Sunday, December 30, 2007

passive learner

although there are many way to reach knowledge, i would like to say, even we actively read news papers, books, magazines, we still are a passive learner.

Why? because we are not THINK about what we read.

The reading is just a medium to the content, the idea.

a active learner should actively dig deep into a topic and try to get a first hand news. from those data he found, and puzzle up the fact. he just don't listen and believe by one source.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

one family one child

if it is so, how come china population still increased??

it should be cut half!!! how come?

in 1977, 8.12, the one child policy was put in law.

in late 90s, the first 1 child generation is good for marriage.

however, Beijing found that if not enough people, the country will die quickly. so they changed.

if both parent are the only child, they can make 2 child.

in some area, if the first child is girl, than the parent can make another child.

so, in pure mathematical sense, the population is still decreased only.


I have been studying science for 12 years. In these years, I was always afraid of the Earth will die soon because of different factors: pollutions by human beings, shortage of power resources, wars....

Beause of the above factors, I sometimes ask a question to myself: "If all the things including human being are doomed to be annihilated in the future, is there still any value of surviving? (I don\'t mean you should go to hell immediately!)


my opinion is, the world is toward to a better place, but still has room to improve and many challenges to tackle.

look back the previous 100 years or 200 years, think about it, the world is.... more or less like hell. (i mean for human, not for the nature)

first, the living quality and quantity, were great improved. imagine you are living in 100 years ago. you cannot choose what you like to do, if you are growth up in a farming family, you must be a farmer when you grow up. the government only give you a right to live, but not guarantee you live healthy! in the middle of 20th country, there are great inflation. now a day, our economic growth steady, thank you economists.

check this wiki below.

yes, i agree, that pollution is the most urgent problems. well instead of regret what we've done, how about use our brain to re-create the world again, just like the Soviet Union (it is a good try ever in human society, when Lenin can make people believe private property is guilty, i cannot imagine how "impossible" can be found in dictionary.) there is many new technology innovation happen to make our world jump across the pollution. there is a first wind power cargo ship, Beluga SkySails. Toshiba just promote a micro nuclear plan for industry and public estate. California plan to use wave power. New solar cell, Nanosolar. MARS( Magenn Air Rotor System ) is close to commercial usage. in British, they just propose a plan to make 2% power from wind. the world is getting better and better.

Ok, there is only 1/3 of people living in developed countries and start to embrace the earth friendly energy sources and politic, 1/3 in China and India just started there engines to move toward industrial age. and the rest, mostly in Africa and South America, people are finding other way out. like Brazil, they use crop to feed their car.

all in all, the world become better is base on Adam smith, the writer of wealth of nation. when the global trading become more and more, the free moving market will drive us to a better place. the polluted nations will be affected by others, (look at the Beijing Olympic 2008, global concern very much on the air quality, this make china government concern too) .the poor countries will be helped by the rich, (see the WTO effort in the past decade, they do made thing better!!! although little) the Adam Smith's invisible hand is rolling our world to a better place.

beside the progress toward Utopia, human still struggle with the idea of "Nation" "Religion" and "lack concern of the nature"

i think, in the next century, human will be great concern of the nature first, than The Broken of Religion, and finally there is only 1 nation, the earth.

now, with the climate change rapidly, and change our living style so great. we have forced to facing the problem, in European, the new generation is learning and practicing how to recycle, reuse and replace.

later, since the technology and science, mainly on neuroscience and psychology, we will know ourself and know how to live happier, found out our meaning for living. Religion will absorpted into Philosophy and history.

finally, by the global trading, the broader of Nations will be vanish. we can look back european union history.

"If all the things including human being are doomed to be annihilated in the future, is there still any value of surviving?"

my answer is, this question does not make any sense for me. cos live should move forward. by the way, if the human society are doomed, like the movie "i ma legend" i think i have no meaning to survive, (that's why i use facebook, i need to make connection with friend) if the scenario is like "the world after tmr" only little group of people survived. there is still motivation to live! for the others, for the future. ok, i should feed me-self fat before the climate suddenly go bad.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

人格測驗 II

如果自我是由不同的角度所組成, 不妨邀請朋友代你做心理測驗. 由此, 可以了解別人是如何看自己.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 in Hong Kong

it is good idea to copy the in Hong Kong. anyway, it is a good try.

another similar idea is: instead of borrow and loan, try insurance!

user can costumes their insurance plane, and let the other user to secure their insurance.

HKU vs HKUST (location)

every time, i go to HKU, and later , come back to UST, i feel that HKU is more like a university than UST. 

HKU locate closer to the urban area. that mean, it closer to the society, closer to the people. that make me feel HKU students are ready to be enrolled in the city.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Repeated infomation

Via internet, we are very easy to get information in second. In Google news, try to copy a short sentence and search it in google, you will find that, there are many same sentence, expressing the same idea!! people are copy cat! (to avoid it, i suggest search engine also pop out the first page, the original page that those copies come from.)

That make me sick, bored and dis-spirated (anti-inspirated). when i open my browser, go to check out the world, i found that the hottest issue occupied most internet-space. ok, that's not bad, until all around are expressing the same idea, nothing new! if i want to get more inside, internet will disappoint me. (is it my searching skill not good enough?)

moreover, although things happened everyday are different, but more or less, media are saying some similar ideas, obvious and naive ideas. is any insiders there? or just another point of view? when reading foreigner news, you can hardly, but exist, find one or two article on the same issue with different value. however, in Hong Kong, people are so unbelievably synchronous into 1 or 2, not more than 3 groups. 

if there are already lot of post on the same thing, i would like to save my word until i have different point of view, gucci view~

ONLY Trust the DATA, nothing else

When reading books, or magazine, or anything, i found that there are so many GUESS, more that reasoning. Most guesses will covered by fake - reasoning, based on so called theory or data. 

Data, there are so many data, most of them cannot be trust, especially those are second handed. 

Theory is developed on data. Only reliable theory based on first hand data, which cannot be double ( i assume the first hand data extracted from scientific method). However, since theory based on data, when data changed, the theory should be modified or throw away. 

a reliable statement can only be constructed from reliable data and valid theories. Any thing beyond above, can be classified as a guess, an imagination.

Thus, when facing a problem, only limited theories and real data can be used as a guide. That make people valuable, and so far, computer cannot replace us. 

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Free mind Travel II

思想貧乏, 欠缺刺激, 沒有更深的體會, 都市化?, 每天重複的活著, 太多資訊, 萬歷十五年, 哲學家的工具箱, 啟發有限, 深層閱讀不足, 填鴨式閱讀, 記憶力下降, 捉不緊閃光般的刺激, 走不出的困局, 只有等待, 帶來無奈, 強自寫下閱讀服告, 別傻, 懶惰, 不思進取, 藉電玩消耗時間, 明知浪費青春, 節制, 四川都卸使給以節制, 明代官僚制度, age of empires iii the Asian dynasty, japan shogun, ming army, the forbidden army, 禁衛軍, a translation, 古代, 哲學, 既然古代哲學討論的範疇已經同今日的有很大分別, 是否反映人性已有所改變? 問題, 解答, yahoo knowledge, research group, 最近看到很多學術獎, 十居其9 是一個獎項頒發於數人, 是否反影人類個體的能力已不足以應付人類(社會)對學術的須要? 是否反影學術界有資源重疊? 廿一世紀是一個前所未有既挑戰, 看歷史書總是輕鬆, 好像所有事都有解答, 一切都是必然發生, 烏托邦只存在於過去, 借古監今, 以何程度? 新經濟政治學說? 我們的新世界? many questions, few answers, union of answers? lack of answer? lack of post, a blog of question, haven't try, too many blogs for me? yahoo knowledge: a question blog, Topic blog? for 1 basic question and answer all it linked, words, sentences, paragraph, essay, different levels, contain lot more, higher than essay? book? beyond book? library? beyond library? union of knowledge? some are knowledge, but most are technique, any different between technique and knowledge? mathematics, account, finance, pure technique? pure knowledge? 哲學, level goes up, contain goes up, linear? non-linear? we are facing our own limit? Olympic, human body, limit. human mind, limit? genetics modification, computer hardware, software, company structure, management, government vs company?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

自卑, 自大

因自卑而自大, 很多人都知. 拙人常三省吾身. 希望能不謙不卑.

看見別人穿上鮮艷衣裳, 立當看看拙人. 以免醜人多八怪, 妹仔大過主人婆. 拙人有數件鮮艷衣裳, 必是滿有自信, 精神飽滿而穿. 自不覺愧.

看見別人拍照閃縮, 立當看看拙人. 是否願意拍照? 因為儀容不端, 有否適當推辭? 能否清楚, 是技術不濟, 或是自顏不正, 以致臉容不美? 如此不美, 能否所然面對?

看見別人席間高談闊論, 立當看看拙人. 以免班門弄斧. 說話是否有自褒, 炫耀之詞? 每當別人提及拙人之事, 能否待之如他人之事, 褒貶得宜?

看見別人跨耀自己, 立當看看拙人. 有否給人自大狂妄之感?

但是, 會否, 因自大而自卑, 自藏呢?

對於拙人來說, 是肯定的.

看見別人穿上黑衣暗衫, 立當看看拙人. 是否已到夕陽之年, 暮氣昏昏?

看見別人拍照雀躍, 立當看看拙人. 是否形相吸引, 恐天下蒼生不知?

看見別人席間默默不語, 立當看看拙人. 是否胸無針半點墨, 沒有興趣分享?

拙人經常充當專家, 事無大小. 事後卻心裡不踏實, 因自大而自卑.....

Sunday, December 09, 2007

citizen's right and reponsibility

today, one women come and want to interview my family. i dun know which organization hold this research, but my mum shut the door quick.

if it is a research group in social science, why not? just few minutes and we can help people know our society better!! that research data may be used in some day later.

if it is a company research, why not? just a few minutes. this action reflect the company do care about the business and want to do better! the final result will benefit us.

by the way, i feel like that. hong kong people used to be a citizen for long long time. we already forget the right and responsibility. when i imagine the ancient time, in Rome, become a citizen is a great deal. not everyone can be a citizen. as a citizen, they do know and care about their right and responsibility. like, they will behave as good as a citizen (honor is the major factor). they will flight for Rome because they are citizen. they will enter the forum, to discuss politic. they will vote. they will pay the tax. not even Rome, in now a day, western countries also behave like this: their citizen know what inside the word "citizen". look at France, American, UK, Germen and Australia.

but now, in hong kong, people think paying the tax is the only responsibility for being a citizen. why? may be they are too busy. may be they think is it none of their business.

well, in home, also. a family member will like to pay money to their women (mostly their mother or their wife) and sit back, watching tv...

is it because of lazy or only focused on short term return? or it is the Chinese way?

Friday, December 07, 2007


the 東方日報 are totally rubbish~

that made me want to made a newspaper, named: 唱唱反調

that's a very interesting idea from Harry Potter. well, most people focus on other things. i do think 唱唱反調 is a very good idea!

let say, from today Finance page:
賣花讚花香: 郭氏三兄弟厚顏無恥----新地:樓市無泡抵到爛

of course, their a lot more on Politic and artists.

TAG for everything in web

this may be a good but also confusing idea. because to tag something, in order to let user easy to find, is not easy.

look one example, in many forum, user post a new topic, and usually, let say, if they are posting a joke, than they will go to the Joke section. how ever, may be this joke also contain some elements as well. in some case, there is a gray section about joke and other topic.

this related to how user classify stuff. OH, this is hard to do even for philosopher.

by the way, some web pages support tag on each stuff. but they do not fully support it in their search engine.

Thursday, December 06, 2007


很多人都會說, 香港人無根, 不知從何以來, 所以不知何以向前...barabara~

以前我都幾buy 這個想法. 但仔細想一想, 發覺其實係d 笨蛋想出來, 安慰自己沒出色既借口.

1, 歷史, 其實有好有懷. 就像一個背包, 如果帶了有用的, 當然好. 帶了有沒用的, 就是一種包袱.但是, 什麼是好, 什麼又是不好, 就難下定論. 所以, 有沒有歷史, 其實並不重要.

2, 既然歷史並不重要, 那我們需要知歷史嗎? well, 與其說歷史, 我寧可說知識 ( 歷史的綜合). 正如學習物理, 其實不必學物理史, 但物理, 其實是物理史的綜合, 前人努力的結果. 所以有知識就可以了.

3, 有了知識, 就可以開創自己的未來.

有人說, 樹若無根, 就不能面對風雨. 我要問, 種子是無根的, 是否種子就不能成長??

其實, 香港人無根, 其實是一種優點. 因為我們能夠走自己的路. 可惜的是, 香港人也無腦~ 面對一張白紙, 不知如何落筆.

如果要講無根, 看看singapore, 看看科大.


要提醒一下, 以上論點, 其實滿是錯誤. 只要反覆思量, 就會有不同結論. 正是如此, gucci proxy 才久未更新.

testing on Google Analytics

added code for site counter.