Thursday, June 26, 2008
Since, "A sentence is meaningful" cannot be proved or dis-proved, therefore, it is meaningless. however, the above sentence is a definition. it is useful, according to how we use it. thus, "meaningful" is not quite a daily used word "meaningful".
most of our sentences are not meaningful, like those express our feeling, imagination. "oh, the moon is beautiful!" "Mary is pretty" are this kind. "my father is 47 years-old." "the sun's surface is about 6000 degree" are meaningful sentences. as we can see, meaningful sentence is those can give us a way to know about the world, and non-meaningful sentence can give us an imagination to other feeling.
"Alexander the Great was born at June 10, 323BC", is it a meaningful sentence? or, can we prove or disprove it? this is not so obvious to do so. and thanks for historians, we believe it is truth, and it is not just a claim or imagination.
"ghost exist everywhere", so far for human intelligence, it is not clear yet. so, this sentence give no information about the physical world but human imagination. another obvious example is "God create the world", and "human have free-will".
when we counter this kind of sentences, changed the view point may be help. for example, give more concrete definition. "what is god?" "what is free-will?" as long as we can define those concept clearly, may be we can make a more proper sentence.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Age of reasoning
Why, When, Who, How, Where, What are the most valuable words. they like a pickaxes, which help us to dig deeper and deeper toward the truth and knowledge. keep us far away from innocent.
Only having a pickaxes will not lead us toward the truth. we need a user guild--a method -- Logic. everything out of Logic should be classified as unknown or wrong.
however, may be our education is so popular. Many people believe, any explanations, any reasons with "science" cover is truth. Some of them are called fake-science. but most of them, is only explain with science terms. when people talk about biology, and suddenly pop out with term like DNA, Darwin, then people will believe what them said is 100% truth. it is superstitious belief in authority.
there is another kind of superstitious in authority. if someone can say say some kind of theory, that can explain an event, then the theory must be true. look at the bible, Jesus said a lot of things, and according to the HOLY BIBLE, it works and it can explain what is going on. so, what Jesus said must be true, forever. even the theory was said 2000 years ago.
the age of reasoning is require everyone act like mathematicians, to think logically, precise, accuracy, and listen no one before proof was made.
How to read the Bible
same idea may also suitable for the Bible -- the people who wrote the bible already forecast there are Asia, India, America and the Antarctic?? there are so many new impacts to our society, cars, ships, planes and Internet will innovated, and make our knowledge can spread so wide, our distant become so close. and also, did the bible writers also know that, 2000 years later, there are so many philosophers that taught people and raise up our intellectual level? and the bible writers also know that the population of mankind will reach 6 billion? do they has the feeling of 6 billion? No. none at all. they only knew people around the small asia. i also wonder that, do they know about the Golden Greek's civilization? which is 1000 years before that time, because nothing of Greek was mentioned! therefore, Bible, just like an ordinary story book, who try to teach the people around small asia. At that time, those people are still at very low civilizational level, which mean, people are more like un-educated kid. they pray everything supernatural, super-power. they cannot control and change the environment, and so, they create many gods and try to explain everything they wonder.
if you are a modern people, or a very wise man at that time. and you see that the quality of people is little higher than animal, or just a kind of speaking animal. you want to help them.
may be i tell a little story before i goes on. One day, my sister, who is study literature and know nothing about science, ask me what is the different between Optical Zoom and Digital Zoom. that i said, Optical Zoom is Zoom by adjust the lens position then change the focal length, just like you can look far away through a telescope. Digital Zoom is just like you enlarge a picture in computer. she tole me, "so, what is the different?"
this story is try to point out that, to understand this world, even in a very small aspect, there are so many basis concept to understand first. without those concepts, it is very hard to further explain or understand things. to let my sister know what is the different between digital Zoom and Optical Zoom, i need to tell her many basis elements in camera. however, if i don't has enough time, how do i explain the whole concept? take a fusion as an example, how do you explain fusion to a P1 kid? may be the easiest way is "Fusion is combining many atoms (i suppose they knew what it is.) into one." for normal kid, it may be work, but for those curious one? they further ask what is atom? how do you do? and you know there will be another class for them.
Ok, time to go back the bible writers. they knew a lot of things about human, about our psychology, about our behavior. they knew we can do better, we can be hygiene, can be polite, can live better through cooperation. they knew their words means nothing, since they are normal man. but if they pretend they are massager from gods, people will believe them by no mean.
the thing is like primary school teacher. how do they teach the kid for "1+1=2", "don't steal things" ? they build up an authority, and the kid just believe it is right. that's is. same for bible, when teaching kid, the bible method is excellent. all you need to do is follow what Jesus did, and don't think, don't argue. especially the existence of GOD - the power of make you believe.
having this understanding of Bible, the book for "do not think" people, or for kid, one should be regard Bible just a story book, to understand the history, and become a manner book for kid. when we grow up, we should break the barrier from the Bible and throw it away and Start to think about it. We should read more other book, to meet the modern requirement for living.
at last, there are many modern people just study the bible. yes, they can, in case they haven't read any modern books (can you believe the few wise bible writer are better then all people in the history? ) and don't like to think for the reasons of everything.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The “low” quality people lower the social intelligence
Let me first define how the term “low” quality to describe people. It generally refers to irrational, not well educated, advance-resist and narrow-thought people. Many politicians, low-end workers, elders and F.5 graduated kid belong to this class. I know it is an ill-define and may be even unfair classification, but that’s what I think. And the “high” quality people are on the opposite side of those “low” quality beings. More people stay between.
When I surf on the web, reading between a lots blogs, I found that there are many bloggers have a very good brain that think rational, clear and concentrated. They can classify social phenomena clearly, focus and bloody. However, instead of creating something new, they spent a lot of time on educate people, telling and arguing people what is naturally belong to them, but seized by politics environment. They spent many pages to tell us what common value among the global but not common in HK. They used so much energy to re-educate the apes, who should be well-trained by our education system, especially for those F.5 kid. (Is it meaning that our education system fails? I don’t think so, people always gives excuse for their failure on surrounding, but never think back to themselves. Moreover, if the system fails, how come there are some many ‘high” quality people there? Oh, there are Nietzsche’s heroes! Super-natural!)
If the society has less “low” quality people, then more people can focus on constructive work with their brilliant mind.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Selfish I
people know me knew it is not the first time i talk about this kind of "evil" stuff. by the way, let me just repeat what i said before.
Selfish -- in most daily life, it is referring a person that ONLY take care of one-self, and so, it is a bad thing. however, when people describe somebody is selfish, what is it mean? why selfish is bad? what is wrong for people only take care of themselves? are we taught to be independent? Do we want to be independent? why it is bad?
when people describe John (Hi! john, is you again.) is selfish. it means that John does not care those beside him. John only care about himself happiness, and benefit (no matter physical or metal). So, if John also care about others, then he is not selfish anymore.
Ok, everything makes sense at this moment. But hold on. we have just made a formula:
care others = non-selfish
only care itself = selfish (don't skip the ONLY)
so, the level of CARE indicated the selfish level. if so, then, what is care? how do we know someone is care about others? How do we know John is care about Mary? Can we observe the behavior of John toward Mary to know that? Can we feel that? (by the way, feel is another word i hate, what is feel? can we see, touch, smell the feeling? no, all you can do is feel to feeling. that's mean, feeling = god. a thing that we cannot prove it is exit, even in logical sense.)
Care, which is a sharing of emotion and situation, such that you can put yourself on others position to imagine what the other needs, and act correspondingly. (it is not a good definition, it is too long.)
with this definition, problems come. since everyone has different needs, even for same situation. i admit that there are dozen of behavior in common, like eating when hungry, sleep when tired, etc. but there are more things we act differently. like, someone will study-hard before exam, someone play-hard before so. the different come form a lot factors, like personality, physical situation, pass history, mind set, gene, what ever causes that made you. therefore. except for very basic needs, we just hard (not impossible) to care others. that's why we need to cooperate, we need to tell people know what i needs, we need to open our mind, we need to sharing time, to know each other better. That's why we need manner. Thus, non-selfish is a kind of luxury.
lets think about John is some kind of disable, that he is already spend so much time on his business. or, his life philosophy is somewhat different. so, John will act different for what Mary (or others) think it is suitable. if John act impolite, of course everyone can accuse him for rude. however, in some case, john does don't offense any rule but just make Mary inconvenient or just unhappy. Mary may say nothing but selfish.
Jesus said : "for give them, they do not know what they did." it is also suit for John. since all Mary need to do is talk her needs to john. In HK, it is very usual to hear "selfish". if someone always demand others not to be selfish, is he/she the most selfish? always demand others take care for him/her.
so, far, i haven't talk to the key points. "Selfish is the solid ground for altruism." however, the previous post already touch some key ideas.
- · Is the first step to know one-self
- · Then we know we need to take care other, since we live together
- · From ourselves, and extend to others
- · Care others without self-satisfaction is harmful to one-self, and is not true heart
Monday, June 09, 2008
Einstein taught us the world is Relative by his famous relativity. No, bollocks. The relativity tells us that there is an intrinsic value of each measurement of time and length --- the only true value that everyone can deduced from observation. The absolute space-time can only be experience by the event-creator. Anyone else can use the formula to calculate back the mathematics of the intrinsic space-time, and then, somehow it also can be experienced the same event throughout the mathematics.The thing is like a car accident, the news report only can give you an imagination of the accident and no more. In this means, the relativity is a truly absolute theory that the absolute and solely on the first-person, other observation is relative to it.
Besides using this famous case to introduce the absolute, I am going to use general science as another one. SCIENCE is a rational method by using experiences to found the mechanism about the world. Except we believe in God, we should expect there is one and only one world we are living in. this leads to the absolute world – there is a truth behind everyday life. The question is, can we dig deep enough to explore the truth. Nowadays, by the absolute fact about science, our society advanced so fast in all aspects.
If anyone doubt above absolute argument, one can simply imagine a world that the scientific formula is relatively true. For example, in John’s world, water is compound of 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen, but in Mary’s world, water is made by 2 hydrogen and 2 oxygen. Then, one day, john meets Mary (since they are living in the same world.) and they mix the water together. What will John see? Will he see the water is no longer water at all? How come the water molecule is formed by 2 different kinds, as he did not find that before?
Therefore, the mechanism of the world must be absolute the same for everyone.
We knew that, the laws govern our body is same as everyone. So, why we feel differently and see the relative? Because of the modification of each body and we lack of knowledge to know it. Let me take a simple example. The free falling speed in air is different from vacuum. In this case, will anyone think it is relative? Of course no, it is the modification of each different situation. John thinks Jesse is sexy but Mary does not think so, because John and Mary have different modification. If we knew how different they are, and base on the law of nature, we can figure out this relative point of view is absolutely natural. If there are Sam and Nikki with same gene and past with John and Mary, we must be able to claim that Sam thinks Jesse is sexy but Nikki opposes.
Another case is photography. Somebody will care so much on the view angle, structure, lightness, contrast and so on. They think the world is relative throughout the lens. However, no matter how, they never can capture the true world, but only the representation. And the representation can be modified and give us a relative feeling.
Therefore, the relative is only an illusion of absolute. We knew, the absolute is a shyly girl, who always like to stay behind the stage.
by the way, it is very difficult to come a "title", if anyone like to give me some, and let me bullshit on it, i am really appreciated.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Common sense
- John said "2 Sin[x] Cos[x] = Sin[2 x]" is common sense.
- Mark said "Queen can go all direction, like a combination of Bishop and Castle" is a common sense.
- Mary said "Louis Vuitton is come from Paris and founded in 1854" is a common sense.
- my mother said she is a female is common sense.
we can see from above examples. "Common sense" means usual fact among some group. John's case refers to mathematicians. Mark's case refers to chess players. Mary's case refers to fashion freak or wiki -reader. my mother's case may be the truly "common sense" in common sense.
so, Common sense is not common as we though. due to the social gap, specialization/professional or education level. in HK, may be the 99% population covered common sense is the things were tough in kindergartens or P1. in China, may be somewhat different. for example, sitting all around is a common sense for mainlanders. washing hands after toilet is a common sense for HongKongers. Mother is female is a common sense for all world.
Common sense has a kind of level and professional. by investigate the level of common sense among people, we can check out our education system good or not. so, the TV game show- millionaires is a good show for knowing people level of common sense.
Next time, think before using "common sense", is it really common? if somebody use "common sense", don't afraid to ask back "what is common sense?". i bet he/she will be shame for don't knowing "common sense" as a common sense.
future Society
I also found that, for most titles, they already has been study and discussed by many one. I don’t want to just follow their path, but making something new. Or something really myself, at least I think it is from myself.
By the way, today’s title is future Society.
I am not going to set goal or purpose for society, since I wonder, is it exist any goal or meaning for it. Just like a stage is a place for each actors archive his goal. I also believe in evolution. That’s make me regard every moment of the society is the best moment so far, base on the history. So, I am just giving an imagination for the future society.
In the evolution sense, human will finally split into many species, like dogs, cat or any other species. It is so odd that only human is one and only one species, in the sense that picking up any men and women in the world, they can reproduce a copy of themselves. Moreover, they like to do so. :P the reason is, people got attracted by SAME kind of people. And people will influence each other. if you stay/work in a group for a while, more or less, you will speak the same language with them. And it is very easy to distinguish the “language” for each group. Finally, a special group becomes a species.
Each human species will specialized in some aspect, like politics, sciences, economics, medical, sports, arts. And the social responsibility will be fixed for each species. (well, politic species can cross over to art or something else. But in the economical sense, they should stay in politic, to achieves highest efficiency.) Just like organ, after million years evolution, heart become specialized, lung and liver and brain and every part become specialized. If each individual is just like a cell in this huge society mechanism, in order to gain higher efficiency, we should be specialized, and well organized.
This kind of society has some benefits. Obviously, child in each species will not worry about what to do when they growth up. They are the best for their professional, to born to be genius in that area. 2nd, due to the cooperation of each species or social organs, the society will be developing faster and better. Faster, is because of the efficiency. Better is because of the organization.
Thing has good points always come with bad. The unknown factor is money and population. How to well distribute the money among those social organs? How about some species population growth up so quick that more than the needs? May be, there is a new species (work-nature) that act like a coordinator, like our cerebellum and never system, feeding back economic situation to cerebellum, and controlling the beating for each organ.
Anyway, we can see the real world is going to this way. Some families always take part in politics, like Kennedy’s family. Some always control large among of money. Some countries always be the king position for fashion, technology. But so far, a species never formed yet. It may be due to the transportation is not good enough. We are still hard to meet every one in the world and choose the similar one. Or found the strongest aspect of ourselves and live in it.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
what kind of thing can be call knowledge? some said "my mother is a female." some said "F=ma" . some said " i knew my boss like a fresh egg on his breakfast ". some said " economy can be called a knowledge." and some will said "Tokyo is in Japan." (ok, all "some" are me-self :P)
may be all of about are knowledge. if so, is knowledge = everything known? hold on, when we say something is knowledge, we somehow also said that thing is meaningful. will anyone think "my mother is a female" is meaningful? no, because it is just a definition from " mother is the female of your parents" however, definition, concept are the elements to build up our world. so, the above definition, although can not give us "new meaning", it gives us the basic element to understand the more complex world. so, it is somehow meaningful. (oh shit, i hate "somehow". )
ok, by now. in order to avoid knowledge = everything known. ( well, you can define so, than skip all below. ) we define knowledge is not definition or concept. it is not a build brick for our world view. so, we know that knowledge is higher class, like the different between house and brick.
"F=ma" also a definition or a principle, which is not "our" knowledge anymore, sorry. well, it is quite obvious. when you are asking somebody what is physic. if the shit tell you "F=ma", you never think he knew physic. hah, so, things got clear. knowledge of physics is the skill for using "F=ma", using the formula to give out new things, like calculate a motion. same thing, if someone can using "mother is female" to give out something new. than, we can said he had the knowledge of "mother is female".
an analogy may help to understand. brick, water tube, wire and house. only brick, water tube and wire on the ground is simple. by knowing each will not give us a protection. however, a house, which is a systematically structured from bricks, water tube and wire, gives us protection, water and electricity. the total mass is the same, but the "meaning" is different. so, how to we connect our known definitions, concepts , principles and facts make our knowledge.
therefore, " i knew my boss like a fresh egg on his breakfast " & "Tokyo is in Japan" are just facts only. knowing these does not mean we had knowledge, but using it, developing it, extending it. economy is indeed a knowledge, since it is not just definition, concept, fact, but also the structure, the relationship and application.
finally, i quote a reference from
1. | acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation; general erudition: knowledge of many things. |
2. | familiarity or conversance, as with a particular subject or branch of learning: A knowledge of accounting was necessary for the job. |
3. | acquaintance or familiarity gained by sight, experience, or report: a knowledge of human nature. |
4. | the fact or state of knowing; the perception of fact or truth; clear and certain mental apprehension. |
5. | awareness, as of a fact or circumstance: He had knowledge of her good fortune. |
6. | something that is or may be known; information: He sought knowledge of her activities. |
7. | the body of truths or facts accumulated in the course of time. |
8. | the sum of what is known: Knowledge of the true situation is limited. |
9. | Archaic. sexual intercourse. Compare carnal knowledge. |
10. | creating, involving, using, or disseminating special knowledge or information: A computer expert can always find a good job in the knowledge industry. |
11. | to one's knowledge, according to the information available to one: To my knowledge he hasn't been here before. |