There is a commercial from HK government, about equal opportunity for employees. it said, employer should not discriminate those who are aged, pregnancy or something else.
good idea with mercy heart but not reasonable enough. those people who are discriminated by aged or pregnancy, is because their working power is lower than others. if companies hire those people, they will suffer lost. aged people may be work slow and cannot respond to new technique. pregnancy women may ask for many pay-holiday. by the way, if people who can bring money to a company, i can bet that everyone do want to hire them, no matter they are aged or anything else.
So, the basic reason for unequal opportunity is impersonal, is mostly after balancing the lost and gain. that's why i said the commercial has good heart but not reasonable. Thus, if the government is trying to tell employer to have a good heart, to hire people that may let them suffer lost, they are really idiot. things really need to do is giving tax reduction or any advantage through policy making, to bring back the advantage or just balancing the lost, instead of making stupid commerical to wasting money.
something happened in the way for increasing birth rate. people not give birth babies is mostly because the cost for having babies is high; education fee, bigger housing, and time. if government does not provide any policy, like tax reduction, half education fee, lower housing price to overcome the resistance of having babies, but just asking more babies come to the world, helping the society from aged. the government is totally naive, brainless and fail the people.