency as if it is a goods, like the old time, gold.
how ever, the technique for making money is hard to duplicate, the coat can be lower than the value. since the security cost recover the "real" cost, or security barrier.
if the market allow people make currency, the cost will be push as low as possible (if no other constraints, its value will go to as low as possible, named inflation), as far as people trust it, which can offer the service or goods as it valued. later on, currency is just a symbol, to represent the buying power. which is more or less like today, we use paper money or E-money. we don't really need gold to support our currency. however, this only under the constrain that, the currency is good quality enough and at the Zero cost with somewhat barrier (security, authorization). the good quality ensure the "money" can be kept for long. the Zero cost, make it easy to create or destroy. the barrier, make people don't think about to make free money. otherwise, if "money" are so much, the inflation will come. that's why, there are some rules for monetary policy.
in this case, we can see, only free market, is not really enough. some thing like government needed to control the market, set up some rule, so everybody should obey. but the government will not stay long after the rules become a common knowledge to people. people know what will be happen if they don't follow the rule. at that time, a free market re-opened.
how-a-day, government try to put some of their departments back to the market. is it under the same development process??