Sunday, February 25, 2007
風水 - 不科學, 或統計上過時
不科學 :
從來沒有對照實驗, 說明天橋有 "剎氣", 獲型天線 不 "吉利", 八卦可以擋 "剎"....
而其中"剎氣","吉利", 又如何定義?
從來沒有對照實驗, 說明天橋有 "剎氣", 獲型天線 不 "吉利", 八卦可以擋 "剎"....
而其中"剎氣","吉利", 又如何定義?
有機蔬菜 - 環保vs商業
究竟什麼樣既社會, 環保才可以發展??
前布希政府, 極力反對環保政策. 他曾在一場演講說: " 如果推行環保, 張會有很多人因此失業." 詳細既論點係, 推行環保, 需要立法限制好多行業, 最明顯, 就係重工業, 所以該工業就會有很多人失業.
情況就好似"外包", 外包會導致失業嗎??(詳見"the world is flat")
對, 外包會導致失業, 失去現在既職業, 但會創造更高價既工作, 情況就好似"外包". 當社會主流是保守, 保護已有利益既意見時, 環保會導致失業實在係短視既想法.
但究竟環保會創造什麼更高價既工作呢?? 不太清楚, 但相信必定發生. 有個現實例子: 有機蔬菜 - 這種菜可以賣更高既價錢, 而對追求健康既中產人士有一定市場. 但為何不見得有機蔬菜得到廣泛支持?? 還有回收業, 為何一直都死氣沉沉? 而hybird car 還未能推出市場?
前布希政府, 極力反對環保政策. 他曾在一場演講說: " 如果推行環保, 張會有很多人因此失業." 詳細既論點係, 推行環保, 需要立法限制好多行業, 最明顯, 就係重工業, 所以該工業就會有很多人失業.
情況就好似"外包", 外包會導致失業嗎??(詳見"the world is flat")
對, 外包會導致失業, 失去現在既職業, 但會創造更高價既工作, 情況就好似"外包". 當社會主流是保守, 保護已有利益既意見時, 環保會導致失業實在係短視既想法.
但究竟環保會創造什麼更高價既工作呢?? 不太清楚, 但相信必定發生. 有個現實例子: 有機蔬菜 - 這種菜可以賣更高既價錢, 而對追求健康既中產人士有一定市場. 但為何不見得有機蔬菜得到廣泛支持?? 還有回收業, 為何一直都死氣沉沉? 而hybird car 還未能推出市場?
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
prisoner's dilemma vs open source
i really think this is a breakthrough of modern economy theory.
now a day, open source is an advantage in doing business, but it is conflict the dilemma.
i think, the open source phenomenas is long term effect, and the dilemma is short term.
where is the math?
now a day, open source is an advantage in doing business, but it is conflict the dilemma.
i think, the open source phenomenas is long term effect, and the dilemma is short term.
where is the math?
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
自從本科生畢業以後, 很多朋友, 不論中學的, 大學的, 大都有了工作. 回望自己, 不禁有所壓力.
有了工作, 眼界和人脈, 不再局限於大學裡, 開始接觸更多唔同層面既人. 有年輕, 亦有年長, 有低學歷, 也有學歷高, 有經驗淺, 還有經驗豐, 有成熟穩重, 更有初生之犢. 那該如何待人接物?? 每人都有一個故事, 都有一個教訓. 從別人身上, 往往受益良多. 更因為有了工作, 生活在人群裡, 所知所學, 可以快速投入生活上, 學也快, 習也快. (而學習, 正正是自己生活既動力與意義) 但回頭一看, 自己還是在校園裡, 如同井底之蛙, 每日在自己的世界裡, 思考著井外可笑愚痴的事. 究竟誰才是可笑,愚痴?? 而每每聽見朋友工作上的所見所聞, 略有反思, 得出一些想法, 但往往未能實踐. 龍欲游, 卻無江河大洋可游.
雖不是氣蓋世, 但亦奈何. 是時不利, 還是騅不逝??
心中亦另有疑問. 有了工作, 有了收入, 一切就有了基礎了嗎? 有了學歷, 有了夢想, 那物質的基礎又有那裡?? 可以自供自給, 有多餘既收入, 就可以實現自己既想法?? 買車, 買樓, 結婚, 生仔. an american dream! 這是我想要的嗎?? 究竟, 我在那裡??
有了工作, 眼界和人脈, 不再局限於大學裡, 開始接觸更多唔同層面既人. 有年輕, 亦有年長, 有低學歷, 也有學歷高, 有經驗淺, 還有經驗豐, 有成熟穩重, 更有初生之犢. 那該如何待人接物?? 每人都有一個故事, 都有一個教訓. 從別人身上, 往往受益良多. 更因為有了工作, 生活在人群裡, 所知所學, 可以快速投入生活上, 學也快, 習也快. (而學習, 正正是自己生活既動力與意義) 但回頭一看, 自己還是在校園裡, 如同井底之蛙, 每日在自己的世界裡, 思考著井外可笑愚痴的事. 究竟誰才是可笑,愚痴?? 而每每聽見朋友工作上的所見所聞, 略有反思, 得出一些想法, 但往往未能實踐. 龍欲游, 卻無江河大洋可游.
雖不是氣蓋世, 但亦奈何. 是時不利, 還是騅不逝??
心中亦另有疑問. 有了工作, 有了收入, 一切就有了基礎了嗎? 有了學歷, 有了夢想, 那物質的基礎又有那裡?? 可以自供自給, 有多餘既收入, 就可以實現自己既想法?? 買車, 買樓, 結婚, 生仔. an american dream! 這是我想要的嗎?? 究竟, 我在那裡??
Friday, February 16, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
personal accounting
have anyone ever play rich-dad game?? in that game, your cash flow can be display to you, your income, outcome, asset and liberty.
if one bank, can make a program (of course is on web, no need to install), which can display the same thing to customer, it will provide a much more powerful financial analysis. let say, if you buy a house, what is your income? what is asset?? did anyone tell me how much is your net value is?? the program can tell you, not need auditing.
the product (services) can make one easier to report the tax, can let govt know how the economic behave, make a better taxation plan, and ppl know the full picture on how there cash flow.
if one bank, can make a program (of course is on web, no need to install), which can display the same thing to customer, it will provide a much more powerful financial analysis. let say, if you buy a house, what is your income? what is asset?? did anyone tell me how much is your net value is?? the program can tell you, not need auditing.
the product (services) can make one easier to report the tax, can let govt know how the economic behave, make a better taxation plan, and ppl know the full picture on how there cash flow.
snapshot dictionary - snaptionary
now aday, snapshot by phone is very common. and good resolution can be achieve too.
now aday, in-phone dictionary may be an essential component.
now aday, phone can also access Internet.
i propose a new use of the 3 functions.
use snapshot to take a photo with a word (or even paragraph) and the phone can recognize then give the meaning from dictionary. or go to web to search something related.
if there is a photo recognized algorithm, can we can even take a snapshot and search instantly at web, find all related news, video, music, podcast, blog, you name it.
now aday, in-phone dictionary may be an essential component.
now aday, phone can also access Internet.
i propose a new use of the 3 functions.
use snapshot to take a photo with a word (or even paragraph) and the phone can recognize then give the meaning from dictionary. or go to web to search something related.
if there is a photo recognized algorithm, can we can even take a snapshot and search instantly at web, find all related news, video, music, podcast, blog, you name it.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
最近做了個presonality test, 把我分類成某種人. 感到十分不安, 有一點傷害. 本來把東西分類, 是人既天性. 但可怕之處在於它的預測性遇上了心靈.
每一個學科, 最基本既條件是它能把它所涵蓋的內容加以分類, 系統化, 使之能被理解和加以運用. 而運用的結果, 是對事物予以評定, 或預測結果. 可運用性正是每一種知識既價值所在.
當做完了個test 時, 它告訴我既性格特點, 這看上去, 能了解自身, 正所謂知己知彼, 覺得滿有意思. 但隨之如來, 它亦告訴了我既行為與思考模式, 我立刻成了基因機器 ( r. dawkins 萬歲!!). 成了一個有血有肉既機器, 一切可以預測! 自己可以預測, 別人也可以預測! 別人也可以對我進行預測!
在次世代下, 唯有保持心靈(思想)上既完整與獨立, 才能成為一個有價值, 領導潮流的人. 而預測正是破壞完整與獨立既利刃. 它把我們模式化了, 同化了. 個人的價值可以被取代, 就如一般性的外在價值一樣. 在社會裡, 知己知彼, 百戰百勝, 其實就是資訊不平衡所帶來既勝利 (我唔相信社會係d行先會win既game). 而當人皆是機器, 我們皆可預測, 並予以操縱, 我們還有什麼價值可言??
舊有觀念是: 你懂office1.0, sas1.0 嗎?? 明天出2.0了. 只有內在既價值如, 上進心, 好奇心一般, 才難以取代, 才是真正值得關心既價值. 隨著心理學把我們獨有的心靈也系統化的時候, 從某種意義, 上進心和好奇心 就如同office 與sas一樣. 稍有不同的, 便是office update 好快, 心靈可以嗎??
解決之道, 就在乎於變化.
人生的真正價值在於從何種程度與何種意義上擺脫自我! —愛因斯坦
每一個學科, 最基本既條件是它能把它所涵蓋的內容加以分類, 系統化, 使之能被理解和加以運用. 而運用的結果, 是對事物予以評定, 或預測結果. 可運用性正是每一種知識既價值所在.
當做完了個test 時, 它告訴我既性格特點, 這看上去, 能了解自身, 正所謂知己知彼, 覺得滿有意思. 但隨之如來, 它亦告訴了我既行為與思考模式, 我立刻成了基因機器 ( r. dawkins 萬歲!!). 成了一個有血有肉既機器, 一切可以預測! 自己可以預測, 別人也可以預測! 別人也可以對我進行預測!
在次世代下, 唯有保持心靈(思想)上既完整與獨立, 才能成為一個有價值, 領導潮流的人. 而預測正是破壞完整與獨立既利刃. 它把我們模式化了, 同化了. 個人的價值可以被取代, 就如一般性的外在價值一樣. 在社會裡, 知己知彼, 百戰百勝, 其實就是資訊不平衡所帶來既勝利 (我唔相信社會係d行先會win既game). 而當人皆是機器, 我們皆可預測, 並予以操縱, 我們還有什麼價值可言??
舊有觀念是: 你懂office1.0, sas1.0 嗎?? 明天出2.0了. 只有內在既價值如, 上進心, 好奇心一般, 才難以取代, 才是真正值得關心既價值. 隨著心理學把我們獨有的心靈也系統化的時候, 從某種意義, 上進心和好奇心 就如同office 與sas一樣. 稍有不同的, 便是office update 好快, 心靈可以嗎??
解決之道, 就在乎於變化.
人生的真正價值在於從何種程度與何種意義上擺脫自我! —愛因斯坦
Thursday, February 08, 2007
上訴法庭駁回聯邦通信委員會要求廠商自七月一日後,必須認同所謂的「廣播標記」 (broadcast flag),以防複製。
上訴法庭駁回聯邦通信委員會要求廠商自七月一日後,必須認同所謂的「廣播標記」 (broadcast flag),以防複製。
盜版 - from others
盜版,即使對微軟這樣的軟體巨人來說,也是一種無法回避的痛。為此,微軟拋出了Windows正版增值計畫(Windows Genuine Advantage,以下簡稱WGA計畫),以打擊盜版。如今,這個計畫已經開始實施,它的效果究竟如何呢?本期話題為你揭曉這個答案。
7月26日,微軟宣佈,在全球範圍內正式啟動WGA計畫,將正版驗證程式擴大到微軟下載中心和Microsoft Update網站,未通過正版驗證的用戶將無法下載資源。看來,微軟已經做好了反盜版的一切準備。然而,還不到一天的時間,國外就傳出了讓盜版用戶輕鬆繞過正版驗證程式的方法,這意味著WGA計畫已被攻破,微軟陷入尷尬境地。
WGA計畫中所採用的反盜版技術手段的關鍵就是正版驗證程式,它能識別出使用者所使用的Windows系統是否正版,未通過驗證的用戶將無法下載資源。它就好比一把鎖,將盜版用戶擋在了微軟下載中心和Microsoft Update網站的大門外。
這個比喻比較形象。正版驗證程式以流覽器外掛程式形式提供,當訪問微軟下載中心和Microsoft Update網站時,系統會提示你安裝,只有安裝並通過正版驗證的用戶才可以自由下載資源。
而使用算號器算號、破解程式破解以及大部分批量授權版WinXP的盜版用戶將無法通過驗證,也就無法下載微軟的大部分資源。當然,出於安全性考慮,盜版用戶依舊可以下載重要的安全補丁。這也許是微軟在反盜版策略和系統安全方面所取的一個平衡點。 看上去微軟對這個WGA計畫寄予了厚望。但剛宣佈實施,還不到一天時間就被攻破,這似乎太出人意料了吧?而且,這也不是第一次了,在該計畫試行階段,正版驗證程式就曾被攻破過。 的確如此,破解的方法非常簡單。如果你的WinXP系統已經安裝了SP2,那麼只要在IE的管理載入項視窗中禁用Windows Genuine Advantage這一控制項,就可以完全跳過WGA驗證。當然,還有其他幾種方法,不過這種方法不僅最簡單,而且是利用微軟自己軟體的功能實現的。 用微軟的矛刺微軟的盾,這也太具有諷刺意味了吧?微軟反盜版無可厚非,但這麼重要的計畫,竟然可以用如此簡單的方法破解,微軟這次可是丟臉丟大了。
這其實是一個見仁見智的問題了。我個人覺得,主要的原因是微軟並沒有真正在這上面下功夫。WGA計畫的主要目的並不是為了限制盜版用戶,而是希望能夠給正版用戶更加深刻的體驗,例如正版用戶可以安裝新版本的Windows Media Player、Windows Movie Maker等提高系統可用性的程式,但這些並不是運行Windows所必需的。微軟希望的是給正版用戶更多實惠,以此來影響盜版用戶,讓他們改弦更張。
以微軟的技術,也許可以使用更複雜的加密方式來保護自己的產品。不過如果弄得所有盜版用戶都無法繼續使用Windows,那麼它的市場份額必定會被其他作業系統搶走。所以寧肯讓大家用自己的盜版,也好過讓大家都用別人的程式,這也是搶佔市場份額的一種手段吧。 應該說,微軟對盜版的感情是複雜的。但微軟既然表態,“希望給正版用戶更加深刻的體驗”,現在WGA計畫卻這麼輕易地被攻破,無論如何也說不過去,花了錢和不花錢得到的服務是一樣的,這讓正版用戶怎麼想呢?
我猜測,也許以後每個微軟的程式在安裝的時候都會主動進行驗證。前段時間微軟發佈了一個可以用於共用電腦控制許可權的軟體,名叫Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit,在安裝這個軟體的時候就需要聯網進行WGA驗證。相對下載前的驗證,這種方式破解起來會更難,當然也並非完全不可能被破解。
7月26日,微軟宣佈,在全球範圍內正式啟動WGA計畫,將正版驗證程式擴大到微軟下載中心和Microsoft Update網站,未通過正版驗證的用戶將無法下載資源。看來,微軟已經做好了反盜版的一切準備。然而,還不到一天的時間,國外就傳出了讓盜版用戶輕鬆繞過正版驗證程式的方法,這意味著WGA計畫已被攻破,微軟陷入尷尬境地。
WGA計畫中所採用的反盜版技術手段的關鍵就是正版驗證程式,它能識別出使用者所使用的Windows系統是否正版,未通過驗證的用戶將無法下載資源。它就好比一把鎖,將盜版用戶擋在了微軟下載中心和Microsoft Update網站的大門外。
這個比喻比較形象。正版驗證程式以流覽器外掛程式形式提供,當訪問微軟下載中心和Microsoft Update網站時,系統會提示你安裝,只有安裝並通過正版驗證的用戶才可以自由下載資源。
而使用算號器算號、破解程式破解以及大部分批量授權版WinXP的盜版用戶將無法通過驗證,也就無法下載微軟的大部分資源。當然,出於安全性考慮,盜版用戶依舊可以下載重要的安全補丁。這也許是微軟在反盜版策略和系統安全方面所取的一個平衡點。 看上去微軟對這個WGA計畫寄予了厚望。但剛宣佈實施,還不到一天時間就被攻破,這似乎太出人意料了吧?而且,這也不是第一次了,在該計畫試行階段,正版驗證程式就曾被攻破過。 的確如此,破解的方法非常簡單。如果你的WinXP系統已經安裝了SP2,那麼只要在IE的管理載入項視窗中禁用Windows Genuine Advantage這一控制項,就可以完全跳過WGA驗證。當然,還有其他幾種方法,不過這種方法不僅最簡單,而且是利用微軟自己軟體的功能實現的。 用微軟的矛刺微軟的盾,這也太具有諷刺意味了吧?微軟反盜版無可厚非,但這麼重要的計畫,竟然可以用如此簡單的方法破解,微軟這次可是丟臉丟大了。
這其實是一個見仁見智的問題了。我個人覺得,主要的原因是微軟並沒有真正在這上面下功夫。WGA計畫的主要目的並不是為了限制盜版用戶,而是希望能夠給正版用戶更加深刻的體驗,例如正版用戶可以安裝新版本的Windows Media Player、Windows Movie Maker等提高系統可用性的程式,但這些並不是運行Windows所必需的。微軟希望的是給正版用戶更多實惠,以此來影響盜版用戶,讓他們改弦更張。
以微軟的技術,也許可以使用更複雜的加密方式來保護自己的產品。不過如果弄得所有盜版用戶都無法繼續使用Windows,那麼它的市場份額必定會被其他作業系統搶走。所以寧肯讓大家用自己的盜版,也好過讓大家都用別人的程式,這也是搶佔市場份額的一種手段吧。 應該說,微軟對盜版的感情是複雜的。但微軟既然表態,“希望給正版用戶更加深刻的體驗”,現在WGA計畫卻這麼輕易地被攻破,無論如何也說不過去,花了錢和不花錢得到的服務是一樣的,這讓正版用戶怎麼想呢?
我猜測,也許以後每個微軟的程式在安裝的時候都會主動進行驗證。前段時間微軟發佈了一個可以用於共用電腦控制許可權的軟體,名叫Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit,在安裝這個軟體的時候就需要聯網進行WGA驗證。相對下載前的驗證,這種方式破解起來會更難,當然也並非完全不可能被破解。
ATV 2.0
compare TVB and ATV, most of ppl will choose TVB. today i am not going to discuss why this happen, but talk about how the thing can turn over.
i think, the key stone is ATV 2.0. actually, ATV is trying to go to this direction, but lack of method. As we can see, ATV has make few programs that made from audience, like 兒童台, 第一手真相, 百萬富翁. this is very creative and brave move for this company. but why this still can't bring any life, energy to it??
in the past TV program is passive, audience is passively receive what TV provide, they only can choose is channel. facing the threat from payment TV, ATV try to make something that can interact with audience, to let audience get involve. this is ATV 1.5
to become ATV2.0, audience need more room to the policy, to join making decision. Forum is a choice, but not the best. let me suggest a way, using mobile phone to send msg, and show the msg on TV instantly. for example, when there is a game show again, ppl can send msg, let them say something related to the show. may be ppl think this question is too hard, may be someone give answer, give more resource about the question. the key concept is let ppl get involve, to join the program.
to an extreme, ATV and display a msg slide bar on TV, so ppl can say anything on that, 24hr, 7 day a week. or, just a program to display msg, when there is midnight. it is better than show old program.
if ppl discuss more and more about ATV, and more and more ppl with join and watch ATV. that's make money!
beside get more voice from ppl, ATv also need to be globalize, like Pearl, buy more foreign programs, or add a new slide bar for world wide. now aday, ppl is not satisfy with local news, but world news!
the last thing may be, change the color, i dont know why ATV love to use color make ppl feel ti is old, lack of energy, and ppl on that channel always old guys.. everything look like a channel designed for retried ppl. WHY??
i think, the key stone is ATV 2.0. actually, ATV is trying to go to this direction, but lack of method. As we can see, ATV has make few programs that made from audience, like 兒童台, 第一手真相, 百萬富翁. this is very creative and brave move for this company. but why this still can't bring any life, energy to it??
in the past TV program is passive, audience is passively receive what TV provide, they only can choose is channel. facing the threat from payment TV, ATV try to make something that can interact with audience, to let audience get involve. this is ATV 1.5
to become ATV2.0, audience need more room to the policy, to join making decision. Forum is a choice, but not the best. let me suggest a way, using mobile phone to send msg, and show the msg on TV instantly. for example, when there is a game show again, ppl can send msg, let them say something related to the show. may be ppl think this question is too hard, may be someone give answer, give more resource about the question. the key concept is let ppl get involve, to join the program.
to an extreme, ATV and display a msg slide bar on TV, so ppl can say anything on that, 24hr, 7 day a week. or, just a program to display msg, when there is midnight. it is better than show old program.
if ppl discuss more and more about ATV, and more and more ppl with join and watch ATV. that's make money!
beside get more voice from ppl, ATv also need to be globalize, like Pearl, buy more foreign programs, or add a new slide bar for world wide. now aday, ppl is not satisfy with local news, but world news!
the last thing may be, change the color, i dont know why ATV love to use color make ppl feel ti is old, lack of energy, and ppl on that channel always old guys.. everything look like a channel designed for retried ppl. WHY??
Sunday, February 04, 2007
The Link
i propose a new business direction for "the link".
the link - a logistic corp. for small business/shop/company
since the link control most public estate shopping centers, so alot shope places. if it can develop a logistic sub-crop. to organize the supply and demand for all the shops, it will be a huge business.
among all estate shops, a lot of different kind, differernt needs for each of them. if "the link" can realy conduct this business, build up a effective system like walmark, this business will be as huge as PK.
think about it, "the link"!
instead of focusing on profit, but always act against small business, killing them by price. how about coorperate with them?? river come from small stream.
the link - a logistic corp. for small business/shop/company
since the link control most public estate shopping centers, so alot shope places. if it can develop a logistic sub-crop. to organize the supply and demand for all the shops, it will be a huge business.
among all estate shops, a lot of different kind, differernt needs for each of them. if "the link" can realy conduct this business, build up a effective system like walmark, this business will be as huge as PK.
think about it, "the link"!
instead of focusing on profit, but always act against small business, killing them by price. how about coorperate with them?? river come from small stream.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
a letter
hey tim,
as you know rss become more and mroe important to collect and select info. for me, i am now added rss for some HK and USA newspapers and some online journals. do you think a coustomized page that you can display everything you want to see in one webpage??
i mean, to build a page that you can set anything you like to read (may be
only head line, since alot of things), and you can set it as homepage??
the setting may be like this:
you choose from webpage, choose from topic, choose from keywords, photos, sounds, what ever, and matching with click-counter to ensure that think is really related to your interest.
this is a powerful version of rss. since it is a collector of rss.
as you know rss become more and mroe important to collect and select info. for me, i am now added rss for some HK and USA newspapers and some online journals. do you think a coustomized page that you can display everything you want to see in one webpage??
i mean, to build a page that you can set anything you like to read (may be
only head line, since alot of things), and you can set it as homepage??
the setting may be like this:
you choose from webpage, choose from topic, choose from keywords, photos, sounds, what ever, and matching with click-counter to ensure that think is really related to your interest.
this is a powerful version of rss. since it is a collector of rss.
Friday, February 02, 2007
a funny conservation
two guys need to go to a meeting.
after that, a conversation has been conducted
A: have you gone to the meeting today??
B: how about you??
A: i know the answer.
B: me too :D
after that, a conversation has been conducted
A: have you gone to the meeting today??
B: how about you??
A: i know the answer.
B: me too :D
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